Laughing off the adventure of the third singularity.

Laughing off the search for the fourth singularity!

Laughing off the march to the fifth singularity!

Laughing at the survival of the sixth singularity!

Then for the seventh singularity——"

Every humiliation from the Demon God Pillar made people feel the same.

They witnessed and accompanied Guda, Ma Xiu and others through the first seven singular points.

Even in immersive games, many people are masters themselves!

Even if they are unable to make other adventures beyond the original Guda framework in the game,

Therefore, there is no such big sense of crisis.

But among the seven unique points,

I have witnessed the glory of those heroes who continue to shine in the face of danger and danger,

those beautiful emotions,

Every time a special point is crossed, it is a great victory worthy of cheers and encouragement from all fans.

Did these Demon God Pillars become an after-dinner treat that he would just laugh off? !

When Floros spoke of the seventh singularity,

This unique point that people are most moved and proud of,

The battle that defeated the Mother Goddess of Creation, defeated the beast, and said goodbye to the gods!

People unconsciously raised their chests and stared at the demon pillar...

I have already sentenced him to death in my heart...

They can't interfere in the epic!

I can always kill them casually when I go back to playing games!

The difference is that if the seventh singularity is also ‘laughed off’,

People will kill hundreds or thousands of times more,

No matter what...

The death penalty for the Demon God Pillar has been established.

And on the other side——

Demon God Floros finally changed his words and said: "Ah, this is not very pleasant.

It was a third-rate sideshow that was not even remotely funny.

It’s better to forget about the seventh thing.

All in all, your fight was really enjoyable!

Especially the pointless one!

The futility of fighting this far!

The tragedy of fighting so hard but still ending up with no results!

We rate this highly!

Thank you and goodbye!

Together with Chaldea, let’s end this journey here!

Haha, hahaha,

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! ! "

at last--

In the blood, the Demon God Pillar was laughing loudly,

Guda and Mashu called each other's names and were suddenly attacked...

People’s five senses are connected with Guda,

I just feel that my consciousness is gradually falling into the boundless darkness, powerless... fragile.



it's over? Just like that——? !

Everyone had a splitting headache, and at the same time they couldn't believe it.

What does this mean -

In the end, both Guda and Mashu were killed here?

After working hard on seven singularities, until now... it's just a meaningless struggle like a joke?


What a joke! !

People were stunned, followed by unimaginable anger!

It wasn't until they heard Guda's voice in the darkness that they confirmed that he was still alive.

But the situation conveyed by that inner voice was very bad.



"...It still doesn't work..."

For a moment, everyone seemed to have countless words stuck in their throats, but they could not express them.

There were worried looks on their faces.

No, don't give up!

If Guda gives up... then...

Even they feel that the current situation is too weak and hopeless.

But—when I think about it having come this far,

How can we be willing to do so, and how can we accept that mankind will perish so easily in the future!

Can anyone help...

Who else can come and help them! !

People prayed from the bottom of their hearts.

Then an unknown voice really appeared in the darkness.

? ? ? : “No. Calling it pointless is the real joke.

In your case, was it too soon to give up? "

The darkness suddenly faded...

It turned into a vast white light!

? ? ? : “Your battle is a long journey back into human history.

But you should never feel pessimistic about this. "

? ? ? : "Because, countless encounters are waiting for you."

? ? ? : "Even if everything on this star turns into a battlefield in the Holy Grail War."

? ? ? : "Even if everything on this land has been turned into long-lost ruins."

? ? ? : "Even if there are countless powerful enemies at the end of the road."

Passionate background music suddenly sounded from the void, and along with those words, each sentence seemed to be motivating Guda.

What that voice said...

It’s not a miracle, it’s something Guda and the others have personally experienced and done!

Three "even"s!

? ? ? : “You never gave up either.

Staring at the sky means never leaving the outcome in the hands of others.

All this remains unchanged.

Come on - let the battle begin, Master.

This is your and our story of taking back the future, right? "


In the shocked eyes of everyone, it is incredible,

The moment the white light dissipates,

It seems that along with Guda’s recovery of consciousness,

People also saw the scenes in the temple again.

Those Demon God Pillars continued to dissipate in the light, as if they had been shattered and purified by some impact!

Everyone said ‘this, this is it! ’

Demon God Floros: “Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?

What, what was that just now! ?

Why didn’t Fujimaru Ritsuka disappear? ?

Why does Chaldea still exist here? ?


Why is our body starting to collapse——! ? "

In the high-spirited singing, the situation was suddenly reversed.

People saw the arrogant Demon God Floros! In the end, it failed to change his fate of disappearing.

He too was wiped out.

At this time, communication with Chaldea was restored,

Roman: "Demon God Pillar, all eight pillars are destroyed!

Success, the collapse is a Da Vinci kiss! Awesome!

But what trump card was used?

If there were such a dangerous secret weapon,

I really hope you can report it to me! "

However, Da Vinci said solemnly: "No. That was not what I did just now. That was -"

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "Well, that was——!"

Everyone:? ! ! !

What, what, what, what?

My appetite has been whetted to the max,

They also felt that the previous voice was somewhat familiar,

My heart is itching unbearably...!

‘Did that voice help Guda?

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