Although theocracy is superior to royal power.

But there has never been a phenomenon where royal power has completely fallen and theocracy has become the only power.

And now there is no king in Feicuileng.

The pope is more like the Vatican in Yan's impression, as well as the Turkish Sultan and the later theocracy caliph.

That is, as the pope and the pope, he also holds the power of the king.

Interestingly, Yan discovered that the theocracy was completely unified five years ago.

And the change of name from the Kingdom of Alonsodes to the Kingdom of Aschet happened only a few months ago.

In the past, the theocracy that dominated the north should refer to Alonsodes with a powerful religious army. Now people only know the church and don't know the news of the royal family of Alonsodes.

So where did those royal families go? !

This is a bit intriguing.

Soon, Yan found something more interesting in the book.

About five years ago, the divine court issued an oracle to execute a princess.

It is said that it was because the princess had an ominous moon-shaped mark on her face.

The oracle was written by the artifact "Weaving of Destiny" placed in the Emerald Cathedral, and the goddess gave the pope a new warning at that time.

If this country has two princesses, it will fall into the disaster of the struggle for royal power in the future, and it will inevitably happen that the relatives will be sad and the enemies will be happy.

The kingdom will be in a state of fire and blood will flow because of the fight between the two princesses.

At that time, there was no prince in the country, only one princess.

The king and his queen were very close, and there were no other concubines. Their second daughter had just been born.

The pope conveyed the oracle issued by the goddess and ordered the king to execute a princess.

Faced with such a ridiculous thing, the king agreed.

That's right... Yan read it over and over again, and the king actually agreed! !

This is really a fucked-up thing.

... The king did not resist, because he knew that the oracle could not be violated, but he was unwilling to watch one of his children die like this.

At this time, the pope conveyed the goddess's new oracle.

His first princess had a moon mark on her face. The Moon Goddess and the goddess believed in by this country are mortal enemies.

The oracle told the king that if he still had any hesitation, then please execute your eldest princess!

The king readily agreed.

Then he secretly replaced the eldest princess, let her escape from the capital, and sent her to a castle.

Seeing this, Yan nodded.

This king is quite smart, but why does he think this story routine is so familiar?


Why does it look a bit like the scene where Arthur was sent out.

...But in the biography of King Arthur, Arthur is the younger brother and the heir destined in the future.

In this case, the elder sister was sent out, and she left to avoid the disaster of death. When Arthur was sent away, there was no "goddess" or church who wanted to persecute him.

If we talk about royal family struggles——

Yan immediately thought of Morgan who tried his best to pit his younger brother.

Replacing Arthur with Altria, there is indeed a drama of sisters fighting for the throne.

Yan continued to look back.

The nominal first princess was brutally executed in front of the whole nation as an apostate, a believer of the Moon Goddess.

Of course, this is definitely false.

... The older princess not only survived, but also lived well.

The younger princess also grew up healthily, and in a few years she became a delicate little girl.

When spring comes, the little princess can play in the flower garden where flowers are blooming, surrounded by a group of maids.

She can happily lie in her mother's arms to rest, and can also throw herself into her father's arms to act coquettishly.

On the day of autumn harvest, she can stand on the wall of the inner city of the palace and watch large quantities of grain, cooked meat, and fine wine being transported into the palace.

The royal chef of the palace will deliver the golden magic bread to the castle where the princess is.

That is no less than the treatment of the current Princess Chenxi, a life full of happiness.

Everyone loves her.

But her sister can only be trapped alone in a cold castle.

It was rumored that she had been executed long ago, so she must never appear in public again.

Chapter 192: "Inseparable" friends! (4/5) More!

This was the last love her parents showed her, but that was all...

At first, the eldest princess did not understand what had happened to her.

She was just told to be transferred and hidden.

In the kingdom, the king and queen, who were originally in pain because of the "death" of a princess, soon forgot their pain under the warmth of the little princess.

They forgot all the sadness and that there was a princess trapped in the cold castle.

They loved their little daughter wholeheartedly, as if they wanted to make up for the love they owed to their eldest daughter with more of her.

... The eldest princess, who was looking forward to being taken back to the warm and beautiful palace by her father and mother one day, could only sit in front of the castle in a daze every day and was slowly forgotten.

She watched the sun rise and set, and watched the days pass by one after another.

... But the day she was looking forward to being "taken back" has not come yet.

From loss and disappointment to numbness and despair.

She didn't know why her father and mother locked her up here.

Was she naughty? Did she do something wrong to anger them?

She will be obedient, will her father and mother still want her?

But the princess, who was sealed in the castle, didn't know that she was 'dead' in the outside world. Her parents had even forgotten about this living 'ghost'.

Until——a new oracle appeared in the "Weave of Destiny".

The church discovered the princess who had escaped a difficult situation.

The hunting order from Shenting was quickly issued. If the "Moon Princess" (specifically referring to the mark) is not dead, then just kill it again.

That was the biggest incident that happened five years ago—its severity was heard by many countries at the time.

Is it a royal scandal or something... When this matter has something to do with God, everything becomes confusing.

The introduction in the book ended here, but Homura had more questions in his heart;

——So the eldest princess was killed in the end?

Why is there no record of the final result of this pursuit in the book?

If she wasn't dead, where would she be?

The goddess's oracle demanded that one of the two princesses must die. Why did it change midway and change it to execute the eldest princess! ?

From Yan's point of view, the oracle (persuasion) that was obviously biased was no different from directly telling the eldest princess to die.

The person with the beautiful moon mark on his face is a believer of the Moon Goddess...

In this world, tattooing is really a dangerous behavior - if you get the wrong pattern, you will be burned at the stake and punished by the church as a heretic.

Didn't you see that even the princess of a country can't hold down those fanatical religious elements?

This sense of déjà vu is just like the orders of the goddesses who were jealous of the princess’s beauty in ancient Greek mythology…

Did she (the goddess) simply want the king to choose and kill her daughter as soon as possible? !

From the oracle of the goddess of fate... all Homura saw was full of malice.

How evil a God must be to think about seeing his followers kill their daughters.

Besides that the biggest problem! If there were only little princesses in the kingdom now, then naturally there would be no fight between the two princesses fighting for the kingship as predicted in the prophecy.

The kingdom should continue to develop stably!

But the Kingdom of Alonsodes has now become the Theocracy of Aschet! What does this mean? !

——The goddess in charge of fate and harvest.

If she could really control her destiny, why didn't she see the prophecy that the kingdom would now become the Theocracy?

Or maybe I saw it and deliberately didn’t remind it.

... Simply thinking from the perspective that the Pope holds both divine power and royal power, did the goddess do this on purpose?

If you were a god, would you want the Pope to dominate?

After thinking about it, Yan suddenly shook his head.

The Pope = God’s son of a bitch.

The king = the son of God.

What's the use of going to such trouble to kill a king who has been loyal to you for generations and needs to be canonized by a bishop to succeed to the throne?

They are all their own thugs, killing one and letting the other dominate the family... How stupid is this goddess to do such a thing.

Then here comes the problem!

According to the principle behind this matter, whoever can gain the greatest benefit is the real mastermind, and the goal is clearly visible!

——The Supreme Ruler of the Divine Court, the Pope, His Majesty the Pope!

Flame's mind recalled the relevant information about the legendary pope and pope of Jade Cold.

He wanted to control both divine power and royal power.

——How did you avoid your main god, or the main god who controlled you, issued those oracles?

It is not difficult to convey one's meaning with the help of an oracle, as long as you use the "Weaving of Destiny".

If God's will is placed on a machine, wouldn't the person who masters that machine be equivalent to a god?

Even artifacts are just tools in the hands of gods.

The Pope who can sit on the throne of the Great Theocracy has at least reached the seventh level, or even the peak of the seventh level.

It is only one step away from holding the divine fire high.

Human beings who are closest to gods possess one or two divine tools. This is not an unusual routine in mythology.

The key lies in how to use the divine tools without being noticed by the true owner of the divine tools - the gods.

After accidentally angering a god, Yan didn't believe that the Pope could still sit so calmly.

"...Yan" After a flash of light, Restia suddenly appeared in Yan's arms. She raised her little face flushed and looked at Yan expectantly.

"What's wrong? Restia."

"...Ugh." Restia stared at Homura expressionlessly, wanting to say something, mustering up her courage and then giving up.

Homura had promised her before that after the war, he would go shopping alone with her.

The book says that a best friend is someone who eats, drinks, has fun, goes shopping, and sleeps together.

Mom said, the last one should be highlighted.

In the past, several people had gone out together, but Restia had never gone shopping alone with Homura.

The girl spent a month trying hard to ask that sentence.

Homura also agreed, but now——

The confusion in Restia's eyes made Homura unable to stop smiling. No more teasing her!

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