He even helped Chaldea destroy all the demon pillars!

Not to mention the fact that the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars need to be destroyed together to avoid resurrection!

Who is it? ! ’

Chapter 12 Gather under that flag...the most beautiful meteor shower!

At this moment,

In the starry sky, the voice sounded again.

? ? ? : "Since the age of the primates was established, it has prospered for thousands of years.

The age of gods ends,

Human beings who have experienced the Gregorian calendar have become the most prosperous species on earth.

We are the ones who determine the future of the stars and carve inscriptions on them.

To this end, we have cultivated a lot of knowledge,

Many resources have been created and many lives have been transferred.

The principles that make human beings longer lasting, more determined, stronger and more prosperous

——The nautical chart of mankind.

In the magic world, this is called human reason.

Chaldea regards it as their highest mission and has been working hard to protect it. "

In the pure and holy female voice,

People seemed to see it, a flag of iris fluttering in the wind,

The voice became more familiar,

who? Who is it? !

Everyone's eyes widened,

Roman's lost voice suddenly came to his ears: "...Is this a dream? Or is the measuring device malfunctioning?

Summoning spells have been activated in various places around the singularity!

There was no catalyst or summoner, it started spontaneously!

Just relying on the thin thread of fate that was once formed!

The spiritual base reaction is ten, twenty, thirty—still increasing!

Fujimaru Ritsuka, this is it! "

But at this moment, the imaginary flag had actually impressed people's eyes.

The iris flag held high by the saint who saved the country,

Now it becomes the dawn that leads to salvation!

Everyone: "Ah, that's the flag!"

Guda: "Everyone is here...!"

On the other side…

On other battlefields,

Demon God Pillar Baal: "The eastern terminal nerve is burning.

The number of enemy followers is still increasing. "

Demon God Pillar Summary: "The Western Autonomic Nerve is damaged.

The enemy servants were identified as the Twenty-Four Riders. "

Demon God Pillar Osei: “——Not worth mentioning.

No matter how many people gather, they are just an extension of humanity.

Not a group like ours.

It is an existence that can only survive alone and fight alone.

Annihilation. Sweep. exclude.

A mere servant is no match for us. "

Everyone: "...!"

If it weren't for the background melody or the passionate BGM just now, like a counterattack horn, people would really believe it.

At this time, he once again faced the threatening announcement from the Demon God Pillar,

Those kind of oppressive speeches,

People even have some expectations in their hearts, their blood is boiling, and they are looking forward to seeing the ‘reversal’ appear!

It seems that their subconscious minds also feel that,

With the appearance of the voice and the flag before,

The helpers on the human side are also about to explode.

And... those spiritual bases that Roman just mentioned are the heroic spirits coming! ! It must be!

This also reminded people of the scene in the short film where the heroic spirits appeared that made them excited and extremely familiar.


they heard,

Demon God Pillar Osai: "What will lead to the failure of our seventy-two Demon God Pillars——"

‘It doesn’t exist! ’ Maybe it’s such a statement, but it hasn’t completely sunk in yet.

was interrupted by other demon pillars,

Demon God Pillar Baal: “——Eastern terminal nerve, destroyed.

The first to eighth columns cannot maintain normal values. "

Then Baal disappeared in a flash.

Demon God Pillar Guanbu also struggled to support himself: "Western Autonomic Nerve, destroy it.

From the 26th to the 33rd bar, normal values ​​cannot be maintained. "

After saying that, it couldn't hold on and dissipated.

The proud demon gods were quickly defeated.

Then came Demon God Pillar Raum: "...the bones of the left and right bases are damaged.

I propose to leave this space. "

Only then did people hear Demon God Pillar Osai's incredulous murmur: "What's going on.

Why are we suppressed?

Why do humans refuse to understand each other?

Will cooperate with each other——! "

Everyone: Oh oh oh oh oh!

What a touching scene!

Everyone puts aside their prejudices and fights for the same goal together!

And at this moment - the familiar voice sounded again,

? ? ? :"……right.

We are indeed beings bound by selfish desires.


Even after becoming a heroic spirit, he has not changed.

No, precisely because he is a heroic spirit, he will not distort his beliefs.


But there are still humans who believe in us.

Even though I have witnessed many heroic spirits and many disputes,

But we still believe that we are heroes.

If you can't respond to this trust and respond to this call, how can you be heroic?

Lord. Please allow me to save the country again——

No, let’s wave this flag to save the world. "

Holding high the iris flag, the owner of the voice finally walked to the stage and revealed his beautiful golden hair!

That holy figure,

Just like before, her gentle blue eyes sparkled with determination.

It was indeed her!

Everyone: "Joan of Arc!!"

Joan of Arc: "Listen, one horse gathered in this field is worth a thousand,

O ungrateful heroic spirits!

Even if they are incompatible enemies, even if they are people of different eras with no intersection,

Now please trust each other with your backs!

It is not to stop the burning of human principles,

but to open up a way forward for our contractors!

My real name is Jeanne d'Arc!

In the name of the Lord, I will become your solid shield! "

The battlefield was immediately filled with cheers like a tsunami,

the heroes sang wantonly and responded to the saint with a smile,

as if saying that this was exactly the case -

at this moment,

those voices seemed to merge into one.

In a trance, people seemed to see the spear that once blazed to the top of the gods,

saw Ushiwakamaru, who would be willing to be the one-faced snake god as long as there were still people who believed that they were heroes,

saw the virtuous king Gilgamesh who was only fatally wounded,

saw the kick of Quetzalcoatl that burned out his life...

and even more, more, more -!

Not only this moment,

in fact, they had already begun in the previous singularity, and had made an unbreakable agreement with Guda. Indelible bond, fighting to the last moment.

Affected by its charm, even the enemies beaten by Guda and his team joined the war.

‘What a thrilling moment! ’ Someone opened his eyes absentmindedly, and the flames that shot up into the sky seemed to be reflected in his eyes!

Different from the shock when the Mother Goddess of Creation was defeated.

The shock at this moment comes from the shock of the bond that transcends time!

It is the shock of countless heroes singing together to establish possibilities in the impossible, and to open up new paths in despair!

Build a tower of hope!

If this is not a miracle! It must be the inevitability induced by that person after creating countless miracles!

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