"Hehe...hehehe...No chanting, no chanting flare——!" The girl could not help but mutter in a daze.

'It's terrible! Is this the reality of the world? ’

‘Is this the real magic genius! ? ’

Compared with these two children, her proud magical talent is simply inferior.

‘Ah, I, Hitti, as the youngest holy magic user on the seventh ladder, would like to call your [magic talent] the strongest in the world! ’

It was hard to recover from the scene just now.

Thinking of the collective release of magic by those teenagers just now, the girl's face suddenly darkened again.

Sheedy: "These bastards actually dare to use joint magic in this town! I can't treat this as invisible!"

Conjurers are born with weapons of war.

Even in peaceful times, that outstanding magical talent will not disappear.

Because the villages and towns have been peaceful for too long.

The younger generation in the village has had little exposure to offensive magic. But even so——

There is also a clear order in the village that magic is not allowed to be used on compatriots who are also 'human'.

Obviously, the scene just now was more than just a simple use!

To be honest, Hidi was surprised that the child with black hair and black eyes could fight to such an extent with almost the entire village of teenagers.

A ‘foreigner’ can actually do this!


At the same age, even Hidi thought she couldn't look down on those teenagers. Not to mention that like Homura, he can easily defeat one against a hundred!

I really think that the descendants of ‘war weapons’ are cabbage!

Originally, Hidi was already ready to rescue Homura.

...Unexpectedly, a scary child popped out from behind. 【Restia】

That combined magic was defeated with just one blow. What kind of terrifying power does a young girl contain within her body?

"I've been so focused on cultivating the 'foundation' of these children that I've forgotten to polish their character...'Magic' is not meant to be used on your peers." Sheidi seemed to have thought of something and muttered to herself. Sighed.

The next moment, Hitty waved her hand, and wide-area detection magic spread directly across the entire village.

A huge magic circle appeared in the sky in the astonished eyes of countless villagers.

Afterwards, none of the running boys, girls, and even the naughty kids were spared, and they were all captured by Hitti in a burst of light.

Looking at the teenagers and children who appeared in front of him in a burst of light, they looked confused and didn't know what was happening.

Hidi snorted coldly, and then imprisoned them all with magic.


Today is a special day.

Almost all the younger generations in the clan were punished by the 'town mayor' with being grounded.

And when the parents of these children came to take away their children, they all learned from Hitti how "dangerous" things they had done before.

The villagers were furious and began to teach their children a lesson.

The Homura siblings and Restia were left alone in the mayor's house.

The Clovis couple, who arrived after receiving the news, and Restia's parents looked worriedly in the direction of the door.

"Yan and the others were left alone inside, so they won't have to accept a more serious punishment!"

"Restia, my little Restia...!" On the other side, I thought that the mayor might have discovered something unusual about my daughter! ?

Restia's beautiful girl mother's eyes instantly turned red.

The other side of the door.

Yan looked up, "...it's so big..."

Is this really just the residence of a mayor? !

The scene in front of us reminds us of the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.

Unlike those teenagers who were taken back by adults at the door.

Homura and the others were led into the room.

As soon as I stepped through the door, the picture reflected in my retina changed.

The mayor's residence originally looked like an ordinary private house from the outside, but it was another 'world' inside.

The gate I walked through before was probably just a passage used for 'space transfer'.

That small house, which covers an area of ​​no more than 100 square meters, doesn't look like it can hold so many 'books'.

I saw that in this space, not only the walls, but even the ceiling were lined with bookshelves that violated gravity.

Countless faint lights floating in the air and towering bookshelves tens of meters long form a maze-like space full of fantasy atmosphere.

"It's amazing..." [Simulated Star Creation Diagram] has never stopped running since the beginning. After stepping into this 'space', it is now completely boiling.

In the 'cosmic view' within the flame, the entire star and the Milky Way are emitting beautiful light.

He couldn't help but look at the pink-haired 'girl' who was leading the way.

It was she who caused the changes in the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram]! After entering this space, this 'mutation' became even more out of control!

Chapter 18 Welcome to my ‘library’ [world]!

"There are more than 170 million books in the collection here! Why - are you interested!?"

At some point, Hidi, who was leading the way, stopped, turned around, put her index finger on her face and spoke with a smile.

"170 million books...? That's amazing." Yan couldn't help but say, his eyes flashing with deep interest.

The Library of Congress, which has the largest collection of books on Earth, has only 162 million books.

"...Hmm..." Just trying to think about the amount of books here, Yan couldn't help but feel dizzy and even moved.

...This is 'humanity'! Think about the Great Wall and the ancient Egyptian pyramids that Yan knew on Earth.

Humans have created incredible things called 'miracles' in this world again and again.

Even in the other world, Yan believes that it is not easy to collect such a large number of books.

Now he has a new respect for the humans in this world--

But after thinking about it for a while, he thinks it's natural.

The girl in front of him has been affecting the [Simulated Star Creation Map] in her body just by her presence.

Even if she has such an exaggerated private library, it doesn't seem strange...

On the contrary, if the girl has always behaved mediocrely, Yan will feel that something is wrong!

"Well, welcome to my 'library' world! Boys, and girls!" Hitti opened her arms, making a gesture as if to embrace the world, with a sweet smile on her face.

At this moment, the temperature in the air began to become unusual.

The next moment, her temperament changed.

As the light looked at the girl's bright and delicate face again, the sight of several people could not help but freeze.

—— Because they saw it.

The whole body suddenly exuded an overwhelming sense of existence, and the beautiful girl who dared not look directly at her.

Hitti's body suddenly emitted a faint glow, and several dream magic circles with complex geometric patterns appeared beside her.


The breeze that could never support the girl's floating in terms of aerodynamics took her feet off the ground.

A pair of white wings like the angel in mythology suddenly spread out from behind the girl.

At this moment, Hitti's image completed a big transformation.

Seeing this scene, Yan's body froze, and the smile on his face almost couldn't be maintained.

"Angel?" Yan whispered in disbelief.

'How can there be angels in this world! ! '

At this time, Ji Zelu was hiding behind Yan, holding Yan's body with her little hands and timidly showing her head, looking at the girl in the sky with some curiosity.

And Restia's face beside Yan suddenly became solemn.

The smile on Hitie's delicate face was gone, and she suddenly became expressionless, but she looked at the reactions of several people with interest in her eyes.

'Huh? You weren't scared at all? The reaction was so cold! What unlovable children! 'The girl's inner confession exposed her true nature.

Suddenly, Hitie thought of something.

——'She is a seventh-level holy mage, how could she not be able to calm down a few children! '

A tentative idea was born in Hitie's mind in this short time.


Raised her head, when Yan looked into those eyes again.

Looking at the pink hair that was still fluttering and swaying in the windless room, there was a hidden "murderous intent" that seemed to have mass.

This sight made him feel cold all over.

This made him sure that the beautiful girl in front of him could kill him with just a touch.

No matter the attempt or begging for mercy, it was meaningless!

'She wants to kill me? ! '

The moment this thought appeared in his mind, he could no longer stop it.

Since he came to this world, Yan felt [death] for the first time. He took a deep breath and his heart beat faster.

Yan felt a little unwell.


The [Simulated Star Creation Map] in his body suddenly trembled violently, and Yan's consciousness immediately soared.

Then the [Simulated Star Creation Map] directly analyzed the essence of the analytical ability...

Yan found that there was not much magic power mobilized in the other party's body.

There was no sign of the body to attack. But what about the look full of "murderous intent" just now?

The next moment, new movement came from the [Simulated Star Creation Chart].

A ‘magic’ was just analyzed and automatically appeared in Yan’s mind.

This is——

… ‘Killing Intention Disguise’! ! ?

Floating in the air in the center of the library, Hitti looked at Yan with wide eyes, with a dark smile on her pretty and cute face.


Soon, Hitti frowned.

She found that Yan’s expression was still a little stiff and nervous when she just used the ‘magic’, but now she gradually regained her composure.

‘What’s going on? ! ’

Her ‘Killing Intention’ magic failed? ! Noticed behind Yan, after secretly glancing at her, Ji Zelu immediately buried her little head behind Yan and shivered.

Hitti ‘…’ It seems to be effective!

She suddenly felt that it was embarrassing to use magic to ‘scare’ children.

And as the main characters Yan and Restia, these two little perverts, didn’t scare any of them.

Suddenly... I feel so unfulfilled!

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