I am me, I am me, I am me! ! !

How enviable! Dazzling, beautiful, worth loving, worth hating!

Therefore, you are my enemy! Worthy to be my enemy!

I finally found my nemesis! My war! "

! ! ! ! !

Everyone take a deep breath! He was shocked by the major's remarks.

At this time, no one is asking ‘why’ anymore…

Even just thinking about it makes me feel ashamed.

They...were wrong,

The man in front of me is not a devil or a monster!

If those fighting outside are monsters wearing human skin (strength, life essence),

Then the man in front of you is a human being wearing monster skin (fearsome madness)!

He lived with more pride and self-respect than anyone else.

No one can trample on his dignity...

Even if the temptation of immortality is in front of him, he cannot bow his head.

An inspiring will!

Precisely because of its decisive difference from Accardo,

The two are like light and darkness opposing each other.

But extreme light and extreme darkness are both equally beautiful and stunning... which does not prevent people from liking both at the same time.

For a moment everyone held their breath,

Listening to the major continue to tell: "So we have been preparing for it for a long time, it took fifty years."

And on the other side...

Suddenly, Warrant Officer Schrödinger was shown for a second.

At this time, he was standing on a tower in London, and he let out a "meow" in a cute way.

Everyone: "He, he's not the one just now! Wasn't he already killed by Integra?!"

People remembered the 'cat' that Integra and the policewoman killed as soon as they entered the airship.

Everyone was shocked...

Could it be that this is also a vampire, so it was resurrected?

The next moment, he quickly returned to the major,

The major sat on the couch and snapped his fingers.

“Everything is ready for this moment.

The final group is...

The Ninth Crusade was...

So does Andrewson…

So are the werewolf troops...so is Walter...everything is,

Fifty years have been spent leading to this moment.

When Accardo opened the Zero and released all life, when he was the only one in his castle,

Can Andreessen knock him out? Can Walter defeat him?

I think it's impossible. "

The major gripped the edge of the recliner and sofa with all his strength.

"Alone, he is also a terrifying vampire, the man who invaded London by himself 100 years ago.

The man who fought against the Ottoman Empire on his own xxx years ago.

And as long as he sucks blood again, all his previous efforts will be in vain.

This is so cunning.

Life or death, it's all a scam. "


Without the Major saying anything, people already felt that Aka was hopelessly strong.

After saying this, Xuehe looked even more shameless.

In addition, the man himself is the strongest vampire, a monster that is difficult to kill.

It's been such a hard fight for my life,

If Accardo doesn’t ‘want death’,

It can absorb all the blood back at any time, instantly gaining countless lives.

But what surprised people was that the major still looked calm and collected, with a smile on his face.

Seems confident.

Hasn't his... real trump card come out yet? !

Chapter 1,640: The way to kill the Crazy King is made by Warrant Officer!

"How can we kill such a crazy king...

Is it to break through multiple positions on the battlefield, then destroy a nearly infinite army of enemies and then take their heads?

impossible! He will definitely suck blood again! "The major said to himself with a calm smile.

He has a thorough understanding of Accardo,

Even taking into account all the worst-case scenarios.

However, in people's eyes...

It might have been enough of an opportunity to defeat Accardo, but it didn't work at all for the Major.

Everyone couldn't help but wonder whether the major's requirements were too high.

Being able to discover so much information and create conditions that could kill and defeat Accardo,

It’s already rare!

How is it possible in this world to find a perfect solution - to find a solution that can perfectly solve the problem and solve such a 'bug' as the king of monsters.

People frown...

The major was then heard to continue: “And he’ll be like a big eater.

This is his strongest weapon and also his weakness. "

weakness? !

Accardo’s gluttony is not just about eating;

You can’t expect Aka to eat too much and get bursting! ?

People looked weird,

Can this be considered a weakness?

As the original Dracula, he shouldn't be so inferior! Eat some humans and you'll be bloated!

At least I have to eat a few gods!

If the Major is really going to bleed a vampire to death, people: "emmmm"

They could only smile and say nothing!

However, people forget that in addition to overeating, it is not uncommon to consider the 'safety' and 'quality' of food.

Everyone was still affected by Accardo's previous words when he mocked Walter.

That ‘joking’ that I don’t even know if I can eat!

At this moment - the major continued: "Throughout the ages, many tyrants have been poisoned."

Poison... kill? !

This new dead end made everyone suddenly stunned.

Can you still play like this?


Wait, is there any poison that can actually kill vampires?

Let Accardo, who still has at least millions of lives, be buried,

That must be such a terrifyingly contagious poison!

And on the other side——

At this moment when everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned, the camera suddenly returned to the place where the werewolf brother and the policewoman were fighting.

The battle seemed to have happened for a while at this time,

Silas was beaten until his internal organs were broken, and a large amount of blood and flesh spat out from his mouth.

"No, it's too strong." The policewoman was a little desperate.

It's probably time to tell the truth - a promise to live.

Even the position where the two were fighting was no longer in the previous passage.

It is not difficult to see from the big hole above that they penetrated all the way from high to below, and how fierce the battle was.

People who can understand the current situation of the female police officer just by looking around them,

I am also worried about this Accardo’s junior.

"No, no..." The policewoman looked as if she was about to close her eyes at any moment and faint.

But in this crisis atmosphere, a third person's voice suddenly came.

Or from the inside of the policewoman’s body,

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? It doesn't look like you at all."

Just like the scene before when people vaguely saw the memories of the major's return.

This time, people were separated from the live broadcast room, but they also saw Silas's body as if they had the magic power of inner vision.

In a dark and bright red world,

The suddenly lit fireworks and the sound of the lighter were so crisp and clear.

This sudden scene and the 'voice' just now made people stunned.

It seems...not an auditory hallucination?

"It's nothing like you,

Stand up, the girl I know will never give up easily. "The male voice sounded again.

Silas seemed to hear the voice of someone important and familiar, his pupils suddenly dilated and he woke up.

Then at the critical moment,

He moved his body and dodged the werewolf's leg slap.

Then the voice appeared again——

“There’s really nothing you can do about it, you girl.

What are you doing, you idiot? "

This time people could see more clearly, and the bright red world was completely lit up.

People saw the world inside Silas, and the only male soul in that world.

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