No kidding...

These two people are basically in a relationship of interest that takes advantage of each other.

There's no point in it... There's really no point in trying so hard to save the other party!

Everyone was in mixed moods for a moment...!

A betrayer is not necessarily a betrayer,

In other words, he is not a pure betrayer. He may still have the attribute of 'loyalty' deep in his heart.

This contradictory individual,

It got to the point where I couldn't even get tired of it anymore.

And on the other side,

Not to mention the major,

After some exchanges, Integra, filled with endless anger, once again shouted the order to ‘Kill the enemy on sight’.

This time it was Silas who executed it!

Continue to fight in place of his master, in place of Accardo!

The major was beaten to a pulp, and finally half of his mechanized body was exposed.

But until his death, he still insisted that he was a human being and denied the notion of 'machine or monster'.

"I'm a real human being." Major.

"Monster, you're just a monster!" Integra.

"No, I'm human...

There is only one way to distinguish whether you are a human being or not, and that is your own will.

Don't associate me with someone who uses blood as the currency of the soul,

He cannot survive without sucking the blood of others. A pitiful monster like Akkado is lumped together with a weak guy like him.

As long as my will remains,

Even if all I have left is my brain floating in the nutrient solution in the glass bottle,

Even if I become a memory circuit in a giant computer,

I'm still human.

It is a creature with a human soul, mentality, and will! "

Hearing these words, everyone was shocked...!


Yes, it is this weak, extremely fragile human being,

He actually defeated the vampire king.

Absurd and incredible miracle!

Especially when I heard the Major calling Accardo a poor monster...

‘Who is truly powerful? ’ For no reason, such a question flashed through people’s minds, and everyone’s expressions suddenly became confused.

Chapter 1,646 Is the real source of the vampire clan a woman? !

"Even if he (Accardo) smiles in the form of a young girl,

No matter how much pathos he expresses as a battle-hardened warrior, he's still a monster.

So——” Major.

"I hate him from the bottom of my heart!

Absolutely no recognition of vampire Accardo!

If he is a monster with human appearance,

Then I am a human with a monster appearance.

I am who I am,

This is what it is... I am different from you.

All the struggles in this world mean everything to me,

This is what humans are made for.

But you won’t agree with what I said. "

The major held out his hand and clenched his fist.

It is said that what people say before they die often comes from their true thoughts.

The man in front of me really believed that what he said was right and correct.

The nature of humanity is the nature of struggle…

The strength of human beings is the integrity of individuals.

His will is always his own,

No one can control it and cannot be blasphemed.

Everyone fell into a dead silence, and the barrages disappeared one by one, and finally disappeared.


No one knows what Integra thinks, but it is difficult for them to accept the major’s concept of ‘struggle’!


The Major is a madman, but a charming madman!

"His soul and will are very strong and admirable..." someone murmured.

Although I don’t like the major’s madness (it’s too inhumane),

But also fascinated by its craziness (strong ego, self-esteem, self-confidence).

"This has been said in previous declarations of war!" Major.

"Come on, let's have a war." He unclenched his clenched fists, spread out his palms, and invited Integra to the two of them like a gentleman inviting them to dance!

This is the final invitation to fight.

In the end, the major's bullet penetrated one of Integra's eyes.

Integra also gave him a fatal shot in the head.

“First hit!

This is wonderful! "Major, as a mechanical life form, he did not die immediately even if he was shot in the head.

But he said happily.

People have seen how bad the Major's marksmanship is before.

Unexpectedly, the only time he was hit was also in a battle where he was about to die.

"A beautiful war... a beautiful war," the voice became smaller and smaller, like humming a ballad, and eventually died out.

Soon, the major was completely dead,

Like a sleeping baby, peaceful...with a smile on his face.

"Die, that's how you should die.

The good war? Major. "Integula.

"This cannot be called a war at all;

He has been struggling on the edge of death for sixty years, and now he has died.

You have to die, it's definitely retribution.

No matter how much you keep your human appearance,

Your shell is no longer human, you're just a real monster.

It is always humans who defeat monsters.

If a monster defeats a human, the human will aim to defeat you, and the battle will never end.

Such is your madness.

You are not human...

So he will definitely come back. "

When Integra said this.

Everyone was suddenly stunned...!

'Only humans can defeat monsters...! ’ Today’s Accardo will never lose again, not to another monster.

After the previous battle at Andreessen,

People are convinced of this.

If you bring this concept into it...!

Because the Major is not human,

So there is absolutely no way to kill Accardo!

Monsters cannot kill the King of Monsters!

"No way... isn't this a sneaky change of concept?" someone thought with a wry smile.

But just change it secretly...!

That man will probably come back, right?

Everyone's heart was slightly hot and they sincerely looked forward to his return.

And on the other side...

The camera switches to Walter's side,

People finally knew what Walter was planning to do.

It’s not about rescuing Integra from the outside…

With Silas here, there is no need for him to help.

Could it be said that it was atonement or that it was a discovery of conscience?

Here Walter blocked the doctor who wanted to escape with various vampire research materials.

After the two sides exchanged words and taunts,

Walter succeeded in irritating the doctor...

"Theories are leaping forward and research is leaping forward!!" Dr.

"Natural science will continue to advance through practice!

Will catch up on this one day! ! One day I will show you that Accardo will surpass you! "The doctor pointed at an 'experimental subject' covered with a red cloth and said angrily.

"Stop saying stupid things, you and I are going to die." Walter said.

"All defective products will die,"

"Shut up!!" The doctor roared, and he seemed to take action, but just like the previous Avengers of Section 13, his arm was cut off instantly.

The red cloth was also overturned by the fluctuations of the battle, revealing a pale female skeleton underneath.

"Mina Harker." Walter murmured the name of the corpse.

“I knew that was the case, and this is your teaching material.

Accardo was the only being who had a first embrace when he was still Dracula.

The beginning of it all...

It is said that Professor Helsing turned back into a human after defeating Dracula. "

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