‘This is…’ Everyone was shocked and confused.

Merlin's voice also sounded in the live broadcast room at the right time: "Blood is the currency of the soul... To absorb the blood of others is to mix one's own soul with that of others.

The major said that,

Because he didn't want to make himself incomplete, he refused to become a vampire and refused the temptation of immortality. "

At this point, Merlin shut up and didn't mention anything else.

But the doubts people want to understand have also been solved.


Was that soul whose blood was sucked by Silas during his lifetime?

There is only one person in her blood world, which is something people never expected.

At this time, the male voice reminded the policewoman again: "Okay, it seems that she is finally awake.

Come on then! Miss! Get rid of him!

Get rid of that guy together! "

In people's eyes, Silas's momentum suddenly became a little different.

Seems to become more confident and stronger.

The will is firm, and the wavering and decadent look just now is completely gone.

The power of companions?

Everyone was thoughtful... and then saw Silas under the guidance of the unknown male voice.

Gradually adapted to how to fight werewolves,

Then, step by step, you can lure the enemy deeper and test out the werewolf's attack method.

In the middle of the game, he caused a lot of damage and successfully moved back to the first round.


Looking at Silas, who seemed to have been assisted by a god, as if he had hired a substitute fighter, and obeyed the man's command, his combat power soared...

Everyone felt that the major was worried before, as if——

It’s not so hard to accept anymore.

Ju, how can you still play like this?

Although sucking blood will make your soul incomplete,

It always feels weird to have someone else's soul or spirit in your body.

But if it is a friend who is trustworthy and wants to be together forever, or even a friend of the opposite sex...ahem!

Everyone: Still immortal!

It seems - not bad? !

All right--! Although the memories and domineering words of the major before were indeed shocking to people.

The way he looked when he refused eternal life was so cool.

Simply a role model for humanity.

A proud example!

But everyone in the live broadcast room said... the charm of eternal life is still very great!

Just be careful, don't swallow everyone's blood.

They seem to be...all able to accept the price of becoming a vampire?

Just when everyone is fantasizing——

on the other side,

As the two men fought fiercely,

The battlefield also became a mess,

All the boxes in the empty boat were overturned and broken!

A large amount of gold coins, banknotes, and treasures all poured out.

It dazzled everyone's eyes for a while.

'gold--! gem! ! So much treasure! ’

‘…What is this place? ’

Although people don’t recognize the banknotes of the future,

But gold and gems are still common commodities, and many people have never seen so much wealth in their lives.

I was stunned for a while!

Chapter 1641 I invite you to share - how the ancestor of vampires perished!

It's obviously a large weapon used in war!

Although I don’t know much about this airship,

But didn’t the ‘steel monster’ come here to participate in this war between the three parties?

Who would have expected to see such a heart-warming scene on the bottom of the airship.

Greed is the original sin...

But not only humans, but all intelligent creatures will inevitably have such negative emotions.

Except for the saints…

Who can guarantee that Nuo Da's wealth will come first without being tempted.

And just in the live broadcast room, there is not much,

The most common people are ordinary people who are not strong-willed!

"Treasure! So many treasures!! Hiss~!! I really want to pick them up! Stop fighting, why don't you sit down and share the spoils?!"

Some people looked at the countless flipped gold coins with distress and greed, and the rain of gold that splashed into the sky with the explosion.

Just keep fighting these two humanoid monsters,

I'm sure all the treasures here will be lost!

How can this not be heartbreaking!

Even if you know that these wealth are from the future world,

Now it is also a visible but untouchable illusory existence.

But just seeing so many gold coins scattered on the ground may lead to humane destruction later.

They couldn't help but feel heartbroken!

On the other side, Silas picked up a gold tooth.

The male voice also spoke: “This is what they obtained from repeated plundering in Europe fifty years ago.

Everything here was taken from everyone, and this gold tooth must have been pulled out from the mouth of some poor guy in a concentration camp.

Anyway, that's what they are,

It doesn't deserve to be called an army at all.

It can only be said to be a murderous group.

I will never admit to these bastards.

Invincible army, steel knight? Ha, stop laughing so hard. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the werewolf captain on the opposite side came over with a silver tooth.

"Silver Fang!! What the hell!" Silas was a little surprised.

As we all know, there is nothing better than silver items for killing werewolves.

Werewolves also exist in other worlds,

The weaknesses are pretty much the same.

For a moment, everyone who saw this scene in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

Give the enemy the means to kill you?

No way! Is that man really a werewolf?

"You really think of others. You can do it with this." The male voice continued.

"So, he did it on purpose!"

"Yeah, a poor guy who wants to die.

Let's guide him!"

"It's not up to Captain Bernard to guide..." As the two communicated, Silas finally revealed the true name of the male soul in his body.

Although knowing it is no different from not knowing it,

those who haven't seen the previous plot still don't know the captain's identity, but his identity is not important.

Now people are only concerned about whether these two people can really kill the werewolf brother on the opposite side by working together?


'I don't know how the battle outside is going! Is Akado still absorbing the dead river? ' People murmured in their hearts.

The dead river army of the entire city, plus the blood and souls of those who died and died in this battle.

Such a huge number, it is unknown how long it will take to swallow...

Although with the help of 'Merlin', I saw a lot of inside information and amazing things.

But people are also very concerned about the follow-up of Akado's battle.

On the other side...

Facing Silas' words,

the captain also laughed dryly: "Ha... so stingy."

Silas: "Also, please don't smoke inside me, okay?"

The captain could only laugh dryly twice, reminding Silas that the other party was about to attack again!

Afterwards, under the captain's various suggestions, after a fierce battle,

Silas took the initiative to get close, and finally bit the werewolf's kicking leg, limiting his high-speed movement ability.

From Silas' body, a dark red curtain like Akado was also opened,

the captain got half of his body out of his body and caught the silver tooth.

"This werewolf brother! This is the retribution left for you fifty years ago. Take it!"

After that, the captain gave the werewolf's strong and beautiful chest muscles a chest grab.

The silver tooth tightly clenched in the fist brought a lot of damage bonus, which seemed to really work!

The werewolf knelt on the ground with weak knees,

and the silver steel plate hanging on his body, which looked like a dog tag, also fell to the ground and broke into two halves.

"I told you not to attack other people's women. I finally took off the collar." Comparing it to a collar, the captain slowly spoke.

"Goodbye, you military dog."

In response to him, a large amount of blood sprayed from the werewolf's body,

then he lay down weakly,

then tilted his head slightly, and suddenly, like a cute dog, he opened his mouth and showed a smile from the heart and burned himself in a burst of blue flames.

The shape formed by the flames, like the brilliance of the soul, rushed into the sky, making a wolf-like cry.

Silas: "It's just... just like a child having a beautiful dream.

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