It always makes people feel like something is wrong with everything!

Even people who like Gilgamesh very much now think it’s time for Winky to retire!


Suddenly... the hole in the Holy Grail appeared where Gilgamesh had broken his elbow!

Winky, who originally wanted to kill Shirou, was shocked!

People stared blankly at the hole and were confused...

"What is that...!"

Twinkle: "What?!"

Wow~! The scene in front of me changed.

Then people saw the scene a few minutes ago.

It’s still Ryudong Temple…

At this time, Gilgamesh and Shirou should still be fighting within the inherent barrier.

And this also caused them to miss the scene where the 'Black Holy Grail' was conquered!

Saber found Rin after leaving Shirou,

At this time, Rin was already deeply eroded by the curse and was unable to take another step.

This also caused her to be 'swallowed' by the mountain of meat formed by the Holy Grail that later rioted.

Saber wanted to save her, but Rin restrained her with a command spell to prevent her from turning into a black creature.

A life formed by magic like Servant is not very resistant to curses!

Even though Artoria is a little different, she still lives and becomes a heroic spirit with a physical body...

But people who had read the prologue to the Singularity suddenly came to their senses,

Why does the scene in front of me look so familiar!

By the way...

This is Fuyuki!

The burning fuyuki...isn't the boss the black king?

Moreover, the identities of those shadow followers are almost certain.

Except for the employment agency, there may be some discrepancies.

Sister R, Red A, Uncle B, Brother Dog... none of them are bad!

The world at the singularity is the branch line of this Holy Grail War that is leading to abnormality!

After bathing in this black mud, Saber will look like that black!

Saber has a black form! The faces of those who still remember this have changed...

But without Saber's help, Rin would have died on the other side!

Rin is going to die here?

Are you kidding...

If Shenji is willing to die alone, he will die.

Don't take their wives to death with you!

A group of LSPs were instantly anxious...

If she had known that this sea leader was the leader, Rin would have just left him alone! hateful!

He's obviously a scumbag - why did Shirou and Rin have to save him!

And at this time...

After the Black Holy Grail swallowed Rin and Shinji, it seemed to grow, directly transforming from a mountain of flesh into a huge humanoid monster!

The black shadow like a Titan stood up and roared into the sky!

At this time, people heard Lin's inner consciousness,

When her consciousness was hazy and she could hardly close her eyes, Rin finally gave up on escaping...

He made up his mind and used the second command spell to let Saber directly use the Noble Phantasm to destroy the Holy Grail!

It’s like the scene from ten years ago has reappeared!

Saber resisted desperately once again! But the holy sword still ignited with shining golden light!

Seeing this scene, people trembled inwardly.

No one cares about what happened to the holes in Gilgamesh's body now!

They were all frightened by Rin's madness.

Do you want to die together with the Holy Grail? !

Will we resolutely put an end to meaningless sacrifices? ?

People became anxious - Miss Rin was about to be struck to death by Saber's sword!

Look at the huge beast-like monster roaring up into the sky!

Everyone showed expressions of despair.

Rin finally whispered: "I'm sorry Shenji, I couldn't save you..."


A familiar voice that people never expected came from the sky!

"I can't stand listening to those kind of depressing words!"

Chapter 1554 The King asks for help!

Coming at the same time with the sound...

From the sky, red arrows suddenly rained down!

Boom! ! The bright red arrows smashed part of the humanoid monster's flesh to pieces,

The figures of Rin and Shinji were revealed.

"Rin, leave quickly!!" The voice from the sky came again!

Only then did everyone react,

That familiar voice just now, and this familiar attack method...

Is it you? ! Archer!

Red A is actually still alive?

No, it's also possible that the inhibitions sent him down again.

Soon people thought of the identity of the Red A Guardian.

Red A disappeared while they watched... There's no way he could have been resurrected! Moreover, he has no magic power anymore, and he has lost his contractor and cannot make up for it... he should have disappeared a long time ago.

‘Did the inhibition take action? 'Hermitus.

And think about it carefully,

After his death, Red A went to countless eras to perform tasks, just for the survival of mankind...

Even in disasters caused by mortals, Red A can be seen appearing.

The hole created by Gilgamesh is enough to destroy the world!

It's no wonder that the guardian has arrived... right? !

After finding the reason for themselves, people quickly became convinced of this conjecture.

On the other side, after struggling to escape with Shinji on his shoulders, Rin also used up his last strength to raise his hands and used the last command spell... to strengthen Saber!

The brilliance of the holy sword finally no longer needed to be suppressed, and was released in an instant.

A majestic cross star rose over Fuyuki City! boom! !

Another day of nuclear peace!

‘The Holy Grail...the Black Holy Grail has been destroyed? ! ’ After understanding the whole story, people stared blankly at the light particles scattered in the sky.

Where the huge monster originally was, there was nothing now.

Whose masterpiece is the hole in Shining’s body?

Could it be that Shining gained a body just because he bathed in black mud?

When Winky, Shirou and others introduced the nature of the Holy Grail before, people also saw the scene of Winky taking a bath.

Know why he survived for ten years after the end of World War Four.

It seems that Gilgamesh is indeed connected to the Black Holy Grail...

But... the Holy Grail itself has been destroyed, but it can still make holes with the help of Gilgamesh's body!


The scene turned and returned to the original timeline, showing the scene after Flash broke his elbow.

Look at the large amount of Lancer gas coming out of your left arm, absorbing everything around it like a black hole!

Twinkle: "Even if I devour this king...

etc! ! "

Shirou: "The hole of the Holy Grail!?"

At this moment, Shining shot out the Heavenly Chain and bound Shirou's arms, then grabbed the other end of the chain and tried to climb out!

Even in the previous battle, I never saw the king using the Heavenly Lock again.

I didn’t expect to see it under such circumstances!

It wasn't until a piece of information came to people's minds that they suddenly realized it.

The higher the divine nature, the stronger and harder the Heaven's Lock will bind the enemy!

When faced with mortals without divinity, it is at best an ordinary Noble Phantasm.

‘Isn’t that just an ordinary iron chain? No wonder Shining is useless...if he actually uses it, he might not be cut in two by Shirou! ’ someone said in surprise.

Of course - even though I say so,

But they won’t really regard the Heavenly Lock as an ordinary iron chain.

This is also the reason why the main body of Heaven's Lock is not here.

If it were Xiao En,

That is a divine weapon that is enough to fight against the king's treasure for days and nights...

Will the Heavenly Lock be weak if it can compete with the King's Treasure, which possesses all the prototypes of all the Noble Phantasms in this world?

In other words, Enkidu is weak? ! joke!

Thinking about it this way, even those chefs are not so unable to accept the fact that Shining is defeated!

No, it should be said that even the last feeling of emptiness has disappeared from the originally joyful mood!

If it’s not Shining and Shining together, it can’t be called the most complete version of Shining!

At the same time - on the other side,

Twinkle: "That defective product! If we are both Servants, we can't become the core. Don't you even know this?"

Twinkle's words also remind people of the scene where the giant hand wants to grab Gilgamesh and longs for him!

After Shinji and Rin escaped, did they target Winky again?

This is probably the last struggle of the Black Holy Grail!

In response to this, Wang Ye struggled desperately again.

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