Instead, he kills himself... to achieve the purpose of killing himself...!

Cruel person!

Fundamentally eliminate the possibility of your own appearance,

If we do this, Red A will never appear again in history, then wouldn’t the tragedies experienced by Red A become meaningless?

After enduring so much pain, I don't want revenge, but I want to completely reject myself and plunge into the abyss...!

Is this something a human can do?

Everyone's face twitched,

Then I heard Saber denying Red A's idea.

Regardless of whether they are guardians or ordinary heroic spirits, they have already separated from the wheel of time when they became heroic spirits.

Even if Shirou is killed, Red A can no longer disappear!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he has become an independent individual.

Because of this, heroic spirits can appear and be active in various eras that are not their own, even in the past era!

‘Is there anything else you can say? ’ Everyone already knew a lot about world lines, parallel worlds, three-dimensional intersection parallel worlds, etc. Everyone who was no longer a novice quickly understood what was going on.


But Red A said in an indifferent tone: "If not only the body is destroyed, but also the belief is destroyed,

At least……

In this world, the mistake of being a righteous partner would never happen.

What about Emiya Shirou, if you don't approve of me, just commit suicide here. "

He said...

At least this world,

At least let this world be without righteous partners!

After hearing Red A's true words, everyone was stunned for a moment.

It is obvious that it no longer belongs to Red A's timeline, nor does it belong to his story, but he still wants to have a hand in it...

Although it feels a bit arbitrary and domineering,

But he is also Emiya Shirou,

He did go through a rather miserable and regretful life.


If God doesn't accept it, then commit suicide, young man!

People looked at Red A with numbness.

Wait, they are almost stunned!

In other words, if you just don’t want a righteous partner to appear,

Just let Shirou change his original mind!

Why must we kill! Just sit down and talk together.

Suddenly - people were stunned and remembered something...

Sit down and talk?

Didn't Red A 'remind' Shirou from time to time before, wanting him to give up the path of being a righteous partner?

Everyone suddenly noticed,

Red A has already tried his best, but with Shirou's stubborn temper, he will never look back until he hits the wall himself!

'I……! 'people.

Fuck - should I say it's you?

It’s so easy to make your future self so annoyed that in the end he has to do it to you personally!

No wonder Red A often came to the rescue in the early stages, including saving Shirou several times.

If you want to kill Shirou in the beginning, there are many opportunities...

Later, he also saw clearly 'himself' and the nature of 'self', and would never give up the path of a righteous partner easily.

Did he deliberately betray Rin and direct this series of dramas?

Only then did people understand Red A’s good intentions...

In order to kill himself without restraint, he went to great lengths and painstaking efforts to really amaze people!

And on the other side——

At this time, after Shirou knew everything, he remained silent and didn't speak for a long time.

This made people feel that he was persuaded by the red A,

Then they watched Shirou pick up the dagger and start playing with it.

Just when Saber looked worried.

People looked at the sunlight reflected by the dagger and felt heart palpitations...

‘He won’t really stab himself to death with a sword! ’

If the protagonist was persuaded to commit suicide at such a time...that would be a masterpiece!


Finally, people saw Shirou let out a breath,

It was as if all the depression in his body was poured out in a relaxed manner,

Shirou: "Then sure enough...

We are different people. "

Red A frowned, and seemed a little shocked in his tone: "What?"

Black question marks also rose above everyone’s heads: ‘? ? ? ’

What's going on?

Precisely because red A is the future,

People felt that having Red A personally tell his own psychological journey might make Shirou feel deeply and even realize in advance that it was an 'end'!

In this case, giving up is a natural thought!

However, Shirou's answer was neither giving up nor denying.

He said that he and Red A are two completely different people.

At that moment, people felt as if the world line was staggered!

That is a feeling of bliss to the soul!

Even if...

Without Red A continuing to block him, the Emiya Shirou in front of him would no longer be Red A.

Something seems to have happened to his psychology a long time ago, a change that even his future 'self' is not aware of!

Chapter 1528 Red A: Learn quickly! It’s time to get off the plane!

Everyone was in a daze, witnessing the moment when the world line changed——

They watched as Shirou dropped the sword in his hand and returned it to the ground.

Shirou: "No matter what happens, I will never regret it.

Therefore, I will never agree with you.

If you are my ideal,

I will personally destroy such a wrong ideal! "

At the same time, Emiya's BGM also sounded.

The background music that is unique to Shirou Emiya,

plus this firm and powerful response——!

Is the battle...coming?

Accompanied by Shirou's explosive response,

it's like saying 'If you don't agree, just go solo! 'This is what a man should do!

This is the response a man should have!

Compared to the previous atmosphere that made Shirou commit suicide, it's much stronger.

After the initial slight surprise, people got excited!

Although they didn't expect Shirou to answer like this,

people didn't know what Shirou in this world would grow up to be like,

but there is one thing that everyone understands very well at this time!

Their blood has been aroused!

"If words can't convince each other, let's fight!"

"Don't we still have to fight in the end!" The adventurers murmured excitedly.

Those profound principles and obscure words are too headache to understand,

or fighting looks simple!

Don't ask about faults, don't ask about the process...just look at the results!

And when they looked at Red A——

Red A: "Thinking like this is the culprit!!

You will understand how I feel one day."

(Everyone: He is anxious!)

Shirou: "Never!"

The answer was so decisive, and there was no hesitation in the answer.

(Everyone: Puff~! Laughing!

Everyone: Shirou: Just drown yourself with your ideals! Archer!

It's time to return this sentence exactly!

Now, it's Shirou Emiya time!)

Shirou: "This day will never come."

Red A: "I see, it really won't come. If you can't get out of here unscathed,

you have no future anyway."

The angry Red A finally walked down the stairs completely, and the meaning of his words seemed to be that he was ready to kill Shirou now.

Very good——

If I can kill you directly, I won't talk to you anymore. This is exactly what people want to see——'Fight, fight! ! '

Seeing this, Saber wanted to stand in front of Shirou, but was stopped by Shirou's shoulder.

In the increasingly passionate background music,

"It's okay, Saber, thank you. But no matter what, please get out of the way.


This is my battle!"

Red A...!

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