It seems that they, or he, do have something that the other party wants very much!

Unconsciously, Yan, who has guessed the other party's purpose, is one step closer to the "truth".

In the conversation between the two, they are gradually shifting the initiative to Yan's direction.

"Huh~! Let's not talk about my problem first. Although that matter is very important to me. But you guys used "magic" casually in the village before, you really need to deal with it!" Hitti suddenly spoke seriously.

She looked serious, and her tone was also preaching and caring like an elder.

After hearing this, Ji Zelu and Restia subconsciously showed a nervous look on their faces.

——Didn't you say that you won't punish them?

"Magic is not used against companions. I hope you can remember this in the future. You are all geniuses with talents far beyond ordinary people in the way of magic. I don't want you to lose yourself in power and go astray in the future." Siti raised her finger seriously, and her mind also recalled her experience of "studying" when she was young.

If she hadn't met the "teacher" at that time, perhaps she would have been completely lost in that "hatred"!

There was a trace of sadness on the girl's face. At such a young age, she became a seventh-level holy magician, and she had experienced a real "hardship and difficulty" in her life!

Yan slightly widened his eyes.

... He could hear that the girl was sincerely advising them.

'Isn't magic used to say it to companions? ' He looked sideways inwardly.

Although he didn't know what the personalities of the famous magicians in this world were like. But the girl in front of him, as a magician, Yan recognized her character——!

"As long as those little ghosts don't bother me again, I don't have the heart to 'play' with them..." Yan said calmly.

He knew that the girl was deliberately changing the subject and wanted to regain the right to speak.

However, seeing that the other party's attitude was not bad, Yan did not directly expose the girl.

After all -

He is not a 'devil'!

"Just playing...? You are really incredible! You are obviously not very old. You look like you are the same age as me, and you have no fear of me." Hitie looked at Yan with a strange face.

Whether it was the 'magic' she had displayed before or the strong sense of oppression, even some adults with more courage would be scared.

But this black-haired boy did not -

If she hadn't confirmed that the soul and body of the child in front of her were completely matched.

She would have suspected that some 'old monster' had taken over the child's body.

A trace of dangerous arc flashed in Hitie's eyes -!

Well, if she really met that kind of 'old monster', she would not be as energetic and easy to talk to as she is now.

"You are really amazing! You can fight against so many descendants of 'Conjurers' by yourself. But why didn't you run away? I saw you get hit by several punches!" The girl asked curiously with a bright smile.

Yan took a deep breath. The girl's words revealed a lot of information.

So, when she and those guys had a conflict, she was watching from the side!

When was it! ?

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the other party must have been standing far away and watching her. If they were hiding at the scene, the [Simulated Star Creation Map] would not have no reaction.

Yan's face suddenly showed a smile: "Huh? If you want to ask why——"

The smile was obviously pure, but Xidi felt a little palpitated for some reason, as if she could faintly feel a hint of ridicule.

"If you just run away, you won't be appreciated by others. Bullying is ingrained in our human nature. Admit it! Most people have this bad habit.

Because you are weak, you have to run away. Because you are weak, you can only hide in the corner in fear and cry. If you do this, you can't do anything and dare not try anything. You are no different from livestock."

With such profound words, the truth of the world is exposed!

Hiti's body trembled.

The boy did not deny that bad habit, and he did not even deny that he also had this "defect".

But it is precisely because of the defect, and because humans have various emotions of "joy, anger, sorrow and happiness", that he is a living person.

"But this will leave you covered in wounds. At that time... it was to protect Ji Zelu! I saw it... There were many times when you could have dodged, but you bravely rushed forward for your sister. It was very handsome." Hiti showed a gentle smile on her face, and she said affirmatively with a serious look.

The girl suddenly looked very reliable at this moment.

Her initiative to encourage also surprised Yan slightly.

Chapter 21 Life will definitely die, and apples will definitely fall from above!

"Brother——!?" Ji Zelu, who was standing beside him, suddenly shouted softly.

Her little hands suddenly grabbed the corners of her clothes and tangled together, and a layer of mist covered her eyes.

Was it because of protecting herself that Brother was defeated by those "bad guys"? !

The little girl thought aggrievedly in her heart, and at the same time she felt disgusted with her weak and fearful performance.

If she hadn't called her brother because of fear at that time, her brother would definitely be able to deal with those "bad guys" calmly!

"Isn't it natural for a brother to protect his sister?! Even if he gets bruised all over his body, so what? And those guys didn't really hurt me." Homura reached out and rubbed Jizaru's hair.

‘I promised to become your knight! ’ The young man looked at his sister with a warm smile on his face.

He wasn't saying any nice words. Guarding requires hard work. Time will tell everything!

At the same time, a layer of whirlwind visible to the naked eye suddenly rose up from Yan's body, covering himself.

The three women's eyes widened when they saw it.

Hidi was even more stunned. "At that time, you used the wind element!? The idea of ​​using the power of wind to wrap your skin to offset the enemy's power!"

The girl's eyes lit up.

She let out a heartfelt cry of admiration.

Although it is not a particularly powerful 'skill'.

But at such a young age, one could think of using magic to this extent.

As a powerful magician, he already has the most important 'fantasy power'!

‘Is it natural for a brother to protect his sister? ’ Restia on the side was not too surprised by the ‘wind element’ on Yan’s body.

She glanced at it for a moment, then turned her attention to what Homura had just said.

Thinking of Homura's naturally gentle tone just now.

Restia was a little envious...

If she were his sister, wouldn't she be very happy?

She has no brother in this life.

There are no brothers or sisters either...

I have to say that this is a pity for Restia!

"...Ah, he is such a good brother! It's a pity that I don't have such an existence as a brother." Hitty spoke with some disappointment and envy, and then stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Okay, now is the purpose of inviting you." Hitti, who had obviously developed a good impression of Yan's previous words, finally stopped being evasive and instead took the initiative to put forward her own ideas.

She suddenly felt a little depressed.

Bullying a good brother who loves and protects his sister, even if he finally succeeds in deceiving him into "the knowledge of turning water into ice", he will still feel guilty!

It would be better to speak directly——

A girl who thinks so. Hitty realized that she could actually 'exchange' the other party with 'knowledge' of equal value.

In fact, there is no need to be so secretive. As long as you show items of equal value that are enough to attract the other party, Homura has no reason to refuse, right?

If it is exchanged for his own 'book collection', he will definitely agree!

The corner of the girl's mouth slightly curved with a hint of confidence.

She has strong confidence in her 'treasure'. As long as the other party is allowed to choose, no magician can refuse the temptation.

Hitty didn't notice.

Homura's maturity has made her forget that Homura is still only a boy of about 10 years old.

Really treat it like a magician!

It wasn't that she didn't know that knowledge could be 'exchanged', but that she initially regarded Homura as an ordinary young man and didn't pay enough attention to him.

"I want-"

"You asked about the 'vaporization freezing method'?" Homura said in surprise.

At the same time, there were some slight fluctuations in my heart.

Give up the roundabout way, go straight to the purpose, and request him with such a serious expression——

Is this actually the goal? !

"Vaporization!!? What kind of academic word is that!?" The girl's eyes lit up and she became excited instantly, showing a hungry look like a wolf and a tiger.

Homura looked at Hidi's delicate and cute face in front of him.

... With a slender neck and fair complexion, the girl's eyes are like shining pearls in the dark night. They are so dazzling and like the blue sky, making it difficult for people to take their eyes away once they see her.

The girl who seemed to have walked out of the second dimension looked at her with "so hungry" eyes.

Yan's heart actually moved for a moment...

If I make some welfare requests now, will they be granted? !

But thinking about myself now that I have returned to my ten-year-old body.

How can it be repaired! The young man burst into tears inside.

Her eyes were slightly closed, and Homura, who was afraid to look directly into her eyes when she was too close to him, had regained his composure when he opened his eyes again.

"That's it... I can teach you how to turn water element into ice element, but what can you give me?" Homura stared at the girl with sharp eyes like a hunter who has found his prey.

Hitty was stunned by this look, her eyes flashed with brilliance, then the corners of her mouth curved, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

‘Ah! This boy is very interesting! ’

"How about you choose any book in this library. Even books containing 'forbidden books' are fine!" Hidi said in a seductive tone.

She made a condition that would impress any magician.

In this dreamy library.

The girl wearing pure white wings really smiled beautifully like an angel. It was a whisper that was both the gospel of an angel and the temptation of the devil.

"Then what's your answer?" Hitty asked.

Unknowingly, Hidi, who had already regarded Homura as a respectable opponent, wanted to see...

As a magic genius who is still on his way to study at a young age, can you withstand the temptation of the ‘magic way’?

It is not a wise decision to choose a "magic" that is not commensurate with one's own strength. Although Hitti said that the "forbidden book" is also OK, she did not really think that Yan could master that kind of forbidden magic at such a young age!

Master the principles of the world, understand oneself, and transcend the rules! This is the meaning of "saint".

It is also the key for magicians to break the limits of human life and become magicians!

And the magic that attempts to master the "rules" with a human body that has not yet broken the limit is the forbidden book.

"You may not have any knowledge of the concept of "forbidden books", so let me explain it to you first."

"Life will definitely die, apples will definitely fall from top to bottom, one plus one equals two... These "laws" that will never change in the world can be reorganized and created with the magic recorded in the "forbidden book". One plus one will become three, and apples will fall from bottom to top. Dead life will definitely be resurrected." Hitti continued.

"How about... using this level of knowledge to 'exchange' your technique, it should be enough."


Immediately, the girl said something unexpected. Yan spoke.

Chapter 22 Let's use 'life' [knowledge] as a bargaining chip to decide!

"Not enough..." Yan shook her head quietly.

"What!?" Hitie opened her eyes wide, a little bit unable to believe her ears.

Although she said it was a 'forbidden book' just to test the child's 'heart', she didn't really intend to exchange it with such an expensive thing.

But this method that almost distorted 'reality' couldn't satisfy the other party's taste! ?

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