Although it might be possible to guess that Mapo was not Wangjiang's first master,

I didn't think much about it.

After hearing this...just because Wangjiang was really miserable,

'Haven't you ever met a good woman in your life? Whether before or after death...'People felt a little compassionate.

It seems that even if a hero has great power, he may not necessarily live a happy life!


In the future, people know the details of the women that Cu Chulainn has met.

(Master, Sister Ba:???

What are you talking about! Aren't we good women?)

Everyone: Old Versailles has spoken! !

Fuck fuck fuck...! God knows why they believed that Gou Ge really had no luck with women!

It's like you said that you started to do poorly in the final exams and you were very really did do poorly and were very sad!

And the nerd said that he did not perform well, but when the test papers were handed out, he scored more than 140 out of a full 150!

You were so silly that you even comforted the nerd before, and you felt a resonance in your heart.

Shame on you!! Too shameful!

The moment you know you've been cheated is when people are most torn apart!

I (we) are going to explode!


Finally, Wang-chan used magic to condense runes between his fingers, and a big fire burned the room directly.

Prepare a fire, burn the whole place, and leave safely.

Rin also said her final goodbye and prepared to leave.

She said that although the contact time was short, she liked people like Lancer.

Everyone:? !

When Rin turned her back and said this,

People: Can you explain it more clearly? You are talking about "personality" again! Liking Lancer's personality does not mean falling in love with Lancer, right? !

Hiss~! Everyone was heartbroken and anxious!

It must not be! It must not be? !

It's okay if there is Shirou in front,

What if there is another strong rival (rival in love) to compete with them for the eldest lady!


You said that the kelp-head who also likes Rin,

Maybe the performance of the second master is too useless, so people subconsciously don't think he can pose a threat.

The combat power is only five!

No, saying five seems to be an overestimation!

What really makes people feel in danger is the good man Gogo and the real hero Shirou!

And on the other side——

The scene turned, but it came to the time when Shirou finally defeated Red A, and then the previous plot continued.

And Rin also escaped along the corridor where the fire spread,

"Shirou! Archer!!"

Rin trotted over and cared about the injuries of the two.

Even Red A treated him equally!

Even though he was betrayed by Red A before and fell into such a dangerous situation, when Rin looked at Red A...

People could only see full of worry.

'Rin——really kind! '

People couldn't help but sigh again.

Red A sighed helplessly, "Really, she's still so naive. If she was a worse person, I wouldn't be the person I used to be."

This sentence seemed to be said to Shirou.

Hermitos grasped the important information!

Return to the former self?

So Rin helped Shirou a lot in shaking Red A's belief!

Thinking about it this way-Red A seemed to want to kill Shirou several times at the beginning!

It was Rin who tried her best to protect him.

Until Red A changed her mind, the two had a battle of faith.

Rin really helped Shirou a lot.

Rin also said that she would repay Shirou-it was all an excuse.

If it was a return, wouldn't it have been exceeded a long time ago?


Now everything should be over.

People looked at Red A again, and they didn't know whether he would choose to sign a new contract with Rin, or... just leave?


The next moment, a third result that people had never thought of appeared.

The plot twist suddenly appeared!

Whoosh~!! Several sounds of breaking air were heard in the air.

Saber was the first to react: "Archer!"

But it was too late!

Puff! ! ! That was the sound of a sharp blade piercing through the chest!

Everyone: What...? !

Chapter 1543 It's up to you to defeat...!

Everyone's eyes widened immediately - looking at the treasure that pierced Red A in disbelief!

The swords flying from behind!

At this moment, Red A's appearance finally overlapped with the one who appeared from time to time in the flashbacks, with countless swords on his back!

Rin opened his mouth in shock.

Everyone followed the direction of the treasure and saw an extremely familiar figure!

——The King? ! How, how could it be the King?

At this time, Gilgamesh was standing at the highest point of the steps where Red A had stood before.

People's pupils contracted, and they couldn't believe it even more!

That King would actually attack by surprise...

How could this be possible! The King in their impression would never use such a sinister and despicable method.

Even if he wanted to defeat the enemy, he would defeat them head-on and completely subdue them...

He did not retreat even a little bit in front of the Mother Goddess of Creation.

The arrogant king took advantage of this moment to attack Red A, who had lost his magic power source and was deeply wounded and could disappear at any time!


Flash fans: ‘What are you doing! ’

Ah meh! Stop it! Flash!

Who is this shameless guy? Drag him away.

This backstabbing greeting made them all feel bad!

And for a moment, Dinglian caught the attention of everyone in the audience: "It's really eye-opening!

The battle between fakes is really boring. "

Immediately, Shining and the excited Saber said hello - no see for ten years!

Saber seems to still have memories of the last Holy Grail War and still remembers him.

And this also allowed people to once again establish that Shining was indeed the heroic spirit from ten years ago.

In this way, all seven Servants have been summoned, so people understand why there is an extra Hero King.

Shining looked at Red A and Shirou continued: "So, do you understand?

This is the power of the so-called authenticity.

No matter how similar the appearance and power are, they are still copies after all.

Watching fakes copy fakes really stains my eyes, you losers——"

Everyone now understands what Shining refers to when he refers to fakes and genuine products!

But just because I understand,

They split even more instantly!

ha? So this is the reason why you wait for others to finish the fight, then come out to finish the attack and collect the peaches?

The timing of this appearance was really well chosen!

He was clearly taking advantage of the situation, but he was saying that the real product was more powerful——! I have no credibility at all!

Shining continued to start the group mocking: "You who can only imitate others and make fakes, it is better to turn into garbage as soon as possible!"

Then the king's treasure is revealed!

I have to say,

Shining pulled a little bit, but it was really holding in his mouth. When people looked at the countless precious phantoms coming overwhelmingly.

Everyone: ‘…! ’

Sorry to bother you!

Although I feel like this golden Pika is very wrong now,

But it’s not something they can provoke.

It would be a bit arrogant to define the strong person Shining with the thinking of a weak person.

"It's up to you to defeat..." Finally, people saw Red A pushing Shirou away,

Then he blocked all the Noble Phantasm attacks aimed at the two of them by himself!

Bang~! ! In the gorgeous golden firelight, after an explosion... Red A was directly bombarded to pieces!

"Archer!!" Rin let out a tragic scream!

The scene of Red A pushing Shirou away at the end, the look he gave Shirou, and the words 'It's up to you to defeat...' were also deeply ingrained in people's hearts.

My whole body was filled with excitement!

It's up to Shirou to...defeat the King of Heroes?, no matter what, it's all...just a joke!

That's the king, King Gilgamesh.

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