Who is this? !

People looked at Shakespeare, who was standing next to Andersen and was obviously a poet and writer.

Although the previous story of the singularity has long been completed.

But because there has never been an immersive experience,

There are many people who actually only know the story after the sixth singularity and the prologue to the initial incineration of humanity——

It is not very clear to supplement the previous singularity story.

There are many heroic spirits that I haven’t gotten to know yet.

But since I stand with An Tusheng...

Fortunately, with almost every Heroic Spirit appearing, as long as people think about it and their consciousness moves slightly... it seems that narration and popular science similar to annotations will appear in their minds.

People also roughly understand what kind of legend this man left in human history.

Famous poet, playwright...

It is worth mentioning that most of his stories are famous for their tragedies.


tragedy? !

people:! ! Good guy!

Do you poets all like to write tragedies?

This suddenly brought back bad memories for many people, and they burst into tears when they thought of those tragic epics.

There are obviously so many world lines, can't we just write some epics with happy endings?

People suddenly think of the earliest legendary troubadour Andersen when he was still Andersen.

There seem to be heartwarming fairy tales for children in the bookstore.


Andersen slowly evolved into the hateful old thief Andersen that people call him. Could it be because he was influenced by someone? !

Obviously Mr. Andersen was also very loving in the beginning.

How can someone who likes children be the kind of old thief who likes to watch people heal?

No way! ! For a time, people began to look at a certain poet with unkind eyes.

And on the other side——

Andersen: "...playwright. Isn't it rare that you said something admirable?"

It looks like it's going to snow tomorrow.

alright. Fujimaru Ritsuka.

And Mathew Kirilet.

Although I really want to go to the deepest part of the Temple of Time to see it.

But as you can see, I'm still busy gathering material here. "

Andersen urged him to move on——

Andersen: “Or are you going to let me say it?

Let me say something that has been said countless times,

A line repeated in countless heroic legends? "

Guda: "That sentence...

Could it be..."

Andersen: "Ah, you must have thrown your words at me on purpose! You idiot!"

Shakespeare: "Very well!

Then I will respond to your expectations!

Go ahead - [Leave this to us, keep moving forward -! ]"

After Guda strengthened his heart and responded.

Andersen also smiled and said: "Let's go!

It's up to you to save it, Fujimaru Ritsuka! "

The phrase "It's up to you to save" made those who were listening,

Especially those humans,

Suddenly, a strong sense of mission arose spontaneously!

It's on fire!

Oh oh! Nope, go back and see if the game has been updated! Clear the final singularity immediately!

I’ve almost read some epics.

Players from another world whose game is still stuck on the singularities in the first few chapters are also thinking passionately in their hearts. They will stay up all night or all night to clear all the singularities when they return home.

By the way...

This time all the special points in the ending are revealed.

It’s time for some new activities! ?

I wonder if a new card pool will be set up. It would be fun if I could draw the Magic King Solomon, and use King Solomon to beat King Solomon! At this time, many people thought jokingly.

Thinking of this, the fire in the hearts of a group of fans and players is almost burning to the sky!

When Guda and others continued to move forward and came to the next base area,

Demon God Harpas: "Start it. Start it.

The nine pillars in charge of the military equipment house. That is,"

Tell your true name, and the Nine Pillar Demon God appears again——

This time even Phoenix, who has the same name as the Phoenix, appeared.

Demon God Harpas: "We, the Nine Pillars, pity the flames of war.

Our Nine Pillars respect damage.

Spelling the name ‘Demon God of the Seventy-Two Pillars’,

We will never allow ourselves to ignore this truth...! "

Because I know why these Demon God Pillars and the Magic King burn human reason,

At this time, people were not surprised to hear the word "compassion" mentioned by these terrifying-looking Demon God Pillars.

I just feel that the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are—

The same goes for the Magic Kings and Demon Gods who have great ambitions...

Suddenly a voice interrupted the words of Demon God Harpas.

Nightingale: “—Then I will answer you.

Compassion for war and respect for damage are normal human emotions.

But, humans (we) have to move on.

Well, yes.

We are not content to stand still, but to extinguish the burning flames of war.

To those who have lost family, friends, loved ones,

Nothing more to lose...!

We are going to stand here and confront you! "

Everyone looked in the direction of Nightingale.

Yes, heroic spirits also appeared on this floor.

And it seems that the heroic spirits in each stronghold represent different beautiful emotional visions of mankind.

Fighting against the demon pillars,

It also seems to be a struggle against the ideals of the Demon God Pillars.

The eternity spoken by the demons,

How many moments did it take...?

Scenes like this remind people of the scene of farewell between humans and the gods.

Compared with the beauty that remains unchanged,

People also prefer humans who are constantly moving forward and progressing. Such humans will undoubtedly have more possibilities and life will be more exciting.

Because of this, it’s just like when Matthew rejected the ‘Magic King’.


The heroic spirit Rama also stood up: "That's absolutely right!

You have compassion and respect, but that's all. "

Chapter 25: Turn hatred into fighting power! Arjuna and Karna!

Rama: “Like arranging scattered toys,

Trying to throw the world into the trash can.

This is the inability to accept one's own shortcomings,

The nonsense of a coward who cannot accept the shortcomings of others~! "

Afterwards, people saw Black Dog, Maeve, Fergus, and Scathach, all the familiar figures from The Cattle Snatch appeared one by one.

Afterwards, Edison, Elizabeth, Robin Hood, Brother Brush, Finn and others also appeared one by one.

The lineup of heroic spirits here is quite luxurious.

There are no longer a handful of top-level Servants.

Everyone looked at the big black dog and the legendary Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows - Scathach.

This is only in the epic. With just a few words, you can get a glimpse of just how powerful the God-Slayer is.

Master of many heroes...

People are also sincerely looking forward to how this person will fight.

And when I saw two familiar figures appearing!

Everyone: "!!!"

Compared with the previous waves of heroic spirits,

The Servants in this stronghold can definitely be pushed through!

Arjuna and Karna! !

Stories and epics about these two people have not yet appeared, but people can learn a lot about their identities from popular science.

Among them, Karna appeared in another world...

A man who resembles a human sun like a meat grinder on the battlefield!

People have never doubted that he has the combat power of a top-level heroic spirit.

In contrast...

As his brother and as his old enemy, the strength of Arjuna can also be imagined.

And at this moment, because he was summoned at the same time,

The two brothers were confronting each other, and the atmosphere fell into freezing point for a while.

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