He has no doubt that those products are genuine!

But definitely in the future,

Instead, people were even more confused and frightened by the ‘reality’ in front of them.

Not an illusion! It’s not a mirror world either!

But the real world!

Red A's trump card actually created a world?

My eyes are splitting...! People's hearts were beating so fast that they were about to explode!

At this time, their little heads were filled with countless confusions and fears!

That's not right... Is Red A so strong?

Will Emiya Shirou be so strong in the future?

What kind of Noble Phantasm can achieve this level!

Even the Hero King Gilgamesh couldn't accomplish such an amazing feat!

The noble phantoms of the heroic spirits all correspond to part of the legend before them——

Do you want to tell them that Shirou Emiya completed a creation similar to the legendary god Tiamat during his lifetime? !

What a joke!

When I saw the inherent barrier for the first time, I couldn't understand the special technique. In addition, after the technique was transformed into a Noble Phantasm, it became even more difficult to understand the essence.

Even the god Hermitus was blinded;

Not to mention the others!

At this time, everyone regarded the scene in front of them as a real world!

This also made them think that Red A's strength was instantly exaggerated and fantasized inflated countless times!

A simply immeasurable improvement in the world! At this time, people were feeling chills and their hair stood on end because of this horrific scene!

If it should be described,

Just like an ordinary person who was originally thought to be powerless, suddenly turned into Tiga, even more outrageous!

The huge gap from people's original expectations is what makes them feel frightened!

And at this time,

Rin, Saber, and Shirou were also brought into such a special world.

And Shirou was kneeling on the ground looking at the scene in front of him in great shock.

Because his movements did not change after he was knocked down before,

After entering the inherent barrier, Shirou still maintained his previous embarrassed posture.

This also caused him to feel as if he was conquered by the horror of the sword world in front of him.

For a time, the inherent barrier of the infinite sword system was made more powerful and mysterious.


After people heard Rin's popular science, they began to understand the essence of the scene in front of them... what it was!

"The inherent barrier - the great forbidden spell that materializes the mental landscape and corrodes the world!

In other words, you are neither a swordsman nor an archer..."

‘——A magician? ! ’ People’s minds automatically completed the next sentence that Rin didn’t say!

at the same time--

Their eyes widened even more!

Not creation, but—magic? Great forbidden curse? !

Slightly stunned——

People quickly embraced the concept.

Even understanding is very fast! There is a sense of urgency!

In other words, compared to any absurd or magical explanation,

There is nothing more terrifying than the original conjecture about the creation of the world, and the change of everything in one thought.

Even knowing that this is magic,

Although I am still amazed, what kind of magic can achieve such an incredible and terrifying scene!

But people found themselves inexplicably relieved?

It’s so nice not to be in the real world, isn’t it?

As for the concept of materializing mental landscapes, related information quickly emerged in people's minds.

At this time, Red A's strength was no longer so exaggerated in people's eyes.


"The landscape of the mind turns into a small world - replacing the big world outside! What level of art is this! It already involves a lot of powerful principles!" Even the heroes and magicians from other worlds felt solemn,

They all somewhat agreed with the statement about the Great Forbidden Curse!

Not only for that era,

Even in their time,

This kind of magic (magic) that can easily change the world,

It is simply not a technique that humans can master!

Such an exaggerated technique——

Is it really something that cannot be controlled by gods?

What about magic power consumption?

Is the magic required to maintain such a world really okay?

For a time, various questions emerged in people's minds.

At this time, the red A also expressed——

Before he became a Heroic Spirit, his real profession was actually that of a magician!

At this moment, the world where people stood in front of this sword was completely silent!

Regarding being an archer - but he likes close combat,

The liberation of the Noble Phantasm is a magic-level ultimate move! Is he normal for such an archer?

Chapter 1518: Everyone: I’ll kill ‘myself’ first with my backhand!

In a world of absolute silence——

In the Wasteland of Swords, the oncoming cold wind hit people's cheeks painfully.

Even if you know that everything in front of you is the embodiment of the world of mental images and a kind of magic,

People were still stiff in place.

Compared with any theoretical understanding,

The instinct of human beings as creatures is to make them trust their own perceptions more.

A trace of sweat slipped down the side of their faces, and they looked at the red A standing in the center of the world without saying a word;

The atmosphere is a little bad!

This sense of fear and psychological oppression,

People can clearly feel that it is all an illusion brought about by themselves,

However, the physical discomfort caused by visual, tactile, and auditory effects is not so easy to overcome.

Even if you tell yourself in your heart, you don’t have to be afraid of these things.

It's just magic——!

But as expected, still——

"What kind of magic can replace the real world with the inner world?!"

grass~~! ! So perverted! Even Hermitus, the god of alchemy, wants to curse now.

This kind of magic is so unreasonable!

‘Never mind, never mind! Humans are truly incredible creatures! To be able to research such taboo magic! ’

Even he, a god, doesn't have such a powerful technique, but the future Shirou Emiya will...

He was obviously just an ordinary person during his lifetime, and he was considered a half-assed magician!

But after death, he will actually possess this kind of treasure!

‘Can’t think, can’t understand! ’

At this moment, people don’t know whether Red A is strong or not, but it does shock everyone.

So that countless people in the future will use this to establish the standard for strong people.

(You can’t even expand the inherent barrier, how dare you say that you are strong?

If you don't know how to use magic in close combat?

Won't? Then melee combat and archery are also possible, right?

As a strong person, shouldn’t he be able to wear multiple hats with ease?

Choose from seven job agencies!

In the name of Caster, holding Archer's weapon, fighting like Saber!

Shouldn't this kind of power be the standard for a truly strong person? )

At this time, Red A also started to pretend to be as skillful as eating and drinking, and said indifferently: "Because I have neither a holy sword nor a magic sword.

All I have is this world.

If the Noble Phantasm is a symbol of heroic spirits.

This inherent barrier is my Noble Phantasm!

Any weapon can be copied and hidden here after seeing its prototype.

This is my ability as a heroic spirit. "

"This is……

Did you...die in such a wilderness, Archer? "

"Hmph, I dare you to say it. Do you want to give it a try, Saber?

I can also copy your holy sword and show it to you. "

As the inherent barrier unfolds,

This is a powerful treasure that has never been used by the pair of dog brothers.

People were finally convinced that Archer had been paddling before.

The B-level spiral sword is already his trump card.

Compared with the scene in front of me, the bow and arrow shot by Fantasy Collapse completely pale into insignificance!

What makes people even more horrified and incredible is that Red A's real trump card is actually the Noble Phantasm of Projection?

Even...even the Holy Sword can be projected? !

People were shocked!

Even if Artoria's holy sword is not as outrageous as the sword of salvation in the old sword's hand,

But it is still a product of the stars,

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