Because even he himself is a self-deprecating fool who often calls himself trash or scum! "

In this heavy atmosphere,

Roman himself smiled as if he didn't care at this moment: "Uh... no, that's it~.

I don’t think I have such low self-esteem. "

For the first time, people didn't laugh after the doctor complained.

He just stared at Roman on the communication projection with his eyes wide open in confusion.

It was as if I got to know him again!

Leif: "...Hmph.

Of course, I have always been wary of the suspicious parts of this man.

That's why the design wanted him to die in the explosion in the control room.

...Even this was hindered by that Master. "

Needless to say after that, Leif said that there were still a few hours before the king could complete the final calculations.

Even if he ignored the few people present, it was too late.

But he wants to clean up his previous mistakes here.

That is -

‘Are you going to take action against Mashu and the others? ’ Everyone’s hearts tightened.

“You absolutely cannot reach the Amyrlin Seat!!

I will prove it to you now!

Listen up, my name is Demon God Floros!

The Seventy-Two Demon Gods, the one in charge of intelligence!

Although I failed last time, I am full of energy this time!

Let me see how far you have grown! "

After a burst of bright light, Leif revealed the true form of the Demon God Pillar!

After that, the two sides started a fierce battle——

When Ma Xiu and others eliminated the Demon God Pillar, they quickly came back to life.

Demon God Floros laughed maniacally: "It's useless. It's useless to do anything!

Hahaha. Ha ha ha ha. Hahahahahahaha! "

Matthew: "How is that possible...! The Demonic Pillar appears again!

That is not recovery, nor recovery!

Just now, a new Floros was born...! "

On the other side, people in the immersive experience were also a little surprised.

"What's going on?"


The last few words Leif said also gave people a great sense of urgency.

Is the Magic King almost completing his final calculation?

How about it being completed, what about not being completed?

Everyone can guess what the result will be.

Race against time!

Whether humanity can be saved, whether the future taken away by the Magic King can be regained... all depends on this battle!

They all felt anxious.

But at this moment, new bad news came.

Far away in another time and space, Chaldea, which Mashu and Guda had always relied on for their strong logistics, was also attacked.

This is the first time,

The enemy's lair was knocked down!

Staff B: "The northern observation room has fallen!

Excessive pressure confirmed on the observatory roof!

Five minutes until collapse...!

If the roof is damaged, the absence certificate of the control room cannot be maintained! "

Roman: “Chaldea is in a bubble;

Absorbed by the Temple of Time! "

Staff C: "The precision of pseudo-spiritual calculations is beyond the realm of perception!

The intensity of offensive theory is decreasing! "

Roman: "Cut off all the power supply in the museum except the central one!

Provide all the power in the furnace core to Offensive Theory and Chaldeas! "

In just a few words, Chaldea's current dire situation was exposed.

Immediately afterwards, from Da Vinci's words, people learned that the intruders were plural demon pillars!

Da Vinci: "Six, seven, eight - there are eight demon pillars that are entangling Chaldea from the outside!

Although I can go out and deal with it,

But even if we are determined to die together, we don’t know if we can solve Yizhu!

Completely unable to solve the fundamental problem!

We can only completely eliminate the singularity before Chaldea collapses! "

The situation can only be described as terrible! !

Everyone started to sweat!

If it were them, faced with such a desperate situation... they would probably have no choice but to give up resistance.

And the ridicule of Demon God Pillar Floros also came at the right time!


This is impossible, impossible, everyone!

I am immortal. We are infinite.

Because everything in this dimension is us!

Appear, appear - fellow citizens, show your presence! "

After a burst of lightning and thunder,

A new shadow falls,

As if the enemy's despair was not enough,

The already disappointing lineup has become even stronger!

Matthew: "Is it the Demon God Pillar again——

No, this is—"

Demon God Floros: "Yes, we are the Seventy-Two Pillars Demon God!!

Kill me? What does that mean?

We are always the seventy-two pillar demon gods.

As long as this earth and this throne remain,

We will never be destroyed!

If you want to kill me,

We have to kill all seventy-two of our compatriots first!

But where do you get such firepower and military strength?

This kind of existence no longer exists on this land!

You have not cornered us.

But he took the initiative to jump into the grave of death!

Hahaha, this is what is called a moth flying into the flame!

It's really hard work for you to rush in with high spirits! "

Kill seventy-two demon gods at the same time? ! !

Conceptual enemies are really tough!

Even though the Demon Pillar told how to kill them here,

the people who heard that method still fell into deathly silence.

Then there was a fierce inner fluctuation!


How can this be achieved!

This is simply embarrassing!

Why is this happening? It was fine just now!

With determination, everyone went to the Grand Temple of Time with one heart.

So suddenly...

Everything changed!

A deep chill rose in people's hearts!

It was simply...——

Just like it had been just a game before,

when the Magic King got serious, he was going to completely destroy the last Master and Servant of mankind, and even Chaldea with a crushing force? !

Chapter 11 This is the story of you and us taking back the future.

Mash: "Can't get in touch with Chaldea...!

Master, what should we do...!"

Guda: "...No!"

Demon Flauros looked at Guda: "I misjudged you!

I didn't expect you to still have the spirit to glare at the enemy!

But that's enough, I understand your perseverance very much!

But the days when this method can work are over!

The last Master,

The last human, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

We want to express our sincere gratitude to you!

Because you brought us the best fun!

Laughed off the resistance to the first singularity.

Laughed off the enthusiasm for the second singularity.

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