As an adult, Cu Chulainn became a bloodthirsty, upright, brave and militant warrior.

As soon as he starts fighting, his body will transform into a terrifying form.

“One eye is sunken, the other is abnormally protruding, and the mouth is wide open and the ears are grinning;

The head also became abnormally large, with a strange light, which was creepy.

Finally, the hair stands on end and is as hard as temple hair! "

This is the image of Cú Chulainn, a warrior of a certain period, that the poet later sung and sung.

Although there are some deviations, Cu Chulainn at that time was indeed more vicious and murderous than the dog brother that people know now.

It was a spearman with a dark and ominous posture, his whole body was like a war weapon, and the bright red spear in his hand was covered with barbs.

Black Lancer——!

People shuddered when they saw such a dog brother, and suddenly took a deep breath,

That is——Cu Chulainn?

They thought with some uncertainty,

It is not even possible to determine whether this warrior is Cu Chulainn.

His cold, bloodthirsty eyes,

It is really difficult for people to associate him with the warm, cheerful, and free-spirited Blue Lancer.


The screen turned and a battlefield appeared.

People saw the fault of how the Lancer went from blue to black step by step.

At the beginning——

Conrot's army reached Ulster's borders for the first time.

There was a man who had been waiting here for a long time, and he single-handedly stood in front of people.

The man smiled disdainfully, and with the power of one hand and one eye, he twisted the thick oak tree into a twist and forced it into a garland.

He wants the soldiers in the army to have people who can do the same thing as him, and then he will let these people go!


Cu Chulainn came to stop these foreign armies from advancing.

At this time, he did not have the idea of ​​killing, but also wanted to solve the problem peacefully, so he came up with such a way to frighten the enemy and create difficulties.

Although warlike - he did not want the country to fall into war.

This also allows people to see Cu Chulainn's shining point as a hero.

On the other side, Cornwater's army was naturally frightened. They were all greatly shaken and hesitated for a while.

A huge army was unable to move forward because of one person. This is probably one of the most embarrassing scenes in human history!

How absurd!

(And the expressions of the soldiers...

For details, please refer to some ordinary human warriors. When you see the heroic spirits fighting, you will know what their expressions look like in a mythical reenactment!

Or, it's not comparable to the Uruk soldiers who were frightened when they saw the snake god, but it's a bit like that! )

Chapter 1,506 It doesn’t matter if you add more money, your thighs must be alive to hold you!

No matter how powerful and elite the soldiers are, no one can be said to be as perfect as Cu Chulainn in sheer strength.

The Celtics regard glory as more important than life.

However, Cu Chulainn asked the soldiers to risk their 'reputation' and did the same thing.

This made it impossible for them to ignore Cu Chulain's behavior. Even if they pretended not to see anything, the humiliation in their hearts prevented them from easily getting past Cu Chulain.

So the army was temporarily intercepted outside.

But soon, at the urging of Queen Maeve, they had to take action again.

Soon - the second, third, and even the Nth encounter also appeared one after another.

The hero Cu Chulainn constantly creates levels and trials to block the advance of the army.

No matter how the army detours, they will always meet this man.

But after getting all this news, Maeve on the other side lost her patience! !

She forcibly ordered the soldiers to ignore Cu Chulainn and advance.

All the other Ulster men are as fragile as glass men anyway.

Out of loyalty to the queen, the soldiers abandoned their honor and principles and began to march on,

And this also angered Cu Chulainn!

Maeve's decision unleashed a demon;

At this moment, people looked at that scene with some familiarity,

Isn't this the same scene as when Red A stimulated Brother Dog?

Disregarding the honor of a warrior and trampling it on under one's feet...

For a time, people got excited,

Now let’s see what Brother Dog will do.

We'll know how Cu Chulainn will treat Red A later!

This can be used as a lesson learned from the past!

——At this time, people have not realized the seriousness of the matter, and their mentality is still stable and calm.

But then, people saw what it means when a hero becomes angry, and how... terrifying it can be! !

That would be a scene like purgatory on earth!

As Connaught's army advanced,

Cu Chulainn was forced to start killing,

What started as warning killings of two or three quickly turned into an uncontrolled mass killing! !

From the front army to the middle army, they smashed the army from the front.

The furious Cu Chulainn turned into a bloodthirsty war weapon. Gradually - the blood on his body became more and more, and it solidified into dark brown.

After being bathed in a large amount of blood, the blue armor began to turn dark and bright red.

In the end, the entire front line became that one person's battlefield!

This is a war between a kingdom and one man!

People finally saw how the black spearmen were made.

At this time, his ferocious appearance alone scared many Connaught warriors to death.

When thousands of people died under Cu Chulainn's spear, finally——

No one dared to challenge this devil anymore.

They were afraid, terrified, and lived in fear under the shadow of a person's name.

And after that fear was spread, it finally became the monster described by poets,

that image that was not like a human!

So, in the end-even Fergus had to step out to mediate helplessly.

He made an agreement with Cu Chulainn to let Cu Chulainn give up slaughtering the army,

but as a condition,

Connacht must send a real warrior to duel every day.

During the battle, the Connacht people can march,

but they must stop advancing immediately after the duel.

Everyone showed surprised expressions, looking at this obviously unfair agreement.

Cu Chulainn alone killed the enemy country and frightened them.

Even if they did not accept this agreement, the so-called Connacht people would have no way to deal with it!

But once such an agreement is signed, won't it give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it?

Although people were shocked by Cu Chulainn's horrible performance on the battlefield,

that terrible fighting power!

Should we say that he is a hero who is worthy of being a demigod like Hercules and Gilgamesh?

But before fighting with the army, most of the people killed were ordinary human soldiers.

It is still unknown how many people can be called real warriors...

If there are future heroes among them.

People can't help but think -

Cu Chulainn is not too arrogant!

Even if he faces a powerful warrior, it is impossible to solve the battle in an instant!

At this time, the enemy's army can take the opportunity to quickly wreak havoc on his land.

As expected -

Queen Maeve on the other side also thinks so.

After listening to the content of this agreement, she felt that it was better to die one person a day than a hundred people a day.

But she thought more -

According to the queen's little calculation, even if she couldn't find someone to defeat Cu Chulainn, she could rely on a round-the-clock battle to tire him out.

It was also from this time that Maeve began to pay close attention to the hero Cu Chulainn.

Sometimes those who know which heroes are often not their friends,

but those who have been enemies with the heroes.

Just like the Greeks are all Uncle B fans, whether they are friends or enemies of Hercules, they all admire this man from the bottom of their hearts.


In the early Celtic world, in the era of Cu Chulainn, all Celts were Cu Chulainn fans.

Among them, Queen Maeve is definitely one of the most obsessed with him.

At the beginning,

there were indeed many warriors who volunteered to challenge Cu Chulainn under the queen's call!

But they were all killed by Cu Chulainn in a flash!

The name of the magic spear that must be killed was achieved!

Whether it was a well-known hero or a new warrior who wanted to become famous in one battle! Those powerful ones!

But they all fell on the tip of the spear of a more powerful hero!

Its bright red magic spear-'Guy, Bolger' can penetrate all those who are enemies with it!

Even in the era of King Arthur, those powerful knights more or less had one or two powerful enemies in their destiny,

but that seemed to be non-existent in Cu Chulainn at this time.

Not to mention the enemies who can fight, it is hard to find people who can even survive one round!

Now people understand where the self-confidence of Gou Ge comes from!

He is confident that signing such an unfair agreement is not self-destructive and intends to give up protecting the country.

But it is out of strong confidence in his own strength!

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