Wow~! !

Like bubbles melting into water, without even a ripple.

Suer'an didn't even have time to show his shock and fear.

His figure suddenly disappeared under the sky of this world.

Not counting the gods hidden in the starry sky and planes, the ancient main god is one of the most powerful gods in the local area...

It was like a chalk mark on a blackboard that was wiped away.

It's like a stain being wiped away with a rag!

No resistance...

Unable to even mount a decent resistance, he melted into those auras of despair.

The vampires who were still around were stunned for a while.

All the gods in the sky were shocked and frightened!

‘Su…Su’an! That one just now was the Lord God Suran, right?

To be treated like this...? ! ’

The gods gasped;

Everyone turned pale with fear.

What a formidable enemy they had provoked!

Who can tell 'me' that this is considered the power of a 'vampire'?

Outrageous...! Outrageous! !

"It's time to go home, little brats...!" Withdrawing all his strength, Accardo put on his bright red coat again, picked up the top hat that had fallen to the ground and said.

Ignoring the other vampires,

Taking the two little ones and his family with him, Accardo returned directly to Ceylon.

And the remaining vampires were so angry that they didn't dare to say a word.

It wasn't until Accardo left completely that he finally woke up from a dream, feeling lost.

No one had the courage to take the initiative to propose to Accardo that he be king at that time!


Who doesn't want to be the king of the new vampire empire?

Obviously those elves were defeated by the legendary Dracula.

Even the gods above can be easily obliterated!

No one can stop His Majesty from ascending to the throne anymore!


But——Accardo left without any attachment.

It's as if the so-called throne of the Vampire King attracts that person's attention even less than a bullet in his gun.

'He doesn't care about power at all... In other words, he alone is a country... Why should he become the king of another country! ’

In the end, the vampires could only look at the retreating red figure with endless reverie and excitement.

The true ancestors discussed it for a while and finally decided to continue building the country.

Things have come to this point,

It is completely unrealistic to give up and go back to live alone.

But who will inherit the throne?

Even the True Ancestors who were originally ambitious at first,

At this time, no one is raising any thoughts about that position.

After some discussion,

They have always believed that that position should be left vacant and reserved.

Save it forever for Accardo...

After all...except for that person, no one else is qualified to sit in that position!

Chapter 1,651: The singularity of the final game - the Grand Temple of Time!

This time...

The main gods of the major elven faiths are no longer taking action.

They have been killed by Accardo!

If you are worried, send someone there again.

Like the previous elven coalition, they will disappear inexplicably!

Before figuring out where those ‘disappeared’ people went,

Even if it is to prevent myself from falling to the level of god,

The gods no longer dare to act rashly...

And on the other side——

"The plan failed..."

"We misjudged that monster's strength!"

The Alien God Cultists felt completely panicked when they thought about the scene they had been monitoring on the battlefield from afar!

An army of millions of elves,

Many demigods with god-level combat capabilities, as well as real gods and main gods, were 'buried' in the hands of that vampire.

Even the power of the alien gods they once believed in——

That's all.

Many alien god believers felt a layer of gloom in their hearts.

A Servant transformed into a Piercing Hero is so terrifying and hidden so deeply,

What about the remaining heroic spirits?

Those with higher reputations,

In mythology, what about the Servant who is a demigod and the son of God?

Fortunately, these believers don't know about a certain great magician in the east.

There is also a red dragon bloodline in the setting.

Gaozu killed the White Snake and revolted,

Known as the Red Dragon and the Son of the Red Emperor.

The white snake that was beheaded was called the White Emperor's Son, a snake transformed into a white dragon.

Dragons are among the few powerful creatures that can rival and rank with natural gods.

It's just that the monsters cursed by the gods - vampires, are so powerful.

Not to mention other heroic spirits related to gods and dragons...

Sometimes ignorance is bliss!

After discovering the horrors of Accardo.

The Alien God Cultists who are afraid that other heroic spirits are more terrifying than they appear on the surface...

Let them attack the heroic spirits again,

They don't dare anymore,

Fortunately, that huge battle has attracted most of the attention on the mainland.

For the time being, no one is paying attention to these remnants of alien forces.


Most looks, but not all looks.

Homura, who has always been at a higher level to coordinate the overall situation,

It is not difficult to find the traces of those alien god cultists and the tricks they have done...

Homura doesn't care about these clowns...

It's just that the local forces' awareness of prevention in another world is too poor.

This made Yan think of 'Xian Qin' again. When will the orbiting Great Wall around the planet be brought out for people from other worlds to take a good look at?

But until then...

It’s time to wrap up the plot of the singularity first.

Thinking about this...

‘Goetia, let me teach you the final magic trick. ’

Such as - nothing more than this.

A crisp prompt sounded,

When the magic crystal vibrates.

‘Is it a new epic? Or is there a live broadcast again? ’ People put down what they were doing and took out the magic crystal.

The huge commotion caused by the Vampire King Acardo a few days ago,

It is still widely circulated in mainland China.

Everything about the reincarnation in the bright red world was exaggerated and spread by everyone who had seen it in the live broadcast room.

One pass to ten, ten to a hundred,

And the more time traveled, the more outrageous it becomes!

Directly mixing the abilities of Cat A and the Vampire King Accardo,

Describes the image of a nearly invincible monster!

People who eat melons are quite a large group no matter which world they are in.

For a time, countless people were both excited and scared - but mostly excited,

There is such a monster that even gods cannot resist,

But as long as it doesn’t affect their daily lives,

Then it doesn't matter!

Sparasi! ! It’s so Sbarasi!

And what happened to the disappeared elves?

It is also the most suspenseful thing.

Many people heard the prompt immediately and were looking forward to whether Merlin would start the live broadcast again.

Can you show them where the disappeared elves went this time?

But what shocked people...

In the Magic Crystal Forum, the push information this time did not come from the live broadcast room.

It is an epic collection of singularities that has not been updated for a long time.

A large banner refreshed directly at the top of the forum.

The words “Singularity of the End—Solomon, Crowned Temple of Time” were also imprinted in people’s eyes.

Everyone:! ! !

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