He and his uncle had completely fallen out,

Even if he says he doesn't want revenge, he will not take revenge in the future...

My uncle won’t believe it either!

‘I don’t believe it either! ’ Sursin’s face became even more ferocious, and his remaining arm held his broken shoulder.

It hurts! ! it hurts! !

How could he endure it if he didn't repay this pain a hundredfold!


You don’t necessarily have to be your own believer!

Although he still couldn't detect the existence of the 'spirit'.

Sursin also made other discoveries.

If he wants to become the God of Hope and Despair, he doesn't seem to need to recruit a large number of believers.

All it takes is to bring a massive amount of hope and despair to everything on earth.

Chapter 1591: Horrible, desperate, beautiful... light!

The emotions of all things that can escape from the atmosphere without the belief of others,

A will full of hope, a will full of despair,

He can absorb it and use it to strengthen himself!

Just like the mythical epic written by the legendary bard 'Andersen', those at the beginning of the world,

The same species of gods were born from the concept of planets.

Why is the God of War Artho so powerful? !

Isn’t it because he has the essence of symbolizing war?

Can feed on war, hatred, malice and blood!

The more he fights, the stronger he gets!

Participate in the battle, and the more intense the battle itself, the more it will become nourishment for its growth.

"No need to worry, the so-called strong one is me, and the weak one is everything except me." Thinking of the invincible God of War,

...Even if we lose in the end,

He was also taken advantage of by the enemy and defeated in his own ‘hands’;

And now Sursin can also draw strength from negative emotions such as hatred and malice!

He can devour any negative emotions that can lead to despair!

It can even draw on positive emotions as a side of hope!

His recipe is richer than the God of War...

Does this mean that he has the possibility of growing into such a great god? !

Imagine feeding yourself the despair and hope of the entire world's human thoughts.

How strong can he become!

This mutated ‘godhead’, this outrageous way of becoming stronger!

‘What kind of followers are you recruiting? ’ Sursin.

If you don’t recruit believers, you don’t need to reveal your true name. If you don’t reveal your true name, you won’t expose yourself in a short time.

No more threats from uncle...

He can wander around the world and every battlefield, collecting all kinds of despair caused by war.

I have seen countless deaths, even the deaths of comrades and brothers,

The despair on the battlefield is definitely much better than recruiting believers step by step!

'No...' The bright red and fanatical world suddenly flashed in Sulsin's mind! Weiwei is a little silent!

If all races were as fanatical as those humans on the battlefield!

Death would probably only make them more excited.

Even though my body feels fear, I don’t feel despair!

In crazy thinking, there are probably even fewer emotions such as hope.

Then he still absorbs the hope and despair of a peach!


That was indeed the most shocking war scene he had ever seen!

He never believed that an ordinary war would be like this.

If there were such an army wreaking havoc in the world,

Taking it from the perspective of those weak individuals, as a god, he felt a little shuddering!

Enemies who are not afraid of death!

Such a terrifying army that is always full of fighting spirit,

How many people can it bring despair to?

One hundred people? A thousand people? Ten thousand? One hundred thousand? Millions? Even endless? !

If there really is such an army,

What kind of legion can survive countless battles and ultimately bring fear and despair to the entire world!


Sursin thought of those vampires!

Immortal and immortal...

Even after being stabbed through the body and knocked down countless times,

As long as the curse of immortality is not dispelled,

will stand up again.

Even those individuals who are descendants of vampires - ghouls,

It was also a monster that was disgusted and feared by many races!

"That's right...if you don't age or die...you can keep fighting and killing!

Destroy everything that is shiny and beautiful!

Destroy everything that is perfect and happy!

There is no one who does not fall into fear because of this,

The despair born out of fear and the hope of struggling to survive are so beautiful and fascinating! "

He murmured, the light in his eyes getting brighter and brighter,

Suddenly I got completely excited!

It’s this, it’s this!

Looking for war, how can anyone keep provoking war artificially, and creating war comes quickly!

The army of the undead...!

This is exactly what he needs...

He wants to form an army truly made of monsters,

It would be best to be like that bright red world where countless light and heat can be sprayed from the sky to destroy everything on the earth.

A glorious army that is both holy and ugly!

Sursin thought of the appearance of those unfamiliar weapons of war—‘airplanes and airships’.

The whole person became more and more excited!

And the flash of Gatling bullets ejected from the barrels, and the countless missiles that can burst into brilliant light,

Don’t let it conform too much to his current aesthetic of ‘light’!

In the eyes of the darkened God of Light, although he has planned to follow the path of the God of Hope and Despair,

But the principle of light did not dissipate, but was integrated into it.

And for the darkened light,

Nature is as violent as it is, and as cold as it is!

But if you want to form such an army,

He has to find the necessary financial and human resources by himself.

It's really too much trouble...

It would be nice to borrow some help.

Sursin thought of the goddess of life...

There seem to be many elves under her hands.

A plan suddenly came to his mind...

Sursin couldn't help but grin from the corners of his mouth to his ears, revealing a smile as wanton as the king of monsters that he had seen before.

Then...the ferocity and joy on his face all disappeared again,

Suddenly he returned to the gentle and kind-hearted young spirit,

The temperament has also returned to its original state!

It was as if he had returned to the past all of a sudden, and all the blows and blackening he had experienced before no longer existed.

Homura, who secretly didn't leave at all, but used some tricks to hide his eyes, still stopped in place to watch the show: 'Good guy... this acting is really good! Large scale scene! ’

If I hadn’t seen all kinds of crazy expressions of Sursin before, including looks of great joy and great sadness,

No one can imagine,

The gentle young god in front of him must have turned dark.


Yan watched Sursin leave, heading towards the country where the goddess of life was.


In the courtyard behind the Elf Forest Temple next to Ceylon.

The goddess of life did not return directly to the sky after leaving the Temple of Light.

Instead, he returned here, intending to tell the Elf Queen under his command about Acardo's fatal flaw.

Although it's just a guess...

But it is indeed very useful information and should be helpful to the elves.

At this time, she had not had time to summon the Elf Queen.

What surprised the goddess of life was,

How long has it been since she came back?

She felt a familiar divine aura coming to visit from outside!

"This is...Sulsin?!"

Why did he come to me?

I recall that young and handsome face in my mind,

To this polite junior,

The goddess of life's impression of him was much better than her impression of his uncle!

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