And now the hope of the vampires...

That’s right~! Isn’t their hope exactly Accardo!

As long as the monster king can appear in time,

However, after discovering that some time had passed since the war, Accardo still did not appear.

Sursin couldn't bear it any longer.

Originally, he wanted to wait until the King of Monsters had to appear, and when the gods took the initiative to trouble Dracula.

But now——

‘We can’t wait any longer, we have to do something to change the situation first! ’

'What? What is this in front of you? ’ On the other side, the little vampire loli’s consciousness fell into a self-protective coma because of the huge pain at the moment of that terrifying blow.

Then her consciousness came to a unique world!

In the distance are beautiful mountains, rivers, forests and lakes, and on the horizon is a beautiful sunset.

Even though it's daytime...

But here she didn't seem to feel as sleepy and disgusted as before.

Looking at such a beautiful scene, the little vampire loli felt a familiar feeling in her heart.

A feeling of emotion gradually arose in my heart...

She remembered,

This is the hometown where I used to be a human and lived with my mother.

At that time she could still play and laugh freely in the sun,

Although she is not afraid of the sun now, she hasn't felt the beauty of the sun in a long time!

The sun... is such a beautiful thing.

It is precisely because I miss the happy memories of my childhood as a human being and the beauty that moved me!

She became more and more hesitant, not wanting to completely become a vampire that feeds on blood.

She suddenly figured it out...

The reason why I admire Accardo is not simply because Accardo is handsome or the ancestor of a vampire.

emmm okay...there is indeed a reason for this. (The little loli, who couldn't help her conscience, covered her chest,)

But more importantly, because Accardo is the same as him,

This ancestor was once a human being!

That feeling of being 'in the same boat'...being forced to become a monster.


Chapter 1,604 Isn’t this... pretty good!

"What a beautiful sight! Isn't it?"

"Hmm..." The little vampire loli nodded in response, and then she suddenly reacted! Who is speaking? !

When she turned around, her eyes widened.

"...!!" It's Master Akado!

"You, you...I..." Little Loli.

"Why be surprised... This is your consciousness space, I exist here, but I don't exist here...

But you can actually see me now... Just understand that. "

"My conscious space?" The little vampire Loli looked a little confused,

"It's really a familiar scene... Whenever I die, I will come to a similar place as you..." Accardo said while looking at the beautiful sunshine in front of him.

The death he talks about is not real disappearance;

But at the moment of being defeated and defeated, at the moment when the monster fell, I can occasionally recall the long-ago time and myself as a human being...

Even though his body was naked and skinny, his hands and head were restrained by torture instruments, as a human being before his death,

At that moment, I sincerely sighed at this beauty.

So - do you regret becoming a monster?

"I still don't want to drink blood. I'm as stubborn as a cow..." Accardo suddenly grinned without knowing what he thought of.

"Hug, sorry!" The little vampire loli had a guilty look on her face.

Obviously her idol has guided her for so long... but she——

It was all her own problems that prevented her from fully displaying her strength in battle.

Speaking of fighting…

She remembered that she seemed to have been killed by the enemy's ultimate move before! Woohoo~! Isn't he the last person to be conscious now?

Salvation is about to die?

Especially what Akado said just now, that every time he dies, he will appear in a similar world,

Make the little vampire loli feel uneasy.

She couldn't help but murmured: "It's all my fault...if I wasn't so willful."

Accardo: "..."

There was no response, just when the little vampire Loli couldn't help but raise her head and look timidly at Accardo.

"There's no need to force yourself to change anything...kid,

Just keep that stupid and innocent look.

It wouldn't be bad to have a vampire like you every once in a while. "Although Accardo still grinned from the corners of his mouth to his ears, his smile didn't look ferocious. Instead, it had a faint feeling of tranquility and beauty.

The golden-red eyes moved slightly down to look at the little vampire loli. His eyes seemed to be conveying the message - 'Isn't that good?' 'That's not bad either'.

This expression instantly touched the little vampire Loli's heart, and she couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"But... you are no longer human,

Although human food is delicious, it is a burden to you and cannot supplement any nutrition at all. "

"Uh-huh~!" Looking at Accardo's figure who suddenly dwarfed and came closer, the little vampire loli blushed and was startled.

It was not good for her to be in such close contact with someone she admired.

Like a shy little girl, she couldn't help but take two steps back, and then she felt a little regretful in her heart, missing the opportunity to get close to her ancestor!

"If it's a normal battle, it doesn't matter. Just lie down in the coffin and take a good rest. Now that you've been injured so seriously, you can't do it without sucking some blood!" As he said that, Accardo suddenly cut his arm and followed it. The palms dropped.

And the moment he saw the bright red blood, representing the vampire king, appeared,

The little vampire loli's breathing became heavier, and her eyes unconsciously entered bright red vampire mode.

His longing eyes stared at the blood, and then... he couldn't help but slowly stick out his little tongue.

Food~! ! Delicious food!

Although for vampires, human blood, especially the blood of pure virgins, is their favorite.

But like the King of Vampires, such a more advanced bloodline also has unimaginable temptations for monsters who instinctively pursue evolution!

Want to evolve——

I want to return to my ancestors!

Want to draw more currency and more power from the blood soul!

Such a situation is too tempting for a vampire!

His consciousness was slightly unstable, and he couldn't help but pounce on him, hoping to eat the king completely.

Of course, under normal circumstances,

Limited by the natural suppression in the blood,

It is also difficult for vampires to overcome their instinctive fear and commit crimes without permission.

However, the current situation is obviously allowed.

If the person sucking blood is Master Akado, and he takes the initiative to be fed.

Most of the resistance in my heart seemed to have dissipated.

Plus that temptation,

Unable to bear it any longer, the little Loli raised her head and moved her little head closer. Finally, it was as if she raised her hands to the sky and held up the rain.

Blood fell into her throat drop by drop,

Then she awakened her dormant True Ancestor bloodline and started boiling again!

The last time she was so excited was when she drank Lily's blood for the first time.

And the outside world...

Boom~! !

Originally, most of the body disappeared due to a single shot, and only some wreckage and ash pits could be seen.

Little Miss Vampire was greatly shocked when she thought her little sister was dead.

Like boiling water,

The atmosphere suddenly began to boil with bright red magic power,

Then the overdrive regeneration reappears.

"!!! Not dead yet?!" The blue-haired girl's eyes widened in surprise.


That level of lightning, coupled with its own principles contained within it,

Even the real old true ancestors should be purified.

How could she be resurrected without drinking blood for recovery?

Yeah~! ! ! The blue-haired girl suddenly let out a exclamation,

The strong hurricane blew up along the potholes below, causing her hair to flutter in the wind. The oncoming gray sand also made the young girl couldn't help but hug her head.

Then, the 'resurrected' vampire little loli flew out and punched the little girl away.

Boom~! ! !

Penetrating the night sky, an atmospheric blow,

If it were daytime now, the clouds on the horizon would have dispersed at all!

This blow was too strong,

The blue-haired girl was directly beaten and flew into the distant woods. After gliding for an unknown amount of time, she destroyed many trees along the way, and finally hung on the branch of a big tree.

"What?!" The gods in the sky have been paying attention to the war below. No battle above the True Ancestor level can escape their eyes.

Therefore, the gods also saw the vampire loli knocking the blue-haired girl away.

The goddess of the elemental elves' faith couldn't sit still anymore and stood up!

"How is it possible...! Scarlet was defeated by that weak True Ancestor!" It was clear that he was half-assed just now! The goddess's eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

Chapter 1,605 The King of Monsters has finally arrived!

What could possibly increase a vampire's strength so much in an instant?

From a weak state that was almost killed, he was directly strengthened to the point where he could beat the demigod hero away with a wave of his hand!

The one who was beaten away was the demigod and elemental elf who had mastered the lightning!

"Bazat, Gray, Scarf! Go and destroy that vampire!" The gods, who didn't understand or simply didn't want to, gave the order directly to the three demigod heroes.

Even if his strength increases dramatically...the True Ancestor is still the True Ancestor.

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