This statement is wrong!

Those human beings who foolishly sent the heroes who saved them to the guillotine with their own hands are not worthy of Red A to atone for their sins!

People clenched their fists, feeling unworthy of it!

Red A: “If I was guilty, I would have paid it back by then.

Initially I didn’t crave the gratitude of others;

I never wanted to be praised as a hero.

I just hope that everyone can get a happy ending,

But this also failed to materialize. "

People are silent...

Hermitos' eyes flickered and he sighed inwardly, Archer...does this 'everyone can get a happy ending' include yourself?

Perhaps it is by devaluing yourself in this way that you will reach this ideal end!

He was reminded of Emiya Shirou's twisted nature.

If you just do some good deeds within your power in life, it won't affect a person too much.

But precisely because Emiya Shirou never considered whether he could achieve his goal of salvation,

Never consider the word 'within one's ability',

In the end, you will feel despair when you face a tragedy that you cannot completely save!

Red A: “Whether before life or after death,

I understand that the Guardian is a device that operates automatically.

After death, the existence that becomes a guardian will escape the scope of reincarnation.

Become a tool to protect human history.

Even if this is the case, it is acceptable if it can save, save people who are in trouble.

However, the reality is not like this! "

Finally, Red A's expression turned ferocious, becoming extremely angry and terrifying!

So - in the end, I found that reality was different from imagination,

From saving people to killing people.

Have you gone crazy if you are constantly assigned by the inhibitory force to do the executioner's job?

Looking at such a red A that looked like a demon, Hermitus sighed for it!

Poor man, miserable experience!

Not to mention that all this was just the wishful thinking of Shirou Emiya during his lifetime.

Inhibition is not so kind to help him realize his ideal!

After all, the guardian's duty is not just to save, but also includes the concept of purification. Sometimes...

With loyalty guaranteed, it might be more efficient to let evil people who are not soft-hearted and have no emotional conscience do such things.

for example……

That Father Pleasure looks much more suitable!

Compared to Red A who will be tortured by seeing hell,

That Kotomine Kirei would probably laugh out loud and enjoy it!

People all think of it with malicious intent.

Hiss~! People feel bad again when they think of the man who hides so deeply.

Maybe it’s because of people’s ‘missing’? Although this longing makes people feel very cold,


The scene turned and returned to Rin and Mapo again.

"The fake priest who died without a burial place!!" Rin shouted emotionally.

"Don't tell me that hell won't take you in. Even the guards in purgatory are shameless and don't dare to take you in.

You loser, just go to the unnatural kingdom of heaven and enjoy a feast of acupuncture! "

Even when faced with the humiliation of being deceived for ten years, even when faced with the enemy who killed his father, Rin cursed so politely at this time that he could not use foul language.

This level of verbal slander made people feel powerless for Mapo, let alone Mapo.


When people looked in the direction of the priest, Mapo's mouth was making a wider arc.

He no longer hides his badness at all.

That appearance has completely merged with the face of the villain in people's imagination.

Then the second master still didn't know himself and didn't feel the danger, so he ran out carelessly and said that he should continue to hand Rin over to him.

Rin is his!

But Mapo suddenly changed her mind.

He said that business is more important. Once Saber and Archer are dead, the Holy Grail will almost arrive!

A Holy Grail Container is needed for this!

He orders Cu Chulainn to take Rin's heart now.

Everyone was startled, and then paused: "What is this?"

Conscience discovered?


Although Shenji is not allowed to touch Rin.

Also for the purpose of using Rin more efficiently,

If you want to prepare a container for the coming of that Holy Grail!

This also reminds people of what Flash said to Shirou, Rin and others when he left after killing Uncle B.

Keep Rin as the container of the Holy Grail.

It’s really a container!


If Rin who abandoned the 'useless heart' is the qualified container in their mouth!


People suddenly remembered the heart that was taken away from Illya.

This made their eyelids jump!

You went to great lengths to dig out Illya's heart just to change it into a container so that the Holy Grail can come?


Can't Ilia?

They all felt aggrieved for Illya.

Is this looking down on people? The original owner is not even qualified to be captured?

He had to dig out Illya's heart and put it in Rin's body.

So what is the point of killing a little loli in front of berserker, or is it just Gilgamesh's unilateral bad taste.

People: "...! The king...has fallen!"

Everyone lamented.

How did the wise king, who obviously liked children very much, grow up to be so dark and disabled in the future?

Where has the wise and virtuous king gone?

He also hung out with Shenji and Mapo, which made people couldn't help but wonder if Mapo influenced Shining.

Dye Shining black too!

Chapter 1,527 The world line is staggered here, and he can no longer become the red A!

However, the opposite is true!

Mapo: ‘…’

If it weren't for the King of Heroes' instigation ten years ago, the beast that allowed him to liberate himself turned into a pleasure criminal.

There wouldn’t be so many tragedies anymore.

Ten years from now, maybe there will be a great chef in Fuyuki City who can make extra spicy mapo tofu!

Shining delayed the birth of a great chef.

Okay, what would the lancer do?

You can't disobey the Master's orders, right?

People's hearts dropped.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him changed and returned to Shirou's side.

Everyone: "!!!"

‘Fuck…I knew it! ’ Such thoughts flashed through people’s hearts.

I really don’t want them to read a script properly!

And here,

No matter what people think in their hearts,

Red A continued to talk to Shirou: "As a guardian, you cannot save mankind."

Continuously instilling negative thoughts into Shirou Emiya and his past self is like encouraging Shirou Emiya to commit suicide quickly!

“The guardian’s duty is only to clean up the aftermath.

What has happened, the sin caused by mankind, uses its power to reduce its existence to nothingness,

Just humans who are harmful to the survival of the primate world,

Just a killer who deals with good and evil,

How stupid! What is the difference from the powerless me back then? "

Saber: "It would be better to save just one more person.

In the end, you never achieved it even once. "

Red A: "Yes, I kill the things I save with my own hands.

In order to realize this boring wish of a righteous partner.

I'm tired of constantly cleaning up humanity's messes,

However, as a heroic spirit, I can only repeat this matter over and over again.

If I never existed,

If I could be eliminated, like this...! "

Did Saber say that this was the reason why he wanted to kill Shirou? I want my own birth to be completely eliminated and disappear!

Everyone: "!!!"

I originally thought that Red A simply denied Shirou's ideals and wanted to kill Shirou because he was resentful of his past innocence and immaturity...

That's just a simple expression of anger!

But the real reason is to make oneself ‘cannot be born again’?

That...that's completely wrong! It is no longer a matter of simply killing yourself.

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