A demigod hero who is two-thirds god and one-third human,

He won't let loose on Shirou like Red A...

But even defeating Red A was so difficult and strenuous for Shirou! It can be called a narrow escape!

Now we have to deal with Jin Shining again.

...? Has Flash's elbow been cut off in the short film?

That’s okay!

The people who thought of this, who had swallowed their saliva and felt a little trembling, looked at Twinkle angrily.

First, Uncle B and Loli Ilia,

Now even the time to naturally withdraw is given to red A,

In front of Lin, he defeated the red ace!

Miss Rin's heart-rending and devastating scream made people feel heartbroken after hearing it!

I really want to beat up this Twinkle.

Handsome is really handsome, strong is really strong...but it's also true that he deserves a beating... he deserves a beating!

But people couldn't figure out how Shirou could continue to fight and defeat Winky in his current state.

People suddenly thought——

Shirou seemed to have reached his limit;

The magic power is all used up, and even the final trump card to defeat Red A - inherent barrier, must have been obtained at the expense of part of the life force.

Not to mention the magic power needed to maintain his high-intensity fighting and projection,

Can Shirou still use the 'Inherent Barrier' now?

In the short film, Shirou defeated Shining in Unlimited Sword System!

Obviously now we are in a deadlock,

People simply couldn't think of a way for Shirou and others to escape.

Bringing into the perspective of Shirou and others, people helplessly discovered that the only thing they could do was to delay.

Twinkle didn't know if she was in the mood at this time, so she didn't take action immediately. Instead, she talked about the Holy Grail that was about to appear, and told some of the essence of the Holy Grail.

Let the concepts of Black Mud and Black Holy Grail be exposed to the protagonist group for the first time.

People who already knew everything from God's perspective were not surprised, but they also got more complete information.

Sure enough, the Holy Grail has been contaminated?

Twinkle calls it the cup of desire that fell into darkness because of humans.

It only strengthens the ability to curse and kill humans, a kind of human evil!

"!!!Human... (sin) evil?!"

Heard a great term!

Everyone almost thought that another Beast was causing trouble!

And what the hell is it that only strengthens the ability to curse and kill humans!

Why are you so unfriendly to humans!

Everyone felt completely chilled, frightened, and had goosebumps.

I just learned more about what the Black Holy Grail is,

People become even worse.

Saber: "So, your purpose is human..."

Twinkle: "That's right, one sentence will wipe out the human race of this era!"

When Gilgamesh spoke so frankly and horribly.

Even people who have already understood his purpose are still frightened!

Everyone looked at Rin, Shirou and the others who were shocked and had their mouths wide open in a daze.

They seemed to be in disbelief.

In everyone's mind - 'Finally... I finally said it! ’

‘The king still has something to say.

He wants to give humans a trial! Like absolute evil. ’


This kind of trial is so twisted that even people cannot understand it.

There is no comparison with absolute evil!

The God of Alchemy now doubts that Shining in other time periods will be ashamed of himself when he sees the speech of this golden Pika!

Because he wants to be tested, he will kill people all over the world.

This kind of test that exceeds the standard must be the second grade!

(Young Shan: Just kill ‘me’!)

Chapter 1544: For those who can fight with good looks, naturally...

Usually when we meet this kind of person, who looks ugly... we will call him crazy.

Good looking...

Well, that's called extenuating circumstances. Maybe there is something unspeakable or some sad past.

Fortunately - Shining's appearance has always been good at playing and online.

Therefore, it is obviously an act of destroying the world... Now it can be called the 'Human Completion Plan'.

People heard Shining say happily: "This world is very pleasant,

There is also no cure.

Countless bastards praising the beauty of life are blasphemous to the king. "

Rin: “What, what blasphemy against the king!!

If there is no human being,

That’s the meaning of not being a king! "

Twinkle: "It would be better if I die...!"

As spectators——

"It's totally unreasonable, a disaster from heaven!"

They're numb,

When did praising the beauty of life turn out to be a bad thing?

Does the translation mean that civilization is too prosperous, or is it a bad thing?

Thinking of what Twinkle said, too many lives have no value of their own survival.

Also in contrast to the Uruk period, no one was redundant, not even slaves!

for a moment,

I seem to understand, but I don’t seem to understand at all!

If we insist on comparing it to the era when King Gilgamesh ruled,

It’s too difficult for people in this era.

Even though there is still a lot that people don’t understand about everything in modern times,

But at least there will not be a wise king of Uruk to rule them in this era.


Uruk is really small, pfft~!

People who have read the epic, even if they admire this ancient king very much,

are more impressed by his personal charm, rather than the strength of his kingdom.

And even if Uruk, which the king ruled during his lifetime, was strong, the territory was there,

and it was too small for the whole world...

With the experience of ruling a small corner of the country, he wanted to test...to make the whole world like Uruk, where everyone has a job and realizes their life value.

It's a bit unrealistic...

If we force it, the whole world will probably die because of the Black Holy Grail.

It's possible that the world will be extinct because of it.

This kind of trial that no one can pass, there is no "guidance" at all!

The truly wise kings that people admire, how could they have such crazy ideas.

The current Knight King will never tolerate such evil ways!

The old swords that people are most familiar with are...

Even the wise king Shan (in Chapter 7) and Ra II (in Chapter 6) in the past.

Suddenly, people realized that Shining's current behavior was very similar to that of the Lion King.

Only qualified and qualified people were selected to enter the City of Cretaceous, and finally collected and protected in the Holy Lance,

and the remaining unqualified ones were all killed manually!

As for the sixth singularity, isn't it fortunate that this Shin was not present?

If there was another middle school Shin who washed the world with black mud,

he could have chosen to run away before Ritsuka!

Without waiting for her to reach the singularity, the world over there might have been completely killed!

Shining: "If you disappear because of your own sins,

there is no value in existence at all.

What I want is not a bastard,

but a guy who can survive even in hell, and only has the meaning of domination.

In this respect, you failed last time."

'I don't love humans, but I love human history and creations. ' This is probably the essence of Shining during this period.

Fortunately, people didn't see the scene in the past ten years when Shining was addicted to racing and playing games and almost became a dead otaku.

After coming here for ten years, he did nothing to affect the present world.

He only appeared when the new Holy Grail War started, and he wanted to destroy the present world that brought him so many "entertainment projects".

He obviously likes some things of this era so much, but he has to destroy them.

If people see these pictures, it will be even more incomprehensible.

Tsk, if another king comes,

someone with a little more ambition,

in ten years, I am afraid that Fuyuki City and even the world will become a new singularity.

People fantasize about this with their own cognition.

Until they know the concept of the Lostbelt in the future.

(Everyone: Oh…………!! Fuck!!

After seeing what the first emperor next door did, I knelt down and called Dongfang daddy!

In comparison——

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