? ! ! !

Everyone in the live broadcast room was a little surprised after hearing this news.

I didn’t expect that I would be able to eat such a big melon in the end.

"Dracula's only first love..."

Doesn't that mean that - that woman can also be regarded as the ancestor of vampires? ! "

“After Dracula was defeated, it wasn’t until he was awakened by Integra that he had the new identity of Accardo.

Obviously those wild vampires outside could not be his first descendants. "

"If it's not the original vampire, then all the vampires in the world now, tracing back to their origins, couldn't be created by this Mina!"

If this is really the case,

Then it’s not an exaggeration to say that this woman is the mother of vampires! !

Everyone's brains were spinning rapidly and they were making crazy guesses!

This woman turned back into a human after Dracula was defeated,

But before that, Dracula will not be creating dependents.

But it doesn't mean that this woman didn't create dependents.


Is she the source of current vampires and true ancestors? !

If the group of vampires outside the airship also knew the news...!

Hiss~! Everyone took a deep breath.

I don't know how shocked those vampires will be.

at the same time--

On the other side, Walter continued: "But Accardo is not dead!"

Everyone nodded subconsciously,

They also knew that after Dracula was defeated, he was sealed and waiting to be awakened...

It really can't be considered a real death.

However, people were soon stunned and found that what Walter wanted to express was not what they thought.

Blood is the currency of the soul!

As the only woman who was Accardo's first love at that time, there was no doubt that the same blood as Accardo was flowing in her body.


Chapter 1,647 Is he alive or dead now?

"Accardo still exists in her..." Walter said coldly,

"No matter what she is like, it exists deep within her body.

Neither holy bread, nor holy water, nor vampire blood has any effect on the cross.

So you start here -

...Imitate Accardo! "

Walter had a mocking expression on his face,

Obviously he still relied on Accardo’s power.

It's like imitating the mother body through the child body,

But he brazenly claimed that his own research technology had led to new developments and achieved a ‘miracle’!

That's not a miracle at all,

It's just a low-quality fake product.

Why he would lose was already determined.

Shoddy fakes that are inferior to genuine imitations in all aspects of performance. Do you want to defeat the real monster?

It's normal for inferior monsters to lose to powerful monsters.

Even everyone in the live broadcast room understands...

The so-called only humans can defeat monsters is a more idealistic concept, like some kind of powerful belief.

They are also willing to believe...

But - if two monsters meet, they will really fight to the death.

Not everyone can be like the king of monsters,

‘Non-human beings cannot be defeated! ’

This reminds people a bit of the absolutely evil three-headed dragon Az Dakaha.


That is a declaration that only the devil can make!

Walter: “You dug her (Mina Harker) out for this!

Destroy her who has become a wreck!

In the end all you are doing is piracy.

Isn't this a farce?

How pathetic, Mina.

All disappear, it's time to exit.

You are the same and so am I..."

Walter then used his only remaining arm to manipulate the wire to pull the object and smashed the doctor to death.

This may bring disaster to the world,

The root of the trouble that continues to cause Integra and the others will be eradicated once and for all.

At this time, Walter finally showed a relaxed look on his face,

The tense nerves were relieved, and he sat down with a smile, leaning against the ruins and broken walls.

"Ah, damn...

I really want to beat that guy. "

One knew that he was supposed to be talking about Accardo;

Looking at Walter at this time,

Everyone: ‘What a reliable and reassuring traitor. ’

Obviously a traitor...

But it created such a completely opposite feeling.

Way to go...Walter the Reaper.

"Farewell, Miss..." Holding the cigarette between his fingers in a handsome gesture, Walter closed his eyes forever.

And at that moment, seeing the soul through the young skin,

It was as if an old figure appeared at this moment,

A peaceful and peaceful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Finally, the cigarette slipped weakly from the fingers!

boom! ! ! The fire shot into the sky and rolled up thick black smoke.

The explosion seemed to be a final farewell gift to Walter!

at the same time--

Integra on the other side seemed to feel something in his heart and couldn't help crying!

She knew that Walter had just died,

But now there is not much time to think about this...

Under Integra's order, Silas flew up with it, and finally escaped with it before the airship exploded completely.

‘This is… it’s really over! ’ Everyone.

Almost all enemies are dead,

However, only Integra and Silas were left in Hellsing.

Fighting to this field,

Is this final victory really worthy of joy? !


"Where is Accardo? Will he be resurrected?" Although Integra's previous remarks also aroused people's expectations.


The war is over, right? Has reincarnation been ended?

Has Accardo shown up?

Even if it’s Akado who turned into a heroic spirit,

But they didn't see each other either.

At this time - the sun has completely risen in London.

In the bright sunshine of the morning,

What was reflected was more and more crazy and anxious faces.

"Akado...!! Come out!!" The elves and demigods,

"Come out and fight!"

"I (we) are standing right here, come and kill me!!"

They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of staying in this world forever and never dying.

Afraid of being tortured all the time!

The fear of the unknown future is crazily invading the minds of this group of people.


It seemed like their words had worked.

It really reached the ears of the monster king.

"Hmph, hum hum... Hahahahaha!" A familiar laughter came from the place where Accardo disappeared before,

The elves suddenly stiffened,

The demigods were also stunned...

Sursin's spiritual thoughts in the sky instantly locked onto Accardo's figure.

He, he... came to life?

Are you really alive?

Everyone in the live broadcast room and the vampires on the scene also showed expressions of joy and surprise when they saw this.

What's going on?

It has obviously ‘disappeared’.

Because his return was too sudden and too simple,

On the contrary, people couldn’t believe what they were seeing!

And on the field,

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