And on the other side...

Surian, who was trying to find his nephew and devour his nephew's breakthrough in divine status, also heard about the war between elves and vampires.

He thought of the time when the goddess of life asked him to find out information about the vampire king Akado.

But he didn't expect that his nephew was also involved.

And the old man who is obsessed with finding his dear nephew and breaking through the boundaries of the legendary 'God King',

Instead, the news was quickly forgotten.

The emergence of war often means a lot of death and grief.

After the war, both sides needed a lot of spiritual comfort.

It was originally a great time to develop and steal believers!

But what believer can compare to his dear nephew? Can it compare to the temptation of directly allowing him to break through to the God King? !


What the old man didn't know was that he was thinking of his nephew at this moment.

He is constantly transforming into the messenger of the King of Vampires, saving vampires on the battlefield and guiding them to unite.

After this period of hard work... he has either saved or won over many vampires!

Through his unintentional display of powerful strength and his identity as the messenger of the King of Vampires, he gained the support of a large number of vampires.

Even many true ancestor and ancestor level vampires,

I also chose to join them.

And today is the day the vampire empire was established!

It is also the biggest war between vampires and elves! !

They planned to capture an elven kingdom with lightning speed.

Then build a new vampire empire on the homeland of the elves!

And the identity Sursin pretends to be...

Not only is he the messenger of the King of Vampires, but he is also the embodiment of that King’s authority (the concept of despair)——

It is precisely because of this level of identity,

As well as the constant external pressure brought by the elves,

Only then could he temporarily... recruit an army of vampires so quickly!

In order to ensure that the character structure does not collapse,

The capital of a new empire would naturally be chosen somewhere closer to that king.

So the natural spirits who had a conflict with their 'vampires' for the first time,

The Elf Forest, which also lives near the king's land, is naturally the best choice.

‘The day has finally arrived! ’ At this time, on the outskirts of the Elf Forest, Sursin was still standing tall in a black robe, looking at the countless vampires gathered below.

Although they don't have the same armor and clothing, those bright red eyes are the biggest symbol of this legion!

Even Suersin, who had turned black, couldn't help but feel a little excited at this moment!

He is regarded by these vampires as the incarnation of the vampire king, known as the King of Despair!

But only he himself knows,

There is no such thing as a king of despair,

Some are just a god who understands his own body (fallen)!

Very good, now it’s time to repay his beautiful goddess...!

As the beautiful lady who initially lent him the army for his plan...

He was looking forward to seeing the look of despair on that goddess's beautiful face!

But from now on, he will be completely in the sight of the gods.

Maybe there will be gods who can't help but end up personally...

If nothing else...

Those gods who are also in charge of elf believers will never sit back and watch the demise of a natural elf kingdom.

Scared? Worried? Fear?

May be targeted by multiple gods——


‘Haha, hahahahaha! ’ Suersin was completely excited!

He was so scared that he was shaking all over!

But the more scared you are, the more excited you feel!


Chapter 1595 There should be a place for a vampire empire on this continent!

...How can a war without a divine end be considered a real war?

How can despair be considered a truly high-quality despair if it does not absorb the emotions of a god? !

‘…What kind of real war is a war that does not end with gods?

How can despair be regarded as truly high-quality despair if it does not absorb the emotions of gods? ! ’

As for whether the negative emotions of the gods can provide him with growth,

This is something that has not yet been completely determined!

Isn't he doing it too? !

The scene before me is the most critical moment to take a bold step forward!

In the evening, the sun is just about to set.

Although the sky was not completely dark yet, it had become gloomy and gray.

Several true ancestors and ancestor-level vampires second only to the true ancestors stand at the forefront of many vampires.

Waiting for that man to appear...'The King of Despair'!

While waiting, several vampire ancestors also started chatting.

"I wonder if our true ancestor will take action in this battle..." The handsome androgynous young man in noble attire with silver hair and red eyes said slowly.

"Mr. Spaymon...have you approved of Count Dracula's "Theory of the Birth of the Vampire"?"

Another handsome male vampire with blond hair and red eyes asked with a smile.

"About what the epic describes...

It’s hard to say whether the source of the birth of vampires is true or false. "Another female vampire with black hair and one eye and an eyepatch also said coldly.

"Then you don't agree with that person's legitimacy? In that case, why did you come here in response to the call of the King of Despair." Vampire Spamon Hesta asked indifferently.

Before the two true ancestors of vampires could respond.

"I'm really interested in that vampire king! I hope he is real!" A red-haired vampire with a particularly strong body suddenly said. The sadism, cruelty and excitement flashing in his eyes did not avoid other vampires.

"If a vampire wants to quickly improve his strength, in addition to stimulating the power in his bloodline, he must also overcome the upper level...

Even if we reach the point where we are waiting for the True Ancestor, this rule should still apply! If I could swallow that king...hehe-hahaha! "The red-haired vampire said.

The atmosphere on the field suddenly became quiet,

All the true ancestors of the vampires had inexplicable brilliance shining in their eyes, and they all looked at the red-haired vampire.

"Shut up, Dokrasis! Being together is forbidden!" A true ancestor said to the red-haired vampire in a cold voice.

Before the vampire empire was established,

The King of Despair had already established a Senate headed by the true ancestors and ancestors.

The Senate has unanimously voted on the 'Prohibition of Co-Ghoul' bill that will be implemented immediately after the establishment of the Vampire Empire.

Although there is a further possibility that a low-level vampire can devour a high-level vampire,

But in the future, when all vampires are our own compatriots,

No one wants to be in constant fear every day.

Beware of being stabbed in the back by your subordinates one day!

The prohibition of communion is almost inevitable in the future...


Only they themselves know what these True Ancestors really think in their hearts.

No one can resist the temptation of evolution,

They are able to live in peace now because they were filmed in the legend of Dracula!

What if you find that the 'new king' is just a paper tiger, or only a little better than yourself and others?

Vampires who believe in the supremacy of power, these true ancestors are definitely not guys who are willing to work for others and keep their own rules.

After all...

People who come here, whether they believe in the legend of Dracula or not,

But it is true that most of them come because of the name of the vampire king!

If there really is a vampire in this world that is more noble than the blood of the True Ancestor!

The throbbing, fear, anticipation and excitement in the blood are almost unavoidable and are the instinct of all vampires...!

And now——

Vampires need a unified country, and they really shouldn't continue to be lone wolves.

But every nobleman with a little arrogance and true ancestor with ambition would want to be the leader.

In the past, everyone had equal status.

No one obeys anyone,

Now it is because of the existence of Dracula that they see the hope of the unification of the empire.

"Gentlemen!" At this time, Sursin finally came to the front desk.

Hearing the 'King of Despair' begin to speak, the true ancestors below calmed down and looked over.

Spamon frowned slightly. On the surface, he was still a supporter of His Majesty Dracula's orthodoxy.

Naturally, he was more concerned than anyone else. It was already at this time. Why hadn't he seen the real king yet?

Could it be that even for such a big matter as the founding of the country, the king didn't personally take action?

He stared closely at the 'King of Despair', the rumored incarnation of the vampire king.

But I never thought of it...

The so-called ‘King of Despair’ is a forgery;

He even planned to hide after finishing this job and leave everything to the real vampire king.

Just wait until the empire is established in Accardo's name!

By then, it would be impossible for the King of Monsters not to be involved.

At this time, Sursin, the god of gods, has only one thing to do...!

That is... to arouse the emotions of the vampires and make them completely crazy!

"Today, we stand here! Standing on the land of the elves! Standing on the land of those enemies!

Standing on this land that we will water with blood and dignity in the future! "

He shouted loudly and paused for a moment...after realizing that everyone was looking at him.

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