snort! Forget it...let's let them go this time.

"Well, come on, welcome to my library!" The girl stretched out her arms and showed a bright and sweet smile again.

With Hidi's smile, the solemn atmosphere was completely destroyed in an instant.

"...Phew~! Let me introduce myself first, I am -" Feeling that the oppressive murderous gaze had disappeared, Homura breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if he knows it's fake and keeps confronting people with that kind of look, he still has some Alexander!

Homura regained his energy and spoke in order to regain his pace.

Rather than waiting for the other party to tell him the situation, Yan prefers to take the initiative in speaking first!


"The 'outsiders' whom Clovis rescued from the creek outside the village are now temporarily staying in their home. I know you! Your name is 'Homura'! The other one is your sister Ji Zelu. And—— "

Hidi suddenly said first with a smile.

Her eyes stopped on Restia, uh——

She doesn't seem to know this.

Restia's parents had been hiding the girl since they gave birth to her.

Even Hidi could not connect the young girl in front of her with the child who was just born less than two weeks ago.

The calm and confident expression on Sheidi's face stiffened.

Chapter 19 Sorry! I couldn’t help but play it!

"Restia. This is my name." The young girl suddenly said with a serious face.

The solemnity in her tone made Hidi slightly stunned.

This little girl seems to take her name very seriously.

"Restia? I understand." Hidi looked at the girl curiously and responded.

Seeing this, Restia nodded with satisfaction.

"Then it's time for me to introduce myself. I am the mayor of this town - Hidi. You can call me the mayor, or you can just call me by my name." Hidi said with a smile and winked mischievously. Blinked.

"Then why are we staying here?" Yan asked.

"For what? Oh, of course it's because of some idiots using magic randomly in the village!" Hitty said with some dissatisfaction.

He actually asked her ‘for what’.

Who on earth added so much more ‘workload’ to her!

Life is hard enough as it is, but now you have to deal with all this kid stuff!

After hearing what Hitty said, Restia subconsciously thought that the other party was talking about her previous use of 'high-level attack magic'.

She lowered her head slightly, like a child who had made a mistake, not daring to say anything.

In her anxiety at the time, she didn't think too much and used the 'war magic' from her previous life.

Now that I think about it, she seems to be making too much of a fuss.

"Huh? So Lord Mayor, are you going to punish us alone?" Yan said with some disappointment.

He thought something interesting would unfold! Did you bring yourself to this spectacular ‘library’ just to pronounce ‘punishment’? !

"I said - Mr. Mayor, I have a proposal, do you want to listen to it?" The same smile as always appeared on Yan's face.

He showed such a smile when he hammered the Gopher.

"What proposal?" Hiddy asked curiously.

"How about our punishment be grounded 'here' for a year."

"Well, this matter was caused by me, and I should be responsible for their punishment. So add another two years. Just ban me here for three years!" The corners of Yan's mouth curled up, and then he looked like you are taking advantage of him. He said with a cheap expression.

The 'sincerity' in those eyes almost made Hitty believe it!

Here... 'grounded'! ? Three years?

"Eh!!?" ​​Ji Zelu on the side exclaimed after hearing Ge Ge's words.

Hidi could hardly bear it and threw Yan out of here.

The other party wants to stay in her 'library'! ?

Well, imagine that she has always had her own 'private library', which is the library and her living room.

... From now on, there will be one more young man living together.

That picture was so beautiful that she couldn't even imagine it. No - we must not let her happy private life go away like this!


"No, no. Ge Ge - you can't confine Oni-chan here." Before Sheidi could speak.

As soon as Ji Zelu heard that her brother wanted to stay, she panicked instantly.

"'s okay." On the other side, Restia, who had her head lowered, suddenly raised her head and said seriously and firmly.

It’s not easy to get a chance to ‘make friends’.

If the other party is grounded, it is definitely not what she wants to see.

"We need to be grounded...together." Restia took the initiative to admit her mistake.

In her opinion, it was her use of 'flare' that attracted the mayor Hidi.

Homura shouldn't have to bear the punishment for himself.


Yan looked at the scene in front of him helplessly.

——‘He wanted to stay because of the 170 million books here. Relying on the [Simulated Star Creation Chart], as long as he has enough knowledge, he can quickly become stronger. ’

But Ji Zuru and this girl named Restia didn't know about this.

In fact, for Yan, if he could stay in this vast library for a while, he would make a lot of money.

"Hey, I haven't promised you anything yet!" Hitti said with some dissatisfaction.

She said it as if her place was very scary!

This is her private "library" library!

It is definitely a hot spot in front of any magician in any country.

"There are many books with rare advanced magic here. It is a treasure land that many magicians dream of!"

"Is advanced magic... very rare?" Restia asked thoughtfully with a blank face.

She seems to-

only know advanced magic. Will he be happy if I give these "magic" to Yan?

And then agree to be friends with me? !

Before Restia, she didn't have time to put forward the conditions for wanting to be friends until the end.

So, for her now, what she urgently needs is a positive answer.

"Very... rare." Hitti blushed in one breath, and finally began to speak slowly and gave a positive answer.

"Great. I have a lot of advanced magic here. If...if you want it, I can give it to you." Restia's hair stood up, and she became energetic. She immediately turned to Yan and said.

"Uh..." Yan couldn't understand it.

Why was she so nice to him?

They had only met once before.

"Woo woo. You actually ignored me, the master. I don't have many guests usually, and it's a rare opportunity to show my library. It's a pity." Hitti's eyes were full of tears, and she looked dejected, which made people feel no sense of her previous majesty.

"So, if you have anything else to say, say it all in one breath. Otherwise, let's go back." With that, Yan pretended to leave.

Although he didn't know what attracted this woman to him and others.

But Yan had already keenly noticed that the other party might not be as simple as she said, just to give them a "special punishment".

Indeed, Hitti also had a certain purpose and wanted to "communicate, communicate" with Yan more!

"Wait--wait!" Hitti immediately grabbed Yan's pants and begged with tears in her eyes:

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Because there were so few people coming, I couldn't help but play a little. I'll treat you to tea and prepare snacks for you. Please don't go back so soon!"

At this time, Hitti's mind was full of the picture of Yan turning the water element into the ice element.

Even if she turned into a licking dog, she must lick out the principle of that "magic"!

For a magician, new "knowledge" is life!

It's been too long since she came into contact with that kind of "mystery", the kind of magic that can make her feel joy and novelty from the bottom of her heart.

No matter what, she will never give up this "human-shaped mysterious gift package"!


Yan widened her eyes and almost couldn't hold back the urge to complain.

'I couldn't help but play a little? Staring at people with murderous eyes, you call this playing. '

Chapter 20 Isn't it natural to protect my sister!

What a... useless magician!

Where did you throw the glory of the magician?

Looking at the shameless girl in front of him, Yan really couldn't connect her with the angel-like girl just now.

In this corner of the library where the fantasy light and bookcases interweave, it looks like art.

The other party really took out tea and snacks to entertain, so Yan, Ji Zelu, Restia and Xidi sat around the table to drink tea.

Xidi's cute nose shrugged, hummed, and coughed as if she wanted to start over.

"Well, then, I won't tease you. This time I invited you here, but I'm not going to punish you." Xidi looked at everyone with a surprised and surprised smile.


"Sure enough-" Yan said, showing an expression of "you are so understanding".

Ji Zelu and Restia on the side were stunned.

"Isn't it--

Isn't it going to punish us? ! 'The two girls obviously didn't realize Xidi's true intention.

"Hey... what's your tone! Is my 'intention' so obvious?" Hittie was a little dissatisfied with Yan's attitude, and said with a bit of resentment.

She thought that she had always disguised herself well and maintained the 'dignity' and 'momentum' of a strong person! [No self-awareness]

Why does this little kid, who looks small, not afraid of her at all?

Shouldn't ordinary children be trembling in fear when facing her 'dignity'?

"Let's not talk about business, then we really leave." Yan said with a bit of boredom.

"Wait - wait! I was wrong! I was wrong, isn't it okay! Don't leave!" Hittie panicked immediately.

Although she is an absolute strong person, she is not an evil girl.

Obviously, she can force Yan -

In order to keep her original intention, she can only be defeated in front of Yan again and again. Hittie suddenly felt that she must have owed a lot of money to the young man in front of her in her previous life.

Why must she eat his stinky face now! ——Ahhhhh!

Hitti was smiling. I don't know how many times she cursed "MMP" in her heart.

Yan's half-standing body sat back down.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and then disappeared quickly, as if it had never appeared, leaving no flaws.

Just now, he actually had no intention of leaving, he just wanted to test the other party's tolerance limit.

Since he could tolerate him to this extent——!

This made Yan more alert and no longer worried about his own safety.

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