Sparkle! What have you done in the past ten years to waste your time?

Hate iron but not steel emoticon package jpg

This also caused people in the future to complain - even the king can make this world so corrupt, it is really time for the world to be destroyed! How terrible! )


At this moment, Twinkle said that she wanted someone who could survive in hell.

People subconsciously looked at Shirou.

Um? Winky wants someone who can survive hell = she wants Shirou,

Doesn't that mean...

Winky wants Shirou?

ah! Wonderful thinking has expanded again.

Twinkle: "If you die in the eyes of that level of fire, human beings today are really too fragile."

These words made Shirou's expression change.

But people who remembered what Shirou's wish was looked at Shining and Shirou and felt quite subtle.

Shirou's original intention of becoming a partner of justice may also be the reason why he doesn't want that hell to reappear!

But Shining wanted to create that hell with his own hands, and even create an even bigger one!

Didn’t the conflict suddenly intensify?

Twinkle: "I don't know the thoughts of the people who created the Holy Grail.

But isn't this just right?

The sin of death falls equally upon everyone,

The endless darkness that was conceived by humans themselves and only kills humans.


He is a vicious dog worthy of entrusting my king's work to it. "

Twinkle also made a gesture of reaching out in front of her and crushing everything.

It's like a man crushing the tiles (power).

This scene inexplicably reminds people of Shining's heart-wrenching feeling - a feeling of discomfort.

Ah, it’s completely dark! It’s hopeless!

Then, people saw the shining king's treasure open again,

The atmosphere also became tense.

At this time——

"It's up to you... to defeat...!" Red A's last words before his death flashed through Shirou's mind again.

'That guy... why would he say that...! ’ Shirou gritted his teeth, not seeing the possibility of defeating Winky at all.

Everyone also fell silent.

Don't be too embarrassed! Archer!

Although Red A's inexplicable firmness and confidence made people believe his words.

There is a sense of destiny and destiny.

People who knew the 'effect' of Shining being defeated from the beginning seemed to see the 'cause' here...

But not fully seen.

So when is the chance of victory...? !

Suddenly - some gravel fell, and a lot of smoke and dust were splashed on the castle carpet,

The flames that burned the castle released by Cú Chulainn had spread to this place unknowingly.

The castle looked as if it might collapse at any moment.

Chapter 1,545 My will to defeat the Abyss is extremely determined! !

Winky stopped attacking,

Claiming to save their lives until next time.

Just because of the dust.

And their lives are worse than dust.

Then, after pretending to be cool, Winky ran away and left the castle first.

And the crisis has been temporarily lifted.

But the tense atmosphere has not diminished in people's hearts at all. ‘You just left temporarily? Then I will come back again...'

Even if Winky doesn't come to see Shirou and others anymore,

Shirou and others must also have to fight against the current Winky.


The last one is extremely innocent and has appeared to countless people countless times. The words of childhood fantasy flashed through my mind.

"—Save...the world!"

The four words seemed as heavy as a thousand pieces.

They never expected that there would be a war for the wishing machine.

It will eventually turn into a battle for salvation!

The blood is boiling,

But my skin felt as uncomfortable as the biting cold!

The opponent is the King of Heroes! It's Gilgamesh!

‘I will never admit that such a king is the King of Heroes. ’ A swordsman from another world, a man who was ashamed to give up the title of King of Heroes because of the story of the Wise King - Hart clenched his fists when he saw this paragraph.

People's moods have become extremely complicated.

Who would have thought that the hero of the epic and even the virtuous king who fought with the savior would one day become an evildoer who must be defeated.

And on the other side——

In the blink of an eye, the scene flashed, and people saw Wang and Shinji leaving the castle.

Later, he was subjected to various complaints and even insults by the second master who was very emotional after just experiencing a life and death crisis.

When the second master thought that both Shining and the priest were useless, that was why he suffered like this.

Everyone looked at the second master in fear——

‘woc—what a warrior! ’

They were already stunned by the Second Master's boldness.

Even the king dares to curse!

Whether it is the hacked king or the king that people originally knew, they are not good-tempered.

Although the wise king would show his gentle side from time to time, he would only do so in front of those he recognized and his loyal people.

Shinji is finished!

After that, Winky didn't get angry.

After calmly and patiently asking about everything that happened, he learned about Mapo's death.

But Shining became calmer,

People looked at the second master with more pity.

A king who is not angry is even more terrifying!

Because no one knows what the king is thinking,

This unexpected scene makes people even more uneasy. I'm afraid it's not the calm that settles everything before the storm.

But Shinji has no self-awareness at all.

He is so stupid!

After that, they didn't have to wait long, and soon they saw how Shinji paid for his stupidity.

After knowing how Rin escaped, Shanshan expressed understanding and prepared to continue to summon the Holy Grail.

Facing the confused Erye who said that there was no "container" for the Holy Grail to descend.

Shanshan said something that made people's scalps numb and horrified.

Isn't there another one in front of us?

A Master with a magician's mark.

Although Shinji's magician qualifications are poor, as a descending medium... as a container, it is more than enough!

Then people saw Shanshan directly perform for them again,

What is "heart-wrenching"!

Oh, no... it should be called... kidney-moving!

Directly took out Illya's still beating heart and stabbed it into Shinji's kidney.

Then Shinji swelled on the spot, and finally turned into a huge polymer that was more disgusting than Lahem.

From the outside, you can even see the slender limbs suddenly stretched out!


Instantly, people were in uproar!

"!!! So disgusting!"

"What the hell!!"

"I feel like I can't eat for three days, ugh!"

And -- Shinji died just like that?

So easy to die?

Even if people hate and despise the character of the second master,

just the things he wanted to do to Rin before were enough to make people want to kill him a hundred times!

But --

he died at the hands of his own Servant.

Such an ending is still hard for people to say.


Rin and the others had reminded Shinji before, asking him not to get involved and run away quickly, but why is this man so ignorant?

Countless masters of other worlds showed a "wise" look at the disgusting monster that Shinji had turned into.

If they were Shinji, they should have given up long ago and realized how much of a scumbag they were.

Well, scumbag in every sense.

Wouldn't it be better to give up early and be an ordinary person? He insisted on showing off and finally lost his life.

At this time, people thought that Erye was dead.

However, Erye's ending did make many masters who changed their careers in other worlds reflect and weigh their own strength (capacity)...

Should they stay away from the Holy Grail War completely?


They seem to be just ordinary people, not much stronger than that Shinji!

As for Shirou Emiya, he also changed his career? And he got a fragrance?

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