(Yan: ‘Good fellow! You just pulled a bunch of little brothers out for my fake account?!’)

Yan had been paying attention to the development of the situation before, but he did not intervene. He just wanted to see what this other world god who was gradually awakening could do.

At this time, even though he knew that the other party wanted Akado to take the blame,

he was not angry at all,

but watched with relish!

It was like watching an extremely outstanding clown performance.

As for being misunderstood by the gods and even the elves? Hostile?

That’s not a problem at all!

The real king of monsters, the monster among monsters, no matter what obstacles are in front of him, just kill them all!

It is just like the classic words in the song of hell,

which can describe the attitude of the characters who walked out of the hell world, the charm of the characters in the world of violent aesthetics!

‘When the enemy comes, I will kill it, knock it down, and make it decay.

If I don’t do this, I will be killed, knocked down, and forced to decay. Killing is your only way.

He is the only truth, and he cannot do anything against reason.

No one can do it. God, devil, me, you can’t do it. ’

Whether it is Dracula (Acardo) or the Impaler, they are not pure and simple justice characters.

They have their own beliefs, or black justice.

As long as there is an enemy, whether it is a good person, a bad person, an ordinary person or a powerful monster, the image of the elderly, women, children, or children, it is meaningless in front of them!

As long as it is an enemy, there is no psychological burden to kill it!

For Yan...

Even if the vest of Akado is completely consumed,

It will definitely present a grand and wonderful drama, so that the original meaning of its existence can be fully realized and all the residual heat can be exerted!

Let the people in the other world have a deeper impression of the authenticity of the epic and the existence of the flesh-and-blood heroes in it!

That's good...it's enough!

He himself is not a purely righteous person.

Just protect your own people...

Speaking of which, Yan: 'The bookstore in the Elf Forest cannot be destroyed by these vampires. ’

Whether the vampires win or the elves win,

as long as the bookstore is still there,

it can continue to operate.

The store clerks inside are all his own business. Although he is not a god, he will protect his subordinates.

Thinking of this...

Yan looked into the depths of the Elf Forest, and finally saw the panicked elf girl in the bookstore inside, the former elf apprentice priest, and now the bookstore owner.

Because of the powerful offensive of the vampires, the war has spread to the deepest part of the Elf Forest!

Yan directly remotely communicated with his employees to comfort them and told them to stay in the bookstore and not come out, it is absolutely safe.

After that...Yan added cognitive impairment magic to the bookstore!

With his current level, the spell he applied, even if those main gods come, they can't see the flaws!

As long as the little cuties in the store don't run out stupidly, nothing will happen.

And at the same time...

On the other side——

Such a large-scale war has created a huge amount of emotions,

it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a belief without a master.

Even though other gods could not collect these ownerless beliefs like Sursin, they finally felt the situation here!

Killing intent, despair, death, crying, and praying!

Among them, the goddess of life, who is believed by these natural elves, finally found that something was wrong!

When the gods' vision fell one after another,

When they saw the miserable state of the forest of elves in the lower world through the sky,

Looking at the bloodthirsty army composed of vampires, the army was as red as a river!

The gods were stunned.

Individual strength is already strong, and it is extremely difficult to deal with monsters with strong immortality!

The race that the gods did not take seriously originally, when they gathered together, they actually burst out with such terrifying combat power.

The army composed of undead creatures,

made the gods recall some bad memories! For a while, their faces were a little ugly and changed drastically.

'It's just like the invasion of the abyss back then! '

Sweeping the continent, giving the gods a headache, a monster that seemed endless to kill!

Although the Abyss Demon God was the main force of the abyss at that time, the most troublesome existence.

But the terrifying and difficult nature of those monsters is still fresh in people's memory.

In front of us... Although these vampires can be killed, they rely on their powerful immortality to revive and continue to fight.

In a sense, they can be said to be endless!

Although the light element can effectively kill these monsters,

but looking at the elves below, they are obviously not prepared.

The elite troops of the natural elves are holding light enchanted weapons and are still hunting vampires outside.

Those who stay at home are naturally not powerful elves.

This wave can be said to be unexpected that the enemy will directly replace their hometown! Blood loss!

The goddess of life panicked when she saw this scene...!

She saw her own elf queen leading the elves to the front line, guarding the last line of defense of the Elf Forest!

Damn... where did so many vampires come from!

The Lord of Light had clearly told her before that the situation of hunting vampires on the front line was very good.

Even after other elves - elemental elves, tree elves and other elves joined the battlefield,

The vampires are already a little exhausted! Many of the legendary ‘true ancestors’ of the vampire clan even died.

The vampires should be unable to organize an effective counterattack at all!

How could there be so many vampires on the battlefield!

Until this moment, the goddess of life had not doubted at all that all the news Sursin gave her was false news.

The ‘true ancestors’ who died in the intelligence are now leisurely hunting elves in the army below!

(Sulsin’s evil, cheerful smile: How can a true ancestor-level vampire die so easily...

There are quite a few old true ancestors who have survived to this day, and they have the power of gods... Of course - I lied to you!

Scream in despair, my beautiful goddess! )

Chapter 1598 If you talk about God, I won’t be sleepy anymore!

'A group of skins with only twisted souls and crazy will left! ’ Looking at the monster running on the earth, which is not in the heaven at this time, it is enough to throw the realization here in the city of Ceylon, the God of Alchemy sighed.

He couldn't agree with the vampires' enthusiasm for war and killing.

War will definitely bring about destruction, destroy all prosperous things, and even cause the civilization that has developed enough to be strong enough to set back for decades.

In such an unstable world, alchemy cannot flourish.

Being tied to the rapid development of Ceylon is the luck of the God of Alchemy...

He didn't need to go through the painful experience of Sursin, and he also vaguely possessed the rudiment of spirituality, but he didn't know it yet.

But he knew that if he wanted to study more technological alchemy, a stable and prosperous country was necessary.

I just hope that the battle there will not spread to Ceylon...

But it’s unexpected!

The God of Alchemy and the others heard those vampires shouting the name of 'His Majesty Dracula'!

God of Alchemy:? ! ! !

"Dracula? Isn't that just...?! Wait, that guy isn't involved too!"

at the same time……

In the small dark room of the Ceylon City surveillance system, the same picture was played on countless small TVs.

The vampire army crazily invaded the Elf Forest from different directions.

At this moment - Accardo and two little vampires are staying here.

"For Your Majesty!!!" True Ancestor Loli looked at this scene and seemed to be affected by the fanatical atmosphere, so she couldn't help shouting.

The little vampire lady on the side also wanted to have fun shouting along with her.

But when he raised his head, he happened to notice that Accardo, who was sitting on the armchair, had his eyes tilted down and was staring at them.

Those eyes without any emotion, glowing with golden-red pupils in the darkness,

"Hey~!" The young lady couldn't help but shudder, and immediately covered her mouth with her two little hands.

As vampires, when they saw such a bloody and cruel scene, not only did they not feel afraid or uncomfortable, but they became instinctively excited.

That bloodthirsty desire was aroused!

However, the rightful owner in front of me has not yet spoken or expressed his position.

The two little ones gradually calmed down and began to realize that something was wrong.

"Aren't you happy? Then... those vampires, weren't you sent there? They look like they will win soon, Your Majesty?" The young lady hesitated, but still asked timidly.

She knows what her mother is thinking...

Originally, I wanted to bring the Fran family to seek refuge with this Lord.

It would be great if I could be protected by this adult.

If the legendary Dracula really wanted to found a country,

She and her mother will definitely support her... maybe she can become a noble in the new empire.

Vampires are all born fighting madmen and are true warriors...

The bloody battlefield will not scare him, and if His Majesty agrees...

The little lady now thinks that she can join the battlefield without hesitation!

Kill the enemy on sight!

It has nothing to do with hatred, likes or dislikes, it is just about expanding the territory and making achievements for the empire.

"Idiot..." Accardo suddenly laughed,

"If you want to establish a new kingdom and achieve hegemony...if you want to do it, it has already been completed in the past."

Yes, if you want to do it...! It has been possible a long time ago, why wait until now!

In the original world, hundreds of years ago, there were still counts!

With an army unparalleled in the world,

The man who even personally devoured his own subordinates and possessed an army of undead,

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