And on the other side,

"Please crush this foolish attempt.

This kind of talk on paper should be burned to death without anyone knowing about it. "The doctor sincerely requested,

Then, after receiving affirmative replies from Guda and the others,

Roman finally showed a knowing smile on his face: "As long as Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu are there, they will not lose to people like Solomon.

——Then let’s start the final designation. "

He sincerely believed that those two people could defeat the evil 'Solomon'...

Immediately afterwards, the spirit transfer program started!

The passage to the ending singularity is finally about to be opened! Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

‘ it comes! ’

Light, like a black hole, consciousness falls into a spiral,

A familiar spirit transfer occurred, and after traveling through time and space,

When people waved their consciousness again and wanted to see what the so-called Crown Time Temple looked like,

But his eyes were attracted by the sight in front of him.

A relief sculpture...

A relief sculpture covered with images of the suffering of all living beings.

War, disease, pain - these are all reflected one by one in the reliefs with extremely clear clarity.

'What I saw was unsightly killing.

What was heard was an unpleasant noise.

With a clairvoyant eye that understands the past and the future,

Imprinted with all truth.

I (the king) do not have the ability to close my eyes.

We (kings) do not have the ability to block our ears. ’ Someone’s voice suddenly comes to people’s minds.

At this time, people seemed to have clairvoyance and were able to see the voice from the same perspective.

Blessed to the soul, people suddenly understood what was depicted on those reliefs...

Those are indeed tragic scenes that actually happened in the world.

The next moment...

'here it is……? ’ People were a little confused and didn’t know what was happening.

But everything perceived under the ‘clairvoyance’,

Those reliefs seemed to come alive.

This makes people feel how many tragic things are happening in the world every moment.

On the battlefield, my brothers died before my eyes.

During the famine, children starved to death in their mother's arms.

In order to compete for interests, various countries are constantly fighting.

Countless people shed tears and showed expressions of pain and despair.

It is common for people to pray to gods and heaven, but get no response at all.

ah……! !

Many people hurriedly turned down the five senses of the immersive experience and added a lot of mosaics, and finally felt better in their hearts.

Although I have known the horror of war in the past.

But seeing those real and cruel scenes with your own eyes has a different impact.

No matter how many times you watch it, you will be stimulated.

Especially what the clairvoyant sees...

Tragic things happen almost all the time, every day.

Not just once or twice... but all the time,

People's mentality will inevitably become a little uncomfortable.

Then they heard the voice continue:

'--ugly. ’

Rate that scene.

It was as if the fonts in my mind suddenly turned bright red at this moment!

Expressing his extreme disgust at this scene in this world.


The bright red voice that seemed to have a body became more and more crazy, startling everyone, and a chill suddenly rose behind their backs!

'ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly.

ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly. ugly. ’

Pause slightly,

‘I was forced to see that extremely unpleasant fact.

Forced to remember the extremely ugly ecology.

Will generate ideas to solve this harsh environment and situation,

It is a natural result. ’

The conversation changed...

The voice asked itself,

‘But what should be done? Even if the filth is removed,

Humanity will also immediately breed new filth.

This premise is wrong.

This error cannot be corrected as long as life exists. ’

Finally, the voice found the answer for itself.

"Let's start over. Just start over again.

Start from scratch and recast everything into its complete form.

Not starting with history. Don't start with the ecosystem.

Not starting from the mainland. Not from time.

-- but start from scratch.

We developed plans to recreate the planet from scratch.

For this, a lot of resources are needed.

Huge quantities of firewood are required.

For example, right -

[It requires the heat generated by the combustion of all life on this planet. ]"

The last line of words seemed to have a bit more emphasis on the sound,

People have no doubt,

In the text version of the epic, this must be the line in black and bold.

However, people who trembled and changed their thoughts after listening to that voice,


They seemed to suddenly understand who this voice...or (he, they) was.

"I...!! Fuck!

Those last words are the burning of human reason! Absolutely!

It turns out that the reason for the incineration of the human body is because of this——" Some people couldn't help but complained, but they couldn't continue in the middle of the sentence.

Human beings continue to destroy those beautiful things because of their own ugly desires.

Keep filling the beautiful world with smoke, war, wails and despair,

Such human beings...

Who has the right to blame those who want to correct this for the catastrophe they have caused?

Even if that person's behavior is too extreme...

But as a human being, he was suddenly embarrassed to say such words as 'ridiculous'.

Just because of the ridiculous reason of 'ugliness'?

No, isn't this reason enough?

They had only watched it for a few seconds, and the miserable world before Qianli's eyes was a bit unbearable.

God knows how long the owner of that voice has been watching...

Couldn’t he be the Magic King ‘Solomon’ himself?

Coupled with the matter of Burning Humanity, it is almost a complete match.

Everyone's hearts suddenly shook.

Chapter 8 Foreshadowing - The layout spanning countless eras is hidden among us? !

Just when people are thinking,

The voice continued, like a murmur of one's own heart: 'Recycling only once is not enough. ’

‘We need to travel from the future to the past and recycle it all.

One second. One point. One hour. one day. January. One year.

While returning to the past, we recycle the heat generated during these times. ’

The voice seems to be telling people,

That was the reason why human reason was burned down in the first place and everything was born.

It is gradually being solved to people. The biggest mystery that has troubled people's hearts since the restoration of the singularity.

Why did Solomon burn the law of humanity...

Now the answer to the mystery is finally revealed in the finale, at the singularity of the ending.


The starting point is a path that people have never imagined.

That king is really...

I want to make the world... more beautiful! It’s incredible!

He obviously did such a horrible thing, but his starting point was to eliminate 'ugliness'...

Thinking about those lunatics who want to save all mankind,

Because great ambitions often create catastrophic disasters.


They are now gradually unable to face those who have too lofty aspirations.

Sure enough, if the wish is too unrealistic, it will bring pain to more people.

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