And on the other side,

That voice still pops up in people's minds.

The voice continued: ‘This method can achieve the goal.

Recover about xxx years’ worth of ‘the planet’s maximum heat’.

When all of these are recycled, managed, and controlled, I will be able to achieve great things. ’

at last--

‘O my foreshadowings (compatriots) spread across the earth.

Write our anger here.

Provide a trajectory for subsequent compatriots (beings) to continue moving forward.

Build a temple.

Overlap the light strips.

In order to destroy humanity, all resources are needed.

It takes all the time to forget about human principles.

——Explore the path to the final singularity.

Here, there is the Amyrlin (Hope) of the Magic King (ours)——’

The Magic King…………! We? !

Because it is a sound that comes to mind, or that directly affects the soul,

When I heard the end,

People can clearly feel that the last sentence says 'we'.

Everyone was stunned for a moment...

The Magic King——referring to Solomon!

But isn’t there only one King Solomon?

Why does that last word seem to mean that countless Solomon kings worked together to cause trouble, and created the so-called original reason for the incineration of human reason?

Everyone took a deep breath! I was stunned for a while.

‘Countless Magic Kings? Or King Solomon in the plural? ’ This conjecture is so terrifying that people dare not continue to think about it.


People's vision went dark,

When they regain consciousness again,

I have returned to Guda and others and saw the scene inside the temple.

Like a desolate land floating in the starry sky and universe,

An arch appears in front of people's eyes.

After regaining their consciousness, Guda and Ma Xiu communicated with Chaldea.

And then in the conversation between Guda and Da Vinci,

It also made people realize,

Not only himself, it seems that because of the specialness of this place... this space, Guda also 'dreamed' about that sound.

To be precise...

It was probably because of Guda that people saw the previous scene of the voice of ‘King Solomon’.

Thinking about where this place is...

Crowned Temple of Time——Solomon!

The identity of the owner of the voice seemed to be even more certain.

Everyone shuddered hard and shook their heads.

Whether it is Solomon or King Solomon, as long as we get to the throne, everything will naturally be clear.

They continued to look back,

At this time, Da Vinci opened his mouth and brought a shocking news: "A spiritual foundation that does not match the seven job descriptions.

It is a beast that is said to be a disaster for humans.

Reactions from the employment agency Beast filled that space! "

beast! ! ? Is it human evil again? !

The huge figure of Ti Ma suddenly flashed in people's minds.

Wait, how come there is the breath of the beast in King Solomon's inherent barrier! It would be more normal to say that he could sense the spiritual energy of a crowned magician!

People were suddenly stunned!

And at this time...

There was a burst of applause,

? ? ? : "Exactly.

Chaldea's sense of smell has become a little sharper.

Your good luck in crossing the seven singular points is worthy of praise. "

Matthew: "You are!"

Familiar figures appear in front of people's eyes,

Guda: "Leif Lenore...!"

‘Is it him? ’

Everyone was shocked!

For this burning fuyuki, the first singularity deceived the female director, Professor Leif, to death!

People still remember it! Why was this bastard blocking the door as soon as I arrived at the singularity of the ending?

Leif: "Yo. Long time no see, right?"

But there is no need for small talk,

It doesn’t matter how hard you work. "

Leif later said that he learned about their ongoing efforts from others,

But Chaldea's struggles only made him sick,

Wouldn't it be better to ask them to give up resistance obediently?

Faced with Leif's unabashed malice and ridicule,

Matthew couldn't help but ask Professor Leif a question.

The general meaning is that Leif was still on the side of mankind in the beginning.

I just don’t know when Solomon turned him into a demon pillar.

After all, he was a colleague who had worked with Leonardo da Vinci and others for four years without being suspected.

They even researched Sheba, which gave Chaldea its current various technologies, and made great contributions to protecting humanity.

People: "Having said that...I seem to have remembered it,

When the first-generation director had a conversation with Solomon, the Caster job agent, he might have mentioned the matter of Sheba that Leif was studying. "

People were surprised—!

But before they could think about the possibility of this conjecture,

Leif smiled and said gently: "You seem to be worried about my reputation... No, is it human rights?

Still thinking about my kind of thing. "

Suddenly - he opened his eyes wide and looked straight at Guda and the others with a grin.

“But this concern is completely unnecessary.

You actually asked me when I became a subordinate of the Magic King? "


Everyone swallowed their saliva. Affected by the atmosphere of the scene, many people were interrupted from thinking and looked at Leif.

A bad premonition arose in my heart,

Sure enough, the next moment——

Leif suddenly laughed crazily: "Hehe, hahahahahaha!

This was determined xxx years ago!

From the beginning of this plan,

we were scattered all over the world as foreshadowing!

Will become the family of the Demon Pillar in a hundred years. (Exist)

Will become the family of the Demon Pillar in another five hundred years. (Exist)

And will become the family of the Demon Pillar in a thousand years! (Exist)"


In other words, Leif is just the person in charge of the future era in Chaldea!

For a moment, the faces of everyone in the other world changed completely!

From the very beginning...!

In the mind, the word "we" in the previous voice and the word "foreshadowing" (compatriots) also appeared together.

For a moment, people figured out a lot,

and suddenly-

A terrible and panicked thought came into people's minds,

These Demon Pillars that have been laid out since the beginning! !

Wait, our era will not also-! It's terrifying to think about it!

Chapter 9 From the beginning, you can't trust anyone, how can you let your guard down!

Since the birth of human history, there has been a huge hand behind the scenes... stirring up everything!

So that's it...!

So that's it——!

King Solomon, the man with infinite wisdom,

saw all the ugliness in the world with his clairvoyance,

and was determined to destroy it all.

For this, he traced back to the past, for this, he foreshadowed the future,

for a plan, he opened a long curtain... equivalent to the human history of this planet!

Will their era have seeds planted from the past?

Foreshadowing? Or the family of the Demon Pillar?

No, it should be said that there must be their "person in charge" in this era.

Everyone's expression became ugly...

No one would be happy with a sword of Damocles floating above their head.

A sense of crisis surged.

The simple Demon Pillar is not scary,

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