The probability of the birth of a spirit is so slim that it is not an exaggeration to say it is one in ten million.

And finally the prototype was born,

And because of his misunderstanding, he chose a completely wrong path and personally killed the possibility of the birth of his spiritual personality.

Not to mention...

The prototype is just a prototype. Even if these lucky gods are lucky enough to choose the right way to ascend,

Without anyone's help,

The probability of successfully completing the final assignment cannot be smaller.

This is where the blind touch the blind, and there is actually a huge unfairness between having the entire system for reference.


When the beneficiary is himself, Homura: It smells so good!

And on the other side...

When Sursin fled all the way, I don’t know how long it took,

Only when he felt safe did he have time to think about other issues.

The most frustrating and despairing thing is the pain of a broken arm.

'what do I do? Father! ’

It has been many years since I talked about my father's voice and smile.

And after the only uncle he could rely on and who was most trustworthy cruelly wielded a sharp ax at him.

At this time, the only thing the young god could think of was his father.

If it was a father——

You would never do this to yourself.

He will become his father's pride and become the new God of Light! Spread the will of light to every corner of the earth.

But it's too late to say anything now.

The god of light without arms...

How can the God of Light, who is extremely frustrated and decadent even himself, bring light and hope to his followers?

Not to mention…

As long as he starts to build his own church and start collecting believers and beliefs, he will definitely be discovered by his uncle!

If you want to recruit believers, the ‘real name’ of the god cannot be faked.

But once you are exposed...

He was not sure whether his uncle would let him go.

Thinking of the possibility of endless pursuit and persecution in the future,

The young god who could no longer see the light shed tears!

He seemed to have seen his final ending, miserably dying in a dark corner!

And at this moment... a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind!

It seemed as if there was some voice from deep inside him, calling him...

That subtle sound, like an electric shock, and that subtle feeling made Su Xin stunned and stunned.

'This is……? ! ’

Chapter 1589: After seeing hope, I became even more desperate!

The old man's breakthrough opportunity came from that arm.

Derived from the prototype of the spirit grid...

This also illustrates the uniqueness of the young god's personality.

The truth of light and hope!

He had great potential within himself but failed to unleash it.

It's like a fire is missing, light it up!

The old man's strength itself was already strong enough, which was why he started to 'burn' as soon as he met that godhead.

And now...

After a series of ups and downs, Sursin was greatly stimulated.

He has already experienced incomparable despair and frustration,

He even fantasized about a gloomy future and almost had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

But just when he was about to be completely overwhelmed by this despair...

In that huge despair, there is huge hope!

Hope and despair are complementary to each other, separated by only a thin line.

The ultimate despair gives birth to the most beautiful hope, and the ultimate hope gives birth to the most wonderful despair!


Sursin listened to the clear voice in his ears,

I asked him to tell me exactly what he heard, but he couldn't repeat a single word.

It is a magical word that works on the soul.

It seemed to be telling him hope and soothing the pain in his heart.

Later, Sursin followed the guidance of the voice. When he looked at his empty sleeves,

——A miraculous scene appeared!

A light-granulated arm is derived,

‘He’ has no entity, but he does exist in front of us.

The ‘arms of light’ that cannot be touched but can only be seen!

A slight itching came from the broken arm,

This made Sursin's eyes widen in shock.

He seemed to feel the creeping sensation of flesh and blood growing.

This feeling almost made him go crazy with joy...

But after discovering that the arm was still illusory and showed no signs of regeneration,

He fell hard from the cloud again,

This time the fall hurt even more, and I felt even sadder inside!

He was angry, he hated, and he began to express all kinds of vicious negative emotions.

He could have been kind...

But someone made him crippled - now he feels like he can no longer suppress the devil inside,

He is useless!

This made him envious and jealous of those gods whose bodies were still intact.

Even jealous of those mortals who are not gods, and even vampires and other monsters with powerful immortality!

Their bodies were destroyed and there was still the possibility of recovery.

But there is no cure for me!

How unfair this is!

So... that strong sense of revenge, the feeling of wanting to vent this pain, is so clear!

Damn it... Since there is no way to recover, why do you want me to see hope after despair, and then despair again after seeing hope? ! !

He roared crazily in his heart, hoarse at the top of his lungs!

And if it is in some idealistic world view,

Now, he may have fallen into the abyss and become a god of darkness.

And just when he was extremely crazy...

“I am far from peace, and have forgotten what happiness is, and it seems, I say, that the Lord has cut off my strength and hope.”

A voice sounded from nearby from far to near.

...? ! Who is it!

Sursin immediately turned his head and saw a figure that surprised him extremely!

"Sage...Merlin!" His pupils shrank.

Looking at this man who makes all the gods fearful,

Nowadays, it has an extremely famous voice on the earth.

With a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, silver hair, and dreamy eyes,

A certain flower magician holding a staff passed by...

This is the first time Sursin has seen Merlin in reality!

But he was no stranger to the image of the flower magician.

"I think about my pain, wandering, pain and resentment, and the more I think about it, the more depressed I feel."

Ignoring the young god, Merlin just continued to read.

And Suersin didn't care,

He was attracted by the words in Merlin's mouth.

Thinking of what he just said about cutting off strength and hope,

Full of emotions of pain, anguish and resentment.

Isn't that exactly the same as his emotion at this time? !

This made the young god fall into a pessimistic mood again, even immersed in his own world, desperately trying to close off all perceptions.

But the more this happened, the clearer Merlin's voice echoed in his mind.

Because that's what hurts him...!

And what about Merlin at this time... No, of course it's Flame wearing a vest and trumpet again!

Dreamy eyes stared at the young god,

To be precise, it is to perceive the unique godhead at a close distance.

He is the most active person when it comes to having fun!

He was still quite interested in the 'spirit' he saw for the second time in this different world.

But he didn't snatch it directly...

Even if his simulated star creation chart is enough to accommodate everything,

Not to mention new souls, more worldviews can be accommodated!

But the current prototype of the spirit grid is just a prototype...

It was too fragile, so weak that he couldn't be interested in it at all.


This young god is a good helper to the goddess of life!

A mere helpless goddess,

He doesn't even have to do anything,

Accardo's vest is enough for everything!

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