For this reason, that will made Yuzuha persist.

However, even a strong will could not resist the overwhelming force.

In fact, for Vonir, he only needed to squeeze hard, and the girl without the magic soldier armor would...

Swoosh!! The extreme ice column pierced Vonir's hand bones at a very fast speed, boom!!

The huge white bones fell directly to the ground.

"Ahem!" Yuzuha took two breaths with difficulty, and her body was caught by a pair of hands.

She opened her eyes and saw the terrifying appearance of Artorius, who was bathed in the breath of the dark abyss.

It was handsome, but if you face it yourself, and at such a distance.

The black gossamer that almost touched the girl's skin and swam on it like a snake made Yuzuha's ears stand up.

"Ah... Artorius?!"

Did he save me?

'Well done! ' At the same time, Artorius Yan couldn't help but admire the magician who had just made that amazing attack.

Yan, who was thrown out and saw the cat-eared girl being caught when she stood up, couldn't help but change her vest and use Excalibur on the Overlord.

As a result, Hitti, who happened to come in at this time, raised her hand and cast an icicle magic that melted water into ice.

Although she could directly summon the ice element, Hitti seemed to like the gasification freezing method that Yan taught her directly.

However, it can be seen from the broken hand bones of Wolnir that the power is not bad.

It's just that the icicle without the power of the abyss and holy light obviously can't really hurt Wolnir.

The broken hand bones flew up and grew back to Wolnir's body.

But Hitti, the sudden appearance of the "magician", also attracted Wolnir's attention.

The power of the law is the most unreasonable power. God knows whether this new magician will have any special means to deal with him.

For a while, Wolnir treated Hitti as a formidable enemy, but he ignored the original biggest enemy.

Chapter 190 The war is over! (2/5) Update!


I'm not willing! Vonir roared in despair, raised his hand to the sky, but could only be gradually swallowed by the dark abyss, and gradually disappeared in the huge suction hurricane.

Standing behind him was Artorius holding the red and black flowing magic sword.

Just when Vonir had put all his attention on Hitti.

Yan reversed the data of the holy sword and turned it into a magic sword.

Then he loaded the analyzed data of the magic sword version of Excalibur on the greatsword transformed by Restia in his hand.

Although the appearance did not change much, it only sprayed out the red and black flames, but the inside had become a magic sword treasure of the same level as the star-killing holy sword!

There was no need for Yuzuha to tell him where Vonir's weakness was, Yan also knew the secret of Vonir's chest.

Nothing in this world can escape the analysis of the simulated star creation map.

While Vonir was alert to Hitti, Yan turned into Artorius and stabbed Vonir in the chest from behind.

Artorius, who had almost merged with the breath of the abyss, was not noticed by Vonir at all, and successfully completed a beheading in the dark.

When Vonir was completely devoured, the surroundings were finally not so dark, and light shone in from the top of everyone's head.

Everyone found themselves in a huge cenote and ruins.

"What happened?" Hitti looked at the direction where Vonir had just died with a stunned expression.

At this time, the figure of the Undead Squad could no longer be seen on the ground.

But before Vonir was devoured, everyone saw...

The heroic and ferocious figure of the Wolf Knight who pierced Vonir with a sword. Wolf Knight - Abyss Walker! Artorius!!

... At that moment, the heart in Vonir's chest suddenly appeared, and the sword that pierced the Abyss Overlord was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

Along with the heart bursting with a sword, the power of the abyss was out of control.

But what about the Undead Squad? !

Why did the Undead Squad disappear?

Could it be that... the Undead Squad was sucked in along with Wolnir's out-of-control abyssal power?

Everyone was confused. At this time, the God of Alchemy in the distance could finally see the situation here clearly.

"The battle is over?!" The human incarnation of the God of Alchemy opened his mouth wide with a wonderful expression.

Wait, how come it's over!

Where is the holy sword? ! Where is the glory of the holy sword? !

Where is the figure of the hero I want to see? Where is it? Where did it go!

The Clairvoyance quickly scanned the cenote, but did not find any human who met the hero's conditions in his impression.

As for the young magician (Hiti), she was directly ignored by the gods.

What he wanted to see was the real hero holding the holy sword! The God of Alchemy thought dissatisfiedly.

What the gods didn't know was...

The real hero has been born.

It was not the glory holding the holy sword, but the glory holding the reverse magic sword, crossing the hell and killing the overlord Wolnir.

The battle was over, and then...

The Undead Squad reappeared, and the news that Lord Artorius had pierced through Vonir with one sword quickly spread among the orcs and humans.

"Has the prophecy come true?"

"Vonir was actually conquered by the Undead Squad."

"...It seems to be a little different from the original prophecy."

People were surprised to hear that Wolnir was not dragged deeper into the abyss after his three bracelets were chopped off, but was killed by Artorius.

However, after knowing this news, all parties believed Andersen's prophecy even more.

Overlord Wolnir is not stupid, he must have read the works of Dark Soul.

But he was still conquered by the Undead Squad...

This must be the fate that has been corrected and returned to the original track! ! My scalp is tingling, my scalp is tingling! !

"Andersen... Meili... and the Undead Squad and Artorius." At the center of the Northern Church, His Majesty the Pope murmured after hearing the battle report. He did not show any excitement, but his heart became colder.

If the prophecy about Overlord Wolnir is true, then what about Pope Shalivan? !


Forget everything and have a good sleep.

Yan didn't want to worry about the distribution of territory in Kasas after the war.

Governing the country is what the king should do.

How could the sage be asked to play? He didn't want to be dragged to work overtime at such a young age!

After stabbing Wolnier to death with a sword, Yan handed the mess over to Rhine.

According to what he told the girl at that time, "You are already a mature knight, and you should learn to handle political affairs by yourself. Otherwise, you will never catch up with your father, the hero king!"

The girl who was fooled stayed alone in the capital of Kasas to deal with the post-war situation and the contact issues of the other two armies.

On the other side, the hero king and the seventh-level strongman who had just arrived from the Divine Court had a complicated and unbelievable look when they heard that Yan led the mercenary army to really break through Kasas.

Why does this sound like a fairy tale! A black knight who is less than the seventh level, with a team of miscellaneous cards, was the first to break through the enemy's capital! ?

Only after hearing that the magician Hitti also took action, they were relieved a little, but their faces were still not good.

How can we explain that they are the two strongest teams, but in the end they just went to take over the mess, as if they were just playing a supporting role.

The strongest combat force in the kingdom, and the notorious title of the Crusaders of the Church, now sound worthless. There is nothing more shameful than this.

... Several countries on the human border are now in a carnival.

They don't care who finally broke through Kasas and defeated Wolnir, they just know that victory is good.

The brutal orcs who threatened the safety of the border have been subdued, and they don't have to worry about being harassed by the orcs next.

Many people began to know the real name of the hero who killed Wolnir in that battle - "Artorias".

More people who didn't know about the Dark Souls before also began to pursue the story of the Dark Souls, and shed tears of emotion after reading it.

People are crazy about and worship the Undead Team that fights against the Abyss.

They even regard Artorias, who killed the Overlord Wolnir and is the faith of the Undead Team, as the most respected "hero"!

The indomitable knight against the abyss!! He sent Vorniel back to the abyss with one sword.

This is so legendary and so dreamy!

It is said that Andersen, who wrote the Dark Soul, also participated in this war, and the reputation of this bard is growing rapidly.

Chapter 191 The goddess's "oracles" one after another (3/5) More!

…People imagine the bard to be handsome (or beautiful and gentle) in their minds, but now he is lying on the recliner with a comfortable look on his face, holding a book from this world in his hand.

Yan thought that he would be very sleepy after just fighting a big battle, and was ready to have a good sleep and rest.

He found that his energy was more abundant than that of a cow.

The dragon factor that was finally aroused by Vorniel's abyss breath was not fully enjoyed because the battle ended too quickly.

If he was alone, Yan would definitely play with the overlord.

…His passion could not be expressed at all, which was really uncomfortable!

Yan could only find something to distract himself.

As for the post-war handling? He didn't want to do such boring things! As I said before, just leave it to Rhine.

In the end, Yan simply read the chronicles of several nearby countries.

... Most of them record major events that have occurred in various kingdoms from the past to the recent times.

Yan chose to read the events that happened in the recent period. He was very interested in the traces of gods.

And the deeds of those ancient and past gods could not be traced, and even if they were known, they could not find any traces of them. Naturally, the closer to the present events, the better!

... Yan hopes to see living gods.

He doesn't know how different the gods of this world are from the gods in the past myths of the earth.

It doesn't mean that the gods in his future books must refer to these guys.

But it is still necessary to understand.

"... The Kingdom of Alonsodes, the predecessor of the Northern Church, the largest religious country?... I found some interesting books!" Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then he read slowly.

The book describes a period when the Northern Church had not yet been unified and there were hundreds of countries.

Hundreds of countries, most of which were territories where a city could be called a "country".

The rulers of each country were equivalent to the lords of the territory in King Arthur.

As in the British era, the kings were quite powerful.

However, in such an era, the Kingdom of Alonsodes had more than a dozen cities.

...No wonder it was the predecessor of the Church.

In this way, compared with other small countries with only one city in the surrounding area, Alonsodes itself is a powerful and strong country!

Hmm - but why did it change its name later? Yan's heart skipped a beat.

The Church - the full name is the Aschet Church.

The supreme ruler of the capital, Feicuileng, is the Pope of the Church.

Although it is also a religious country, the original Kingdom of Alonsodes should be a country with a king. Each new king needs to be canonized by the archbishop of the church before he can inherit the orthodoxy.

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