Yes, it must be, tonight, tonight, at this time,

It’s their dream to achieve everything that night. "

At the end, the captain also sighed, "There is no dream from which one cannot wake up," and then urged Silas to end everything once and for all!

There is also a major waiting for them.

And on the other side,

Not talking about the beginning to the end, but the people who witnessed the most critical part of this battle,

After watching the last scene, I was deeply moved for a while.

Be it a vampire, a werewolf... or...

These monsters in the eyes of ordinary people are all seeking death.

Longing for a worthy death,

Therefore, no matter how much he wants to die, he will fight to the end and does not want to die like that casually.

What a nice view! The last fire!

It’s as beautiful as a dream!

But just as the captain said, there is no dream from which one cannot wake up.

It's finally time to wake up...

"They all died with a smile!" someone exclaimed.

But compared to before, I didn't understand the smiles of the soldiers in front of me before they died, and felt frightened and numb.

The werewolf captain is more pure,

It also made people feel what the major said.

Then the leader of those who don’t want to be forgotten,

Is the major who planned everything, who is like a soul figure and a leader,

Also waiting for his death!

Kill your enemies or be killed!

Maybe this is what he is pursuing...

Just when people boldly speculate like this,

On the other side, Integra finally walked into the command room.

The camera moves directly here,

Everyone in the live broadcast room soon saw Integra attacking the major.

He continued to fire bullets from the pistol, and finally pulled out a short knife, but it was all blocked by bulletproof glass.

And then the major made a move,

It also allowed people who had always wanted to know what the current battle was like in the outside world to finally see the scene on Accardo's side.

As the projection appears,

The major laughed! He began to invite Integra to enjoy together——

Let them see it together,

"——How the vampire Accardo was wiped out in ashes." When the major spoke like this.

Everyone and Integra lost their voices almost at the same time: "What!!"

Chapter 1642 It’s too late, x3!

Major! ! He doesn't look like a man who can lie.

Even after knowing how powerful Accardo is,

This posture lists all the possibilities of failure, but still guarantees victory.

The major's expression now,

It’s very contagious…! For a moment, everyone's hearts trembled.

Then people, along with Integura, looked at the picture played on the big screen!

...First I saw countless blood rivers on the city roads surging towards the center,

Accardo laughs wildly in the blood!

Subsequently, Warrant Officer Schrödinger on the bell tower also began to take action.

Schrödinger's cat also smiled strangely, then pulled out a dagger and stabbed it into his neck.

Then with a gentle stroke, the head split apart...

With a smile on his face, his body fell towards the bright red river below.

This weird scene made people’s scalps go numb! I also suddenly thought of something...c-could this be what the major prepared?

That thing that can 'poison' Accardo?


People saw Accardo laughing loudly: "Gluttony is not bad either.

So, do you want to continue? Walter. "

"Not yet, I haven't decided yet!" The young Walter stood up with difficulty and said.

“It’s not time yet!!”

Do you still want to fight after everything is like this?

I don’t know the major’s layout,

The elves and vampires are quite peaceful now.

Looking at Walter still with pity in his eyes.

None of them thought Accardo would lose...

It can no longer be defeated,

Accardo now! With that Walter's energy, I'm afraid I won't be able to support him in fighting for much longer.

But how many more times can he kill Akka?

For Accardo, who has millions of resurrection coins again,

It’s just a drop in the bucket!

Even if you stand and kill the opponent, you won't die!


People heard Walter suddenly start shouting some strange words: "Major! Stop!"


"Stop it!!! Major!!" Young Walter roared unwillingly!

Everyone in the live broadcast room said: "!!!"


Death god Walter also knows the major’s true plan!

And what about the major in the command room?

"No, the time has come," the major said lazily and casually.

"It's too late."

The doctor also said: "It's too late, everything is..."

On the other side, Accardo also said: "It's too late, idiot!"

But Accardo didn't understand that his words came true! It turns out that the conspiracy was revealed by coincidence.

Three too late,

It even made everyone in the live broadcast room from God's perspective feel numb.

grass--! Is there such a thing?

Immediately, everyone saw the young Walter angrily go up and split Accardo's brain.

Accardo smiled sarcastically without any resistance.

But soon Accardo's flesh and blood stuck together again.

I no longer care about these two lives!

Major: "It's too late, you can't win,

You came close but lost that opportunity forever.

It's rare that I gave you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

There are only two opportunities to physically defeat Accardo.

There have only been two opportunities since xxx,

Vampire Waffen Guards,

Ninth (Crusade) Air Mobile Crusade,

And the lscariots (Judas the Betrayer)!

And werewolf troops! And Andreessen! "The major said with a smile as he watched the incompetent and furious Walter word by word on the screen.

Each time the name of an army is read,

People's hearts trembled violently,

They know...

Although these people gather here for various reasons,

But there is an invisible network that is the mastermind behind the scenes.

Drag everyone here...!

And that person is the Major! ! He is indeed a terrifying man!

"And...'you' (Walter) half of your life so far!

The moment that was created by sacrificing everything,

The only moment Akkado can kill!

Even so, your line still didn't make it.

It can only go so far,

And how many lives does Accardo have now?

1 million? 2 million? "Major."

And this enhanced version of London with inherent barriers is not just that small, with more than just this small number of people,

In the eyes of everyone in the live broadcast room,

The major's smile was almost playful, and his tone was full of teasing.

But even if it’s just 1 million or 2 million,

Such a number, for that Walter,

It is also the despair that is enough to crush the last straw in the soul!

Even if Walter may not be able to hear it now,

People were still sighing for a while, feeling that the major had a bad taste.

They looked at the young Walter on the screen,

His eyes seemed to have lost their highlights,

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