In order to let more people believe in the heroic spirits,

He needs to activate his vests a lot!

But if the enemy is too weak, it will not be beautiful!

It was a one-sided battle, but it was not interesting at all. It would be an understatement to say it was the worst kind of drama.

Unless the heroic spirit that comes this time is a pure pretense like 'The Bones of the Sin Realm are finally fed to the dogs',

Except for himself, who is a max-level player, there is a group of new enemies who are all less than level 30 or 40 and have not even appeared in the novice village.

A variety of factors led to Yan appearing here.

At this time, he looked at the young god and continued to speak:

“But when I thought about something, I felt that there was still hope: we are not completely extinct yet, isn’t it because of Jehovah’s love and mercy?

Feeling your great faithfulness every morning, I say to myself, The Lord is my portion, so I will still put my hope in Him. "

This is a section of the Lamentations written by the people of Judah after the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in the Old Testament.

It vividly describes the intense pain of national subjugation after the fall of the city, and the subsequent suffering.

That feeling of despair and self-comfort,

Even though he was touched by the young god in front of him, he also felt a sense of shame and anger as if he had been teased.

"Are you here to see my joke? Sage!"

"Oh, don't be so angry! It's not like that...

I just saw everything you went through and expressed my feelings. I want to comfort you! "The Flower Magician suddenly said with a playful smile,

He came forward shamelessly... looking friendly.

"Those words you just didn't say it yourself!" Suersin's face darkened, but he didn't believe even a single word!

The man in front of me,

He still knows something...

This Merlin who likes to play tricks on others,

He is extremely indifferent to emotions and cannot even understand human emotions at all.

Can you feel such despair? !

Chapter 1590 The God of Hope and Despair!

“The Lord is good to those who wait for Him and seek Him with all their heart; it is good to wait in silence for His salvation.

It is also good for a person to bear a yoke in his youth. He should sit alone and say nothing, because God has placed that yoke on him.

If he buries his mouth in the dust, there may be more hope,

Whoever wants to strike him, he will give his face to him and let him be struck with shame. The Lord will not abandon (us) forever. "

I say I am here to comfort you, I am here to comfort you...

Although these words of comfort may make the person being comforted even more angry!

And on the other side——

‘Jehovah the Spirit…

Lord, God! ’

For this legendary omniscient and omnipotent supreme god,

Of course Sursin knows!

The flower magician finally left,

But the magician’s words before leaving were still echoing in his ears!

He is fearful and respectful of the great being (Lord) who has unparalleled power in his mouth!

But regarding this lamentation in the Old Testament,

But completely unacceptable...

Believers in the Lord who choose to be patient will eventually be saved!

Even if that's the case...

But I am not a believer in that Lord,

Can such a person also be saved by the Lord? !

He is the god himself,

Gods can save the world but cannot save themselves! Sursin, who understood this very well, felt even more miserable and anxious;

And a strong emotion also echoed in his chest.

Regarding that great existence, he suddenly wanted to question...

Are your believers finally ‘saved’?

The creator of lamentations, has he finally received your mercy?

The young god suddenly remembered that he had landed at the source of the current field...

The life of that vampire king.

There is no salvation until death...

Betrayed by everyone, betrayed by the country and people for whom he devoted his life, he was finally guillotined.

In the end, he was spurned by it and cursed the God in heaven.

The wanton laughter when the monster was born,

The brave voice of resistance to the injustice of fate,

A voice full of fearlessness and courage! !

at last--

In the bright red and fanatical world, the figure standing on the Blood Sea Throne in the Corpse Mountain flashed in his mind!

'No……! I will never bow my head! ! ! All those who have trampled on my dignity will be nailed to the gallows! ’

The young god's expression suddenly became ferocious,

He said: I want revenge!

The arc on the mouth of the King of Monsters seems to be getting clearer in my mind!

He said: Revenge against his uncle, revenge against the God of Light who is still bright and healthy!

When perfection is no longer perfect, then give up perfection completely!

Even if you give up that glory, you won’t hesitate!

That bright red... is not so much a rebellion against the God in heaven and against one's own Lord,

Rather, it is the people who have nothing and are desperate who are making their final cry and roar against the unfair fate!

In the end, the figure overlapped with his own,

Gradually, that face in Sursin's fantasy became his own.

Sursin's anger, Sursin's unwillingness... His despair must be felt by others! Show what is right to this wrong world!

This is the only reason why he is still alive!

He would never be able to slap someone and just let the other person continue to slap him.

In this case...

Then fight! Fight! Fight!

For this reason, the flames of war continue to be lit...! Become stronger in the fight and destroy all enemies!

Because of that change in mentality...

The countless principles of light that he originally understood as the god of light,

After the positive emotions such as tenderness and love related to light disappear...

Those principles of light seemed to have become worthless.

He needs to redefine his own light!

It is no longer the light of gentle love, but the light of destruction and coldness that destroys everything!

The moment that idea was born!

The truth has begun to reverse freely...

At the same time, the principle of hope also began to be affected...

Some startling changes began to occur in Sursin.

Originally there were only two principles - the young god of light and hope.

A third brilliance suddenly appeared on his body!

The twist of hope and light transformed into the ultimate despair!


Sursin then clearly understood his future path——

What he should really be is not the God of light and hope;

But...? !


With the god of despair! ! "Sulsin muttered absently.

In my heart, I was so happy that I suddenly realized what happened to my illusory arm that had grown back.

Even in the most desperate situation, there is still a glimmer of hope!

That illusory arm is a symbol of hope in despair.

Through the principle of despair born from hope, and the ultimate principle of hope ignited after the feedback of despair, it can even break the limitations of the brokenness and destruction of the godhead.

Repair the godhead and repair the body.

Gods cannot do this kind of thing!

Even the ancient gods couldn’t do it!

Just like the legend of the Creator God opening up the world and recreating the world, it is also unimaginable and unbelievable for the gods.

But such a ridiculous miracle appeared before his eyes!

Sursin, who also has a vague concept of spirituality,

In shock, he also regarded it as an opportunity for him to ascend to the divine king!

If we can really get to the last step,

With all that incredible power, isn’t he a god-king or something? !

The mystery that none of the ancient gods could break, the possibility of becoming a god king, just appeared in me?

Excited, excited...crying with joy!

He regained his confidence,

Unexpectedly, after being stimulated by the words of the Flower Magician, I would gain so much.

'Now, I need to accumulate more hope and despair! ’ Only in this way can he achieve the strongest divine personality (spiritual personality) that is truly ‘the intersection of life and death’ and the ‘song of hope and despair’!

After clarifying your own path!

After Sursin got over his excitement, he gradually calmed down and began to think about what to do.

Hope and despair, both concepts are extremely abstract.

It is impossible for him to make his followers full of hope and despair at the same time!

Not to mention, my uncle might not give him a chance to grow up!

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