Sulcin: "But please remember... this action! We will definitely succeed! Behind us is the great Dracula! And His Majesty will become the strongest backer of our race!

- Become the light of the world for the vampires!!"

Sulcin got straight to the point and directly shouted the name of the great Dracula!

Then... there were countless cheers and responses from below, and they all excitedly shouted the name of His Majesty Dracula!

Dracula! ! Dracula! ! ! Dracula! ! ! !

Out of their admiration for the legendary vampires, the fighting spirit and self-confidence of the vampires began to rise.

Seeing this, Surcin continued to shout:


He changed his words and suddenly said:

"The vampires have been hiding in the darkness for too long!

There is no sunlight, no land, no land of their own!

And gradually even their dignity is lost!"

Accompanied by Surcin's voice that spread throughout the vampire army with divine power,

the hot waves in the audience gradually quieted down, and pairs of bright red eyes continued to stare at Surcin intently.

In their view, every word of the King of Despair represents the will of His Majesty...!


Such an opening...depicting the tragic situation,

Is His Majesty trying to convey something to them? They couldn't help but clench their fists and listened carefully.

Chapter 1596 Everything for His Majesty!

Seeing these vampires (tools) cooperate so well,

Sulcin was satisfied and continued to provoke:

"Those elves who are extremely arrogant and ugly, with a face similar to ours, ride on our necks and bully us!

They trample on our dignity at will and kill vampires wantonly! Kill the dignity of the most noble race in the world!

But can you really stand it!"

The voice paused slightly and then became louder!

"Think about our ancestors!

What a proud and noble existence they are!

Even the one in the sky can be protested wantonly..."

Sulcin shouted angrily: "When facing the bullying of unfair fate!

Tell me, do you want to be like your ancestors! Like the great majesty, be a free fighter and protest against the high and mighty,

or do you want to be a slave?!"

When Suerxin used the story of Dracula as an allusion to make such a comparison...

Suddenly, the vampires were stunned.

Anyone who has known the story of Dracula will not forget it...

At this moment, I recalled that scene in my mind...

Under the setting sun, in front of the guillotine... he lowered his head to lick the blood, and then sneered at the high god...——'the blasphemer'!!

Speaking of the king's struggle against fate, against the high god... this is the most profound scene that almost all vampires can think of.

How can there be a more terrifying 'high god' than the almighty great Lord!

Although the 'high god' they are about to face is completely different from the one they faced and sneered at before, but...!!

Instantly, the vampires felt that their cold blood as undead creatures seemed to boil, and their hair stood up!

‘Should I launch a struggle... or... be a slave? ! ’

How can the war they are facing now be compared with that one!



Once they choose to fight, it's as if they have become blasphemers!

Even though they are undead creatures, it's an unprecedented experience to openly oppose the gods, not to mention that vampires have long been assimilated by many ritual races on earth after leaving the abyss.

And now, their long-tamed and long-hidden wildness seems to have a sign of releasing their nature with this sentence!

Under the dim sky, those eyes have become more red and bright!

Choose? Do you still need to choose...? !

"Fight! Fight! Fight!!! Fight!!!" A vampire roared enthusiastically.

Then more beasts responded and roared! !

Like a tide! Like a huge sound of a mountain torrent! Echoing each other!

"For His Majesty!" Sursin shouted when he saw this.

"For His Majesty!" Countless voices followed the shouting, although not in a neat pattern, but the sound of waves like a mountain torrent was still full of impact!

Even those True Ancestors who had some strange thoughts in their hearts felt their blood burning at this moment!

They began to look forward to the next battle feast.

Celebrate this grand carnival with the heads and blood of those elves!

Go to war!!!

When the series of speeches came to an end,

along with the final order, this huge torrent of immortality swept into the interior of the Elf Forest.

The birds in the sky were so frightened that they circled over the forest and did not dare to come down for a long time.

The whole forest was filled with the rumbling sound caused by the army's march, like the sound of an earthquake.

On the other side——

The Goddess of Life was no longer in the temple, but returned to the sky.

Sursin also calculated that she would not be able to come back for a while, so he took action at this time.

After all...

To prepare a surprise for the goddess,

As for the return gift, he had already thought about it. He would just use the goddess' witnessing the despair of the elves after their demise as a reward!

At this time, the goddess of life far away in heaven also had a bad premonition in her heart.

The powerful spiritual perception of the gods made her always feel that something was going to happen, but she didn't know why.

After all, she was not a prophetic god... without the vision of the future, she would not have guessed that the young God of Light she trusted was leading a group of vampires to attack her believer's country.

The war was ignited quickly! !

First, the elf team outside the Elf Forest,

when they found that the earth was shaking, they realized that something was wrong,

but even they only had time to send an alarm to the country, and had no time to organize an effective defense, and they encountered the vanguard of the vampires!

An army of ghouls created and raised by many vampires!

Countless ghouls crawled on the ground at a fast speed, and then pounced on these elves like cheetahs and lions!

The elves didn't even draw their bows before they were approached and killed with a quick blow!

On a large battlefield,

the role that such a small group of troops can play is still too small, and they don’t even have a chance to attack before being killed by concentrated fire.

On the battlefield, the horror of being covered by firepower and concentrated attacks is also vividly reflected at this moment!

There are too many!!

There are vampires and ghouls everywhere, and even among them there are monsters like True Ancestors whose combat power is not inferior to that of gods!

Even if there is no existence like the Abyss Demon among these True Ancestors,

they are definitely not something that these ordinary elves can resist.


The army marched all the way, and all the elf villages and cities along the way were attacked!

The defense forces of those elves were not even a match.

This also made the vampires more and more excited to kill!

Thinking of the frustration and anger of being hunted by the elves before, hatred filled their hearts. At this time, slaughtering these elves wantonly and trampling these proud tribes under their feet made the vampires feel as comfortable as eating ice cream in the dog days of summer!

"Kill!! Kill!! Kill!! Kill!! "

"Fight, fight, fight!"

"Kill all these elves without a single one left!"

"For His Majesty!!!"

"For His Majesty!!!" xN, one person shouted, and ten thousand people responded.

Under the influence of this overwhelming victory, the vampires became more and more fanatical about His Majesty! They also became more and more convinced that the vampires could become truly powerful under the leadership of the king in the future and build an extremely huge empire!

At this time, when the battle began to intensify, the 'King of Despair' unknowingly retreated to the back...

Frantically absorbing the despair, murderous intent, hatred and other emotions in the air,

'That's it... Create more power (despair) for me! '

But he was going to hide for the time being...

The movement here was too loud,

It was impossible to hide it from the gods in the sky and the monster king next door.

The identity of the 'King of Despair' could be exposed at any time.

He should leave!

Chapter 1597 Kill the enemy when you see it! The beasts are out of the cage!

As long as he leaves...

No one in this world will know that the King of Despair is actually a disguised God of Light.

No one can guess his identity!

Even if everyone is kept in the dark!

Even if they wake up, it's too late.

Vampires and elves have already fought a real war!

No matter whether the vampire empire is finally established successfully,

all elves will be hostile to the monster king!

These elves are invading the elf forest under the banner of Count Dracula!

Thinking of this, Suerxin couldn't help but reveal a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth,


Whether it is the undead monsters, the elegant and noble elves, or even the gods in the sky, they are fooled by him at will! Playing with him in the applause.

This feeling is as if he has now achieved the supreme God King!

That sense of accomplishment is indescribably comfortable!

But there is a pair of eyes in the dark, seeing everything this young god did.

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