The elves and demigods who stopped cursing and challenging each other...

Seeing the real master really appear,

It was probably this kind of "dream" feeling.

I couldn't believe it——


Finally, my brain crashed, went blank, and fell into dead silence.

"What a rude way to welcome you. An old man like me is always full of charm...But,

You are really noisy...! Do you want to die so much!" A magnetic voice sounded,

Acardo looked at the elves who were stunned and looked at him with a ghostly expression,


Aren't you looking for me again? After seeing the real me, you were scared to death?

What's the matter with those embarrassing expressions...

Do you think you have seen a ghost?" Akado's mouth was grinning from ear to ear, as if he saw an extremely interesting toy, showing a happy smile.

"Who are you!" The elves and demigods finally came to their senses, and one of them couldn't help but ask in a trembling voice.

"It should have disappeared...——"

"Are you a human or... a ghost! Are you alive or dead?"

When the question came, countless eyes immediately looked at Akado,

waiting for his answer.

Even the gods in the sky were no exception.

Sulsin also locked onto that figure tightly, always feeling like a dream...

The man in front of him was right in front of him!!

But it seemed as if he didn't exist!

What's going on? ! !

What's going on!

Even he couldn't sense the figure of someone standing there.

But... eyes!!

The visual senses of the divine body, this body, did see...! That bright red and familiar coat!!

And everyone whose minds were in chaos and confusion,

forgot one thing, ignored...

This time,

they did not participate in the reincarnation,

but 'Akado' responded to their call!

Obviously, this Akado was completely different from the Akado who acted as if he was rehearsing according to the script before.

He has already escaped from the cycle of reincarnation! !

Chapter 1648 I am here, but not anywhere else!

If the judgment of being alive is based on whether there is breathing,

then Akado is probably dead.

There is no breath of him in this world,

not even a trace...

He just stood there,

everyone could see those golden red eyes, as quiet as gods and demons,

staring at you quietly...

The familiar sense of oppression came to people's hearts,

if they could not hear his voice clearly,

people would probably regard it as a beautiful sculpture,

a sculpture more beautiful than David!

"Existence is truth... I stand here, standing right here...

Your enemy is here... Is there anything to hesitate about?" Akado said,

but the elves, demigods, and gods dared not act rashly.

That fearless look...

"How did you survive!" The young god wrapped in glory asked in the sky.

Although young, the majesty of a god has been fully revealed.

The sound was tiny, but it could be transmitted to the entire city space, so that everyone could hear it as if they were hearing it.

All the elves lowered their heads slightly,

to show their awe of the gods -


Akado suddenly laughed, so conspicuous in the quiet, bowed crowd,

"Hehehe... Hahaha,

alive? Never died, how can you talk about living again.

Just being observed by the world again..."

'Observation? ! ! '

Everyone was slightly surprised...

And in the live broadcast room, people who have learned more about the "Schrödinger's Cat" theory immediately widened their eyes and thought of something -

Has he realized his own existence?

Even the cat has been lost in a huge number of souls and can no longer observe or recognize itself,

so the world cannot recognize or observe the existence of Akado who is "assimilated by fate".

But now Akado has indeed appeared here!

I found the cat among millions and tens of millions...

I found Schrödinger's cat, the cat of wisdom, who didn't even know who he was!

"How is it possible..." Stunned,

Fake... come on,

How small would that probability be, one in a thousand, one in ten thousand? Or one in ten million, one in a billion?

A probability that approaches zero infinitely!


"After that battle, I disappeared for more than thirty years...During this long time, I kept killing,

Inside me, I killed all my lives, five thousand three million four hundred and twenty-four thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven,

Except one, all of them were killed.

Now I'm back here,

I already exist everywhere, and I'm not anywhere.

So, I'm here." Akado,

That's right——

That is, it exists everywhere, and it's not anywhere.

Such a self-contradictory concept and statement——

This is Akado now!

It is undoubtedly completely unrealistic to want to find the existence of the cat from the infinite zero probability,

but there is also a simplest and stupidest way,

that is, to kill all the extra souls,

When only one 'complete' individual remains,

He will be able to clearly understand himself...

The Major refused to become a vampire because he did not want other people's souls to confuse his purity.

But I didn't expect that,

I personally created a more terrifying monster!

Accardo has become a ‘whole’,

Now it exists here and yet it does not exist anywhere!

To know him is already like a fantasy,

Let alone defeat him.

That's a conceptually difficult property,

If the previous Accardo could still find a chance to kill him, could the current Accardo... really be defeated?

Accardo...Uncle A,

It would be more appropriate to call it Cat A now.

How to kill an enemy that exists and doesn't exist at the same time! !

Although the reaction was much slower, Sursin and the demigods, who gradually had their suspicions, looked as ugly as if they had eaten Xiang.

They already understand...

Reincarnation is over!

The Accardo in front of me is none other than the heroic spirit Accardo himself!

But the price for the end of reincarnation is the birth of Accardo, the ‘Schrödinger’s cat’!

The blank thirty years are directly fast-forwarded,

In other words... the purpose of the existence of this reincarnation world was achieved the moment Acardo 'disappeared'.

The prerequisites for the birth of cat A are met,

There is a reason...

There will definitely be a result of killing all the extra souls and returning thirty years later!

Is this the truly terrifying thing about this Noble Phantasm?

For a moment, a terrifying chill that made goosebumps creep up on his chest.

That is a deeper despair!

Akkado in reincarnation will be continuously strengthened under the correction of the inherent barrier - the world line.

Showing invincible fighting power,

And after reincarnation ends,

Another cat A will appear that is almost impossible to erase or kill.

Simply suffocating! !

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