But every step is full of strength,

Even the swinging arc can give people a strange feeling.

It's like——

Declaring...I'm coming! At this moment, it is time to behead the enemy!

I wonder if Wang will feel panicked when facing this scene!

And when the people looked towards the king...

Even if the limbs are not coordinated, just one thought, the courage to risk death and survive,

Just defeated him again and again!

Gilgamesh's face turned gloomy;

Until, boom! ! !

Countless haloes of light spread directly around Emiya Shirou,

It was no longer behind him, but around Emiya Shirou! A rain of Noble Phantasms rained down like a semicircle!

As if afraid that he might have the slightest chance of escaping!

It looks like a person who has been cast out of the shadow. He is cautious and desperately wants to erase the stain. He tries his best to maintain the elegance and power before, but he is suspicious in his heart and is afraid that if the strength is too small, he will not kill someone!

Then...increase the output!

All-round output without blind spots!


There was a loud noise on the horizon that was enough to make everyone's ears ring and deafen, and a huge golden mushroom cloud shot straight into the sky!

Although the shining Noble Phantasm is projected, there is no second-stage explosion effect like Red A's Huashanai...

But relying solely on the projection of the Noble Phantasm, crushing it in quality and quantity, the Noble Phantasm projected by Gilgamesh still exerted as much power as a nuclear egg! All kinds of light pollution are constantly shaking the atmosphere!

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, and they all looked towards the center of the explosion...

And then someone thought of something,

Wait, explosion...?

This scene seems familiar!

Then they all looked to the sky,

Wait—could it be that time in the short film next? !

Gilgamesh finally regained his composure.

"?!" As if after realizing it, he suddenly raised his head and his expression changed again!

Emiya Shirou was flying into the sky holding his chrysanthemum shield downwards.

"Law-Aias! [Seven Rings Covered by Blazing Sky]!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

Shining hurriedly opened the King's Treasure, and the Noble Phantasm was like Gatling, rushing towards Shirou's shield like a shower!


"It's useless!" People didn't know when, and they had already stood up straight without even realizing it!

Wood big wood big wood big wood big! !

At this time, people looked at the king's appearance, showing that nothing could stop Emiya Shirou in the slightest! !


The scene in front of me is so exciting! They are all going to be extremely high!

And Emiya's execution song is reaching its peak!

Accompanied by the exciting scene and the passionate singing, then...!

That thrilling knife! !

That sword roared in mid-air and struck suddenly!

Buzz~! Swinging out like ripples is the harbinger of the opening of the King's Treasure Portal.

The handle of EA's Noble Phantasm was exposed,

Gilgamesh subconsciously wanted to tighten his grip, but hesitated at the critical moment. He held his hand in vain for a moment...and then suddenly tightened his grip!

But just this moment of hesitation,

People can clearly realize how precious and critical this moment of time is!

Wang has lost the chance to liberate EA!

Phew! !

The broken elbow was struck suddenly with a sword! Bringing up large amounts of blood without mercy,

And Gilgamesh's 'King's Power' (arm) and his 'King's Pride' (deviated sword) also flew into the air together!

Really...if you hesitate, you will lose!

"I have to admit...!!" Gilgamesh lowered his head slightly, his bangs blocking the shadow, and spoke sharply with his face covered in the blood of his broken elbow.

"You are stronger now!!!" He suddenly raised his head and looked at Shirou ferociously.

"Hugh! Think! Run away! Get away!!" Shirou roared and added another blow.

Gilgamesh finally took a step back;

It’s also the only step!

Finally... light, seemingly endless light, bloomed from the knife that plunged straight into Shining's chest! That’s it!

A shocking scene before my eyes,

After taking over all the previous plots, beliefs, and battles, this sword came together in the end!

Even people who have seen it once in the short film,

Still have a new shocking experience!

That scene was also fixed in people’s minds! It has become a famous painting that will never fade!

Chapter 1,553 ‘Again’ not a drop left! The name of a kidney deficiency warrior!

The king... admitted it himself,

‘You are stronger now! ’

The arrogant and powerful king who didn’t even pay attention to the gods in the sky,

Lowering his head at this moment!

Admitting this feeling of failure is probably more uncomfortable than dying in battle!

And all this time, I never took a step back,

He always fights with ease. Faced with the so-called fakes he keeps saying,

But he took such a step back!

Are you afraid at the moment of death?

Until this battle is completely over,

People still remember every scene and every moment of the battle just now!

It was a thrilling battle!

But in the end...

‘Sure enough... he is different from the king I (we) know. ’ someone murmured in his heart.

The wise king who saw through life and death,

Since you admit defeat,

Even in the face of the final fatal knife, you will not let yourself lose your composure and show such an ugly look!

Isn't it ugly to look like a wolf without an arm and still jumping back desperately?

If it were placed on other people, even other heroic spirits and heroes, it would not be too abnormal...

As a warrior, of course, your main priority is to survive. As long as you survive to the end, you are the winner!

...So it doesn’t matter even if you use any means!

Lying in the tropical rain forest, without eating or drinking for several days, lurking like a poisonous snake, waiting for the moment when the prey (enemy) falls into the trap!

Such an enemy is formidable, both physically and mentally, and equally admirable.

There is nothing worth being ashamed of!

But Gilgamesh is the King of Heroes...!

It’s hard to imagine that the King of Heroes would show such a side.

He should be more of a ruler who stands at the end to appreciate and praise the warriors for their bravery.

And all these are just people's thoughts for a moment, and the outside world has not actually passed for long...

When the world becomes blank and seems to have been silenced...

The inherent barrier has been lifted by Shirou unknowingly!

reappeared before people's eyes,

It's the figures of Emiya Shirou and Gilgamesh confronting each other!

Silence is better than sound at this time...

People are still recalling the shocking battle just now.

Twinkle gasped and finally said: "I ran out of magic power, what a boring ending!

It's your victory, die contented. "

After saying that, a golden halo appeared around Gilgamesh, and half of his body was exposed from it.

At this time, people only realized it later——

A sudden awakening!

"Wait a minute, Jin Shining means that Shirou's magic power has been exhausted 'again'?"

The King of Heroes is not dead yet!

The word 'you' is also used very expressively.

People have also wondered whether Sparkling's magic power has been exhausted.

But seeing how he still opened the King's Treasure,

In addition, Shirou's inherent barrier has disappeared!

Originally thinking that the battle was over, Shirou closed the inherent barrier, but it turned out that he had to close it because he ran out of magic power!

"Death! Fake!" Gilgamesh.

wocccc, wait, no, that's not right... the plot shouldn't be like this!

People are confused and a little at a loss!

I originally thought it would be Shirou's final big victory... but it turns out that Shirou doesn't like finishing strikes either? !

How important is last hit...

In just a short period of time, people witnessed it twice!

The ups and downs in life are so sudden.

How can this be accepted!

Mr. Jin will not die;

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