A powerful Noble Phantasm that can release the breath of stars.

The first known light cannon!

If even a Noble Phantasm of that level could be copied,

People have to recalculate the true strength of Red A!

Isn’t this already invincible?

If the projection of the Noble Phantasm had no limit!

Suddenly - everyone thought of something.

The King of Heroes possesses all the treasures of this world,

There are countless treasures in the King's Treasure!

Even he himself probably can’t count them all!

There are more than tens of millions of treasures that have appeared throughout the history of mankind on this planet...

Not only the past and present, but also the future Noble Phantasms can be included.

However, in the face of such cheating ability,

The only thing that can correspond to it is a Noble Phantasm with the same bug, or even more unreasonable!

For a time, people seemed to have found the real reason why Shining would lose to Emiya Shirou in the future.

Apply the idea that Red A and Shirou are the same person.

A member of the Red A Club, Shirou should also be able to do so in the future,

And after defeating Red A, it becomes even stronger!

Then a classic guessing picture emerged in people's minds.

Twinkle releases the king's treasure,

Emiya Shirou can copy, paste, and reproduce the same Noble Phantasm. He can even copy larger quantities to directly counter Super Shine and suppress it!

Especially the legendary EA, if it can be copied,

Oooh~! Just thinking about that scene makes people feel numb!

If you look at it this way, at the end of the short film, Shining might have lost even if he used EA?

This kind of complete copy, the ability of the fake to be as good as the original is simply too unreasonable!

He really has such a perverted treasure,

Even the gods trembled at it!

However, everyone who just thought this way,

But soon I heard Red A self-destructing. Although it can project the holy sword, it must be at the cost of self-destruction.

Even that silly holy sword was so difficult to project,

Not to mention the two swords Shining and Old Sword.

The limit (upper limit) of projection magic is just like the great magic that seems to create the world in front of you. Does it just look more intimidating?

People breathed a sigh of relief thinking this,

(Until the future, I see the giant Emiya rubbing his hands against God’s creation!

Everyone in the future: ‘Courtesy: You? ’

They may think that the mere holy sword is the limit of Emiya Shirou, and they may think that it is the upper limit of projection magic. Sure enough, they are too naive.

Everyone: Emiya Shirou: What does the limit of Red A have to do with me, Emiya Shirou? )


Red A's self-destruction of the projection's flaw at this time was naturally not to make Shirou and Saber relax.


Such an open and honest statement about his current limit, that level of power, is even more convincing.

Then the red A said,

If it's a wave, Saber probably won't be able to guarantee the safety of those around her!

This is almost a conspiracy!

As for Red A, he still wants to kill Shirou even if he destroys himself and has his spirit base shattered.


Crazy~! ! They all began to pity Shirou Emiya!

I feel that Shirou at this time is too innocent and pitiful.

I provoked whomever,

My future self comes back and chases my present self crazily!

If you were given a chance to go back in time, would you use it to do this?

Simply inhumane!

There is no greater disaster than this. If it were them, they would have been driven to panic!

Don't worry about whether the person facing you is your future heroic spirit. Let's kill this little brat who wants to kill him first!

If you really don't want to die, you'll kill yourself, and the ashes of anyone else will be scattered!

If you die, your future self will definitely be dead too!

Anyway, I will never accept this frustration! ! ——Thought after some ruthless person brought into Shirou's character.

Chapter 1519 He stood up, but it seemed like he wasn’t fully up yet!

Even if he already knew that Red A was unusually persistent towards Shirou,

But this level of madness,

It’s really beyond people’s imagination!

At the same time, countless blue light particles condensed on the top of Red A's head, and finally formed several sword-shaped Noble Phantasms, preparing to launch a covering fire attack on Saber and others.

But at this time, Shirou couldn't hold it in any longer.

He crossed Saber angrily and rushed out,

Under the dusk, sunset, and fluttering clouds, the back of the young man running towards the red A without hesitation caught people's eyes.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment,

The reflection in people's pupils seemed to be in slow motion, with every step clearly visible, as if Shirou was running amid the interference of time stasis.

They were slightly stunned,

Then he reacted——

It's not that time has stood still, but that the picture in front of you has slowed down!

This should be a picture that appeared to better facilitate their attention on the boy's every move.

at the same time……

In this silent world, the background BGM suddenly changed and became exciting!


——? !

Some of it is incomprehensible,

Obviously - he (Emiya Shirou) is not a person who loses his mind easily.

But now - give it away for free?

Although there is not much attention anymore, people still know a little about Shirou Emiya.

... He doesn't cherish his body and doesn't know how to act within his ability, but Shirou Emiya is not a stupid guy.

He also knows how to act according to circumstances,

Understand fear...

I was also afraid of fighting Berserker when I faced him.

But now... what drives him to dare to challenge another Servant!


That person is still my ‘future’!

No matter how you look at it, your future self will be more powerful than your current self!

People will grow!

It is almost impossible for a grown individual to be weaker than the ungrown self.

Speaking of which,

If Shirou Emiya hadn't suddenly rushed out, people would have almost forgotten this protagonist.

Because I haven't had his highlight scenes for so long.

And in the face of the joys and sorrows of those legendary heroes,

In front of the magnificent past, long-cherished wishes, and stories of those heroes, there was nothing worthy of attention or attraction in Shirou Emiya.

No, not at all.

There are related and similar messages between him and Red A that have been exposed before.

It also makes people always want to find out their connection,

Their past! and different!

Unlike other stories of heroic spirits,

Throughout the entire main line, the relationship between Red A and Emiya Shirou is shown from time to time.

and conflicting ideas,

Although people don't realize it,

But they do remember those little details, and deep down they look forward to the moment when the mysterious veil is lifted.

But Shirou had always been very weak and unreasonable before.

This expectation has also become far away, and it seems that the day when I will get the answer is not in sight.

Such a weak Shirou Emiya rushed out at this time so unwisely...

That’s why people subconsciously pop up the words “Free?!”

This scene is undoubtedly a bit silly!

But it’s also full of confusion! Incredible!

No normal person would choose this self-destructive option;

But Shirou did it!

If he wasn't stupid, then what kind of confidence did he have to dare to stand up at this time and face the red ace alone!

Just because these countless thoughts came to my mind in one moment,

People were confused, dazed, and surprised at Shirou's every move at this moment!

Not sure!

Plus the slow motion,

There were countless close-ups of Shirou, and the background began to become passionate BGM,

It seemed to indicate that something unusual was coming.


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