One person is a country.

The land he stands on is the country of vampires! The country of the dead!

The young lady was slightly stunned, and suddenly figured it out.

But in that case, wouldn’t those vampires be… not just using the name of His Majesty to do whatever they want? !

Even so, the young lady couldn’t help but call him ‘His Majesty Dracula’.

The King of Vampires, the man in front of her deserves it!

But if others want to use the name of this king to do things...

Even if she swore to submit, a strong sense of dissatisfaction and anger rose in the young lady’s heart instantly.

Any disrespectful behavior towards the king is a blasphemy...

For her who regards Akado as an idol, it is extremely difficult to tolerate.

Not to mention, after being rescued by Akado and brought up like a junior for so many days,

both the young vampire lady and the little vampire lolita admired this king more and more!

Is the old father going to take the blame for others? !

How could the good girls bear it!

"I'll tell those vampires right now! They've all been deceived! Those True Ancestors must have deceived them! They want to use your name to establish an empire and become the king!" the young lady said.

The little vampire loli on the side was still a little confused.

She herself was a True Ancestor who changed her job halfway,

and she didn't know much about the situation on the vampire side, so naturally she didn't understand where her little sister's extremely determined attitude came from.

Just hearing that it was the True Ancestor who deceived the other vampires and did things in the name of Akado,

she immediately became indignant!

"Count me in!" It was like Zhang Fei who heard his brother was angry, and he was about to wave his fist and beat those bastards to death!

"Mother said... the True Ancestors had long had the idea of ​​establishing a vampire empire, but no one was convinced by anyone, and no truly powerful leader could stand up! And they couldn't convince all the vampires!" the young lady.

"They must have taken advantage of your reputation...

You should be the real uncrowned king!"

The little vampire girl echoed: "That's right! That's right!"

The little vampire lady: "Natural elves are believers of the goddess of life... Maybe the gods will come down to the world in person in the end. If that's not what you want...

These vampires may even implicate you in the end."

Once the enthusiasm disappeared, the little vampire lady calmed down and analyzed seriously, her tone began to become worried.

After all, it's a god!

That's a god!

With a god as the enemy, no one dares to boast that they can defeat that terrifying enemy!

But the little vampire lady forgot that many true ancestors have the strength comparable to that of gods,

not to mention Akado, the source of vampires...

If even those god-level true ancestors can't match the combat power,

it's too cheap...

Dracula is the legend of the source of vampires in this world, and no one believes it.

The template Yan gave to Akado would only be stronger than the gods, not weaker.

"Wow! You mean the gods?" Akado, who had been watching everything quietly with a smile on his face, suddenly interrupted.

I don't know if it was the illusion of the two little ones,

they suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the air suddenly became full of danger!

Chapter 1599 God will not come, unless...!

A trace of excitement flashed in Akado's eyes, and his mouth was grinning to his ears.

"God will not come..." He said to the two little ones.

"I once prayed to God... prayed for God to come,

for a hundred people, sacrifice one person, for a thousand people, sacrifice ten people, for ten thousand people, sacrifice a hundred people,

for the boundless world of God, even if my small world burned and destroyed... as long as God can come,"

Akado's words evoked people's memories of the epic of the legendary vampire in front of them.

What he should talk about is his experience as the Grand Duke of Dragon.

... The two little ones couldn't help but think!

Who would have thought that the True Ancestor, who was feared by the world and even the gods, was only the descendant of this person.

And this former king of monsters among monsters was also a faithful believer in God!

The two little ones who already knew the ending of Akado were like a thorn in their throats at this time. They wanted to say something for a while, but finally fell silent.

Thinking of everything the Count had experienced, they felt uncomfortable in their hearts!

"I tell people -

Let's pray, even if it is cracked, broken, broken, and scattered, pray and pray again,

Beside me who is miserable, beside us who are sad, like a thousand horses galloping, God descended from the sky!! However...!

However - did it really come? God! There is also paradise!"

For his gods, he is no longer a king, nor a servant of God, and now he is not even a human.

Killing enemies, killing partners, the subjects who should be protected, the country that should be governed,

Men, women, old people, children, finally became a truly hopeless monster (the Count)!

Even so, still hold on.

However, God abandoned him, and the Kingdom of God never came to him in the end.

He was left with only a mad king, a monster who was desperate in sorrow and played the song of hell!

"So... God will not come! If there really is a god coming down..." Akado said nothing, but his gradually calming emotions seemed like the calm before the storm.

Both children could feel his turbulent emotions.

Gods will not respond to prayers, because that is only a one-sided request.

Gods will not come because of fighting.

Fighting is not praying, which has been verified by Akado himself.

If the gods intervene and personally take action for this reason...

Then what is the life of the Piercer, a pathetic clown?

When the two children thought of this, they trembled all over. For this extremely powerful man, this monster that is so strong that it makes people tremble,

they felt pity and worry.

If a god really came, it would be just a false god!

Hmm... maybe His Majesty would directly shoot that false god in the head.

The god who would personally take action is really too good...

Not like the Lord in that epic, even if he has never appeared...

But he is active in various heroic epics, and can still make people feel the greatness and mystery, as if he is everywhere! And it seems to be just people's illusory fantasy!

That's the real cool online!

While Akado was interacting with the two little ones,

on the other side——

The true god will not descend, but the false god will!

If it is just an ordinary crisis, the goddess can solve the problem by sending one or two powerful warriors or demigods.

But there are true ancestors whose pure combat power is not inferior to that of ordinary gods.

If there is no real god descending,

the Elf Forest will definitely be destroyed!

The Goddess of Life, who is not a combat god, began to ask for help from the gods in heaven...

She had contacted the Lord of Light just now,

but Suerxin had already started to pretend to be dead and could not be contacted at all.

As long as the Goddess of Life starts to seek help from other gods, especially those gods believed in by other elves,

the elves under her also have irreconcilable conflicts with vampires...

Those gods quickly agreed to the Goddess of Life's willingness to help her,

but not personally, but to send their elite warriors to support.

"The teleportation array in the capital of your believer kingdom has not been broken...We can borrow that teleportation array and let the army descend!"

A god said.

But the goddess of life was almost laughed out of anger.

By the time they had formed the army, it was already too late.

The forest of elves had already been completely destroyed!

Not to mention large-scale teleportation, the debugging of the teleportation array also takes time.

But there was simply not enough time for the elves to wait.


The goddess of life could only worry and keep urging the gods, but the gods were all experienced!

Although they also paid great attention to and were vigilant about this vampire army,

they did not want to confront them head-on immediately.

If they were not prepared to go into battle,

the elves under their command would soon be torn to pieces by these meat grinders!

It was really a headache!

Among these united gods, many were gods who had participated in the exploration of other worlds last time,

and were seriously injured by a series of operations such as the White Dragon Emperor being beaten by Yan.

If they could, they really didn't want to do it now!

But the gods believed by the elves were also worried that the vampires in front of them would kill the natural elves and then their elves!

When they hunted vampires before, their elves participated a lot!


The goddess of life could only watch in despair as the defense line was finally completely broken!

Under the pressure of several true ancestors with god-level combat power, the troops that the queen of elven stopped could not hold out for a few minutes.

A small group of elves fled their homes from the rear with the remaining elf nobles.

Some died with the elves, some escaped,

Except for a bookstore with cognitive impairment imposed by Yan,

Other places were destroyed by vampires!

The Elf Forest was completely declared dead.

Now, even if the elite troops of natural elves who were still outside could rush back immediately, it would be useless and change any facts.

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