The gods could see that the strange true ancestor did not break the boundaries of life levels.

That is to say, it cannot be compared with the real God.

If one demigod can't take it, then three will be enough!

Just when the war is raging here,

on the other side,


"It was successful..." Several voices sounded in the darkness, and the believers of the Alien God began to feel complacent about the success of their plan.

But they never expected that the battle could be so vast.

A battle between an army of countless elves on this planet led by more than a dozen gods and vampires!

There is absolutely no problem that the aftermath of this battle will affect the entire continent.

Such a gratifying result,

Even if the vampire king doesn't appear in the end, it doesn't matter.

Fighting to this extent, in front of the cold list of the dead and the numbers of the dead,

Everyone's attention will be drawn away, and they will have no time to worry about the remnants of these alien visitors!

And on the other side——

Across the continent, the magic crystal notification sounded again.

Countless humans and creatures from other races entered subconsciously and found that Merlin's live broadcast room had been opened again after a long absence.

As soon as they entered, they saw a red battlefield filled with artillery fire!

Millions of elves are fighting with countless vampires!

How long has it been since such a grand racial war occurred?

And vampires that are rarely seen in the past are now gathering in groups!

As for the elves on the other side,

Although it is not a particularly rare race, so many types of elves, and even elven subspecies such as elven dragons and ancient elven trees, have appeared on the battlefield.

Such a special lineup and a special battle quickly attracted everyone's attention.

"Oh my God! So many vampires!!"

"Look carefully at the front, there are more elves!"

"What's going on! Merlin is such a bastard, he hasn't had a live broadcast for so long, and then a big guy shows up right away?"

"Where is this place? Why are there so many elves and vampires fighting? I have never heard of any elf kingdom going out in force!"

Suddenly countless barrages began to appear.

Especially those races that are close to the Elf Kingdom were a little surprised and confused when they found the familiar Elf army on the battlefield.

Merlin is actually broadcasting the war between elves and vampires? !

And it’s such a large-scale battle!

Although elves and vampires have been engaged in small local wars across the continent recently,

But this is the first time we have seen such a large-scale war.

Such a huge personnel transfer...

Forget it about the vampires.

What's going on here with the elves?

This is too much! There are nearly a million troops. Although people don’t know the exact number, at a glance they are densely packed...

Gan! Not the same kind of elves.

Just like the nature elves and elemental elves, one lives in the far south and the other lives in the far north.

How to mobilize troops at the same time to hide it from the human countries along the way!


If there were really so many elves going on a cross-regional expedition, the news would have gone crazy in the human kingdom!

And at this time,

People's main attention was also focused on the battlefield between the demigod heroes and the true ancestors.

As long as people click on the magic crystal, almost no one will exit.

Such a big thing happened,

Whether they simply wanted to eat something or were concerned about the outcome of the war, they all chose to stay.

And on the other side,

As both sides of the war, and the gods did not receive the sound of the magic crystal push,

At this time, they had no idea that they were being broadcast live all over the world.

...The three demigod heroes also came towards the vampire Loli and others.

And here they also returned to the battlefield, and only the remaining members of the Fran family were rescued.

Just when I was about to lead people away from the siege,

Three demigods have arrived!

"That's it... Vampire, just bury it here." With that, the three demigods rushed up and attacked the vampire Loli.

The continuous attacks quickly suppressed this little True Ancestor Lolita.

She couldn't tell her pain, so she could only keep avoiding it!

Although I don’t know what happened in the conscious world, I actually met Master Akado and ate his blood...

But that little amount is not enough to keep her in such a high state of consumption!

The blow that knocked the blue-haired girl flying was the result of an all-out burst and a sudden sneak attack.

When asking her to face three demigods, it's not a question of whether she can fight or not.

There is no way to win!

No chance of winning...! No chance of winning at all!


After a dodge error and a sudden feeling of weakness came from her body, the figure of the vampire Loli stopped moving...

What followed was the attack of the three demigods.

The little vampire loli has subconsciously closed her eyes tightly! Prepare to grit your teeth and fight!

Boom! ! !

The next moment, a rapid explosion sounded in front of him,

But there was no pain in my body.

When the little vampire Loli opened her eyes blankly, she was stunned!

A familiar figure appeared in front of him, wearing a bright red coat and a tall, straight figure full of security!

He turned his back to those attacks and protected himself in front of him,

And those attacks all fell into the bright red and pitch-black light curtain that unfolded behind him.

It was as if the gates of hell opened and swallowed all the attacks, rippling but without making any sound.

"How long are you going to sleep, little devil...!" A magnetic, hoarse and deep voice sounded.

"Ah~! Acardo... Sir!"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time... and you never came back.

It's really troublesome that I have to come to pick you up in person. If you are injured, you should come back obediently and rest in the coffin.

You are so arrogant!

Then, go back!"

"Yes!!" The little vampire girl nodded vigorously with emotion!

The moment she saw this figure, it seemed that all the negative emotions of fear and fear disappeared,

Indescribable relief!

And the three demigods who were besieging, after seeing Acardo appear...

"This posture...!!" The demigods, obviously they all recognized Acardo's identity.

The gods in the sky: "!!! He appeared! Did the monster king also appear in this battle!"

What position did he stand on when he appeared here!

Originally it was just a war between vampires and elves,

With the appearance of this man who is both a heroic spirit and the king of vampires!

Even the gods found it difficult.

Is he here to save these vampires? !

Chapter 1606: Get out! Demigod: All right!

Here we go!!

I finally waited for you, A, Ka, Do!! ——Sulsin noticed the appearance of Akado at the first time, and his expression became a little excited!

He originally planned to act immediately, but he calmed down again.

At this time, on the other side...

The camera of Merlin's live broadcast room also gave a close-up of Uncle A's appearance.

Although he didn't say a word since the broadcast started...

But people subconsciously began to think, this? !

Some people recognized Uncle A, and some didn't.

Although the heroic spirit has been coming for some time, not everyone pays attention to the live broadcast related to the heroic spirit.

There are also many newcomers who have just started to obtain magic crystals.

Until the screen was filled with bullet comments - words such as "Grand Duke", "Piercing Duke", "Dracula", "King of Wallachia", "For the glory of His Majesty" and so on!

The epic story of the Piercing Duke, which has been circulating on the continent for a long time, was gradually turned up from the corner of people's memory, and their hearts were shocked!

At the same time...

As the main person who is being watched by everyone,

Acardo's bright red coat swelled in the wind, on this battlefield full of gunfire...

I don't know if Merlin did something with the sound of the wind,

It was transmitted to people's ears very clearly,

In the hustle and bustle, the sound of the wind brought a rare sense of tranquility.

It was as if the place where the figure stood was the pure land...

Where he was, people could feel unprecedented peace of mind.

'It's time to go back! '

'Yes! '

'Let's go home! 'The eyes met, and they understood everything. The little vampire loli followed the tall back closely.

On the other side -

After the initial shock and fear, the three demigods reacted and subconsciously surrounded them again.

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