People: ‘They won’t fight, right? If a war starts at this time...ugh! ’

Arjuna: "...Do you know that this day will come sooner or later?"

Karna: “It will come sooner or later.

But I don’t know when.

I thought it would take one thousand or two thousand years,

Even after the sun and moon turned our emotions into nothing..."

Arjuna: “Yeah, I didn’t expect it to be so fast!

——But, it doesn’t matter.

I feel this chaotic feeling towards you that cannot be defined as hatred or fighting spirit,

It’s better to sink into the water first.


It seems that they all came here because of Guda.

Everyone once again felt how much Guda's face...

Another pair of men who love each other and kill each other, but because of their relationship with Guda, they can temporarily put aside their conflicts and fight side by side? !

Huh? Why do I (we) say ‘again’…emmmm.

And before they could breathe a sigh of relief,

But I heard Karna take the initiative to mention it: "Oh, that's it.

Instead, I felt a sense of resistance. "

Arjuna: “—What?”

(Everyone: "What?! What!")

No, this pair won't fight here! Wait--

Everyone: "..."

This stronghold does not have a large number of troops or ships.

There is no holy sword or holy spear of salvation...

The only ones who can stop the Demon God Pillar are these high-end combat forces!

Thinking of this, people were a little worried.

Although Scathach, the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, seems to be very strong in the legend, people still don't know her specific strength.

If a fight breaks out here,

The only high-end combat power left is Big Dog.

Even a big black dog...

Can one person really block the nine demon pillars? !

People just thought this...

Suddenly, I heard Karna change his words and said: "Arjuna, listen to what I have to say first.

It seems that I always tend to say less.

I'm not the kind of person who can speak well.

But you shouldn't be misunderstood in this case.

…That is to say, it’s competition.

Not fighting directly, but competing to see how many enemies can be defeated,

Simply put, it is the competition of hunting.

As long as you are a warrior, you should be able to do it, right?

This is a healthy fight that will never be criticized.


I know you hate me - and that's okay.

I'm no saint either.

If you are hated by others, you will naturally feel angry.

But it's the right hatred, the right anger,

It's definitely not a special existence.

And, not something special means not evil.

Don't deceive yourself, Arjuna.

Even if you don't, we can still stand side by side.

Maybe this is not what she expected..."

Arjuna: “—That’s it.

Yes, that's right.


I hate you and envy you. "

Karna: "...Really?"

Arjuna: “But it’s okay.

This hatred, this ugly feeling won't go away.

But I can face this feeling.

You can laugh at this ugliness and be patient at the same time. "

Karna: "Well, just like that Master has been fighting until now.

Even if I can't wave it away,

Also acceptable. "

Arjuna: “Hmph.

Unexpectedly, after becoming a heroic spirit,

Something like this that shakes your own world will happen again.

Let me achieve more results than you,

Let’s get rid of this hatred and jealousy.

Come on, raise your gun, Karna! "

Karna: "Of course.

You also draw your bow, Arjuna. "

So you just started an arms race? !

How can it still be like this!

People were shocked——

Suddenly, people felt that the Demonic Pillar was really...well, a bit miserable!

What kind of hatred or grudge is this?

If you heroic spirits have any conflicts, just resolve them yourself!

Why are you venting it all on Demon God Pillar?

Everyone's expressions became a little weird——

Compared to other fighting heroic spirits,

The two people here seem to have slightly different sources of motivation that spur them to fight!

And on the other side,

Karna continued: "And... well. Although it is very rare,

But it seems that after becoming a heroic spirit, consciousness is not absolutely immune to change.

If it were me in the past, I would definitely just say that I wanted to confront you.

Just start fighting directly. "

Arjuna: “That’s it.

Is this... still because of Fujimaru Ritsuka's fate? "

Everyone take a deep breath! !

This fate is so useful! ! Envious!

People are really envious...

How on earth was it done?

It's obvious how Lixiang worked hard, made decisions, and did what she did, everyone can see it right in front of their eyes.

It didn’t seem that she (he) had gone out of her way to conquer any heroic spirits.

The result was...

Karna: “This is one of the reasons, but not all.

It's a bit embarrassing to talk like this.

But I seem to be blessed by good luck one after another. "

Arjuna: "Hey."

Karna: “I am favored.

This is especially noticeable in terms of master luck.

Even if it is already a distant memory,

There are also some words (existence) that touch the soul that have survived to this day. "

Arjuna: “I really hope that one day, I can encounter such a being.

The last master, Lord Fujimaru Ritsuka!

The road is open and you can move on! Go, go! "

Chapter 26 La Er: Fight! This king will never end! (Smell warning!)

I never expected that,

Karna, an honest man, will also have his day in Versailles.

Although I have never read his epic poem,

But it is known in the simple popular science that people understand.

The man whose real name is Karna,

The son of the sun god Surya in the deep region of ancient India,

Become a hero of charity by the world. It has the same specifications as the Hero King Gilgamesh, and is powerful enough to rival the Hercules.


It makes people sigh,

Although this hero is the son of the sun god,

Logically speaking, he should be a hero who is illuminated by the sun and light and moves forward, and who grows up with love and care.

But due to various causes and conditions,

He failed to receive the glory and became a tragic hero.

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