From the coldness in the soul,

Just like that time when the dream was broken...

When my uncle cut off his arm,

It’s the same despair! fear! helpless!

He is so powerless, so weak,

It turns out that his strength and strength are all based on relying on his uncle's warm and majestic figure.

He didn't want to admit -

In fact, he was never ready to become a qualified God of Light from the beginning.

Living on a strong and outstanding uncle,

He resisted such a weak self,

But they are also afraid that the support will be taken away, and even if they want to let go, the other half can't wait to cling tightly to that warmth and wrap it deeply.

In order to prove that I no longer need to rely on others,

He will become a king, the King of Gods!


That’s obviously how it should be!


Consciousness completely collapsed.

After Sursin was killed by Accardo,

The soul also fell into the bright red world and became confused.

However, this kind of confusion did not cause any discomfort in his soul.

On the contrary, it felt like I was finally free,

Like a baby integrated into its mother's body, it showed a peaceful and finally relaxed smile.

Maybe subconsciously——

He must have regarded the bright red world as another object to rely on.

For parasites -

The stronger the object of attachment, the more reassuring it is.

The more reliable it is!

In this case, Sursin would rather never be awakened again.

And without Accardo's permission, these souls will indeed enter 'sleep'.

Permanent ‘dormancy’…

And at this moment,

Finally, there is no more extra life form in the entire inherent barrier.

The world of blood has once again become a complete entity...

It's like reincarnation over and over again,

Cat A once again transformed back into the original vampire king.

This is the truth about reincarnation in this world.

From the past to the future,

Then from the future to the past.

A conceptual Noble Phantasm that completely integrates stories (epics) and legends from three time periods.

Even the process of Cat A massacring millions of elven coalition forces,

You can also rely on this Noble Phantasm to directly speed up the completion.

The long fight in the inherent barrier,

It only takes a moment to reach the outside world.

Almost as soon as the vampires came out of the barrier with their front legs, they saw the king coming out with their back legs.

The eyes of the gods in the sky focused on Accardo again.

But he didn’t see his own believers!

For a moment, all the gods had a bad premonition in their hearts, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

Where are the coalition forces?

How about a coalition army that is so big like them?

Were they all swallowed by that monster? !

Some elves almost fainted,

They began to panic——

I am afraid that my realm will fall at any time with the "death" of a large number of believers!

What if the divine fire goes out and falls from the divine throne to the mortal world?

No! no way! That result would be too terrible!

Chapter 1,650 Dualism, the new universe!

The gods in the heavens are like the morning stars in the night,

What they illuminate is not the world,

Instead, it uses the last afterglow to reflect the king for whom everything is turning upside down at this moment and singing loudly!

The gods did not feel the death of their ‘believers’;

This is also the reason why they can still maintain their final composure even though they are panic-stricken now.

But actually——

Those souls were imprisoned in Accardo's body,

Saying you're dead doesn't mean you're completely dead, and saying you say you're alive... doesn't mean you're really alive either.

They all became one of the subjects in that bright red world, that one-man kingdom.

And at this moment...

As the real body, Yan naturally realized that the realization of the gods was still here, but he had no time to pay attention to these crooked false gods.

‘Sure’s as expected. The Simulation Star Chart can even accommodate the world view of the incarnation. ’

He used Akkado to absorb Sursin's essence.

Now Accardo has completed his transformation,

Just like transforming from the King of Vampires to Cat A,

At this time, Accardo took the third route——! The spiritual level rises and becomes the king of despair and hope!

The main body does not need to take back the incarnation, but it can also be compatible with this spiritual personality and form a new unique world view.

A universe composed of dualism, the ultimate in black and white! Just like that, it was born next to the ‘root universe’.

Flame's power becomes stronger again...

His unique simulated star creation chart,

It can ensure that he... no matter how much spiritual energy he inherits, it will not affect his purity or reduce his strength.

Naturally, things like spiritual personality, divine personality, and priesthood cannot be collected indiscriminately.

Just like Shiroyasha of Hakoba, who was self-defiled and converted to Buddhism, he lowered his spiritual status and became a "class ruler" so that he could interfere with the lower classes.

Although Keyan already possessed spiritual power,

The spirit that still contains both hope and despair was not affected at all.

Sursin did give him a big surprise...

After all, it is a good power. Even if it cannot increase the strength much, it can enrich one's own methods, and it can also speed up the speed of Yan to complete the simulation of the multi-world cosmology of the Star Creation Diagram!

The original Sursin was only one step away...

In the inherent barrier of Akado, the large amount of emotions generated by the elves and vampires could have nourished Sursin to complete the final leap.

If it weren't for Yan's influence behind the scenes...

He would have succeeded now.

Sursin thought he was using Akado to deal with the monster king...

(Actually it was me, Yan!!)

And at this time...

The gods hadn't made any movement yet,

but another god in the distant sky,

the ancient main god Suran, went crazy!

A divine rainbow came through the night sky,

Suran quickly descended on this land and locked onto Akado.

"Where did you take them!

Where's the God of Light!! Answer me, vampire!"

The God of Light in Suran's mouth was naturally his nephew...!

Other people couldn't recognize the true identity of the young god,

how could he not recognize it?

That was his chance to become the God King——!

And he just disappeared completely?

He couldn't accept it...!

He has been stuck at the main god stage for so long,

the oldest group of gods who have survived the old war of gods...

Seeing hope finally appear, and then disappear immediately...!

The anger drove him to forget his fear and fear of Akado,

and now he wanted to tear him into pieces!

Even if Akado killed Surxin,

he just needed to snatch the godhood that Surxin dropped.

But now he couldn't even feel Surxin's soul, godhood, or even a trace of breath!

He couldn't help but be anxious,

but just when Suran was about to take action,

just when the gods in the sky began to watch the situation,

Akado gently raised a hand...

"You are very noisy...a disgusting and annoying guy like a bug." Akado grinned at the 'false god' who would descend on the earth with a dangerous smile.


Desperate spiritual energy surged...

It was as if the world and the night sky collapsed and pressed down on Sulan.

Just when he had gained new power and was worried about where to try it out, here came an experimental subject, right?

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