King Solomon did not acknowledge his authority.

As a human being born in this world,

What I pursue in this life, whether it is happiness or sadness,

It is precisely because of the distinct emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and joy that people can feel alive when they are alive.

Only then will there be a sense of happiness and peace of mind...

But that man actually has nothing?

Normal people pursue divine power and royal power in order to satisfy their own desires.

But King Solomon had no desire;

If so——

Aren’t those things that countless people admired meaningless to that king?

People were shocked to think——

The image of a king who doesn't know what emotions are, who is lonely, empty, and has no self, seems to appear in his mind.

But such King Solomon,

It was obviously very different from the Solomon I saw in the Amyrlin Hall not long ago.

'No wonder Roman said it wasn't Solomon himself. ’

Leonardo da Vinci: "...So what you're saying is that even if he becomes an Alter, he won't become a bad guy.

But that Magic King is a bad guy no matter what, right? "

Roman: “Well, that’s the problem.

I've thought about it too,"

He smiled slightly and continued: "That being said, Solomon also has a view of good and evil that is very similar to humans.

Perhaps it was through becoming another job agency that he finally gained his ill will. "

Such a statement immediately reminded people of the black and white situation of Joan of Arc.

Theoretically, there is no such emotion as hatred, and it is almost impossible to give birth to a hateful Joan of Arc.

Because of the wish of Marshal Gilderais,

Black Joan constructed from the Holy Grail.

To say she is Joan of Arc is not entirely true.

No...but she is indeed Jeanne Alter,

That is to say, they can be regarded as completely unrelated individuals.

It can also be regarded as another person with similar appearance and life experience.

Roman: "Possibilities such as this..."

But after he put forward such a point of view, he quickly refuted this point of view.

Roman: "But that's not right. Only at this point do I become truly convinced.

Although it was King Solomon, there was something else inside.

Same as Jingu.

In other words, it was the remains of King Solomon. "

remains? ! !

After King Solomon died, did he resurrect himself? !

Everyone was surprised——

The image of the undead like Accardo also flashed in his mind.


Roman obviously didn't mean that kind of immortality.

It was not a simple resurrection;

It's an empty shell that has lost its soul and can still be resurrected. It's as incredible as a fantasy.

Under Mashu’s questioning,

The doctor also nodded and affirmed: "Yeah. Just like the literal meaning, if it's just the body,

With the power of King Solomon, it was possible to rise from the dead.

Later, as a foreshadowing of the incineration of human nature,

Sow the seeds of the Demon God Pillar as your own siblings,

Created this singularity and continues to live to this day.

Because there is almost no concept of time here. "

Guda: So, inside his body? !

Roman: "Yeah. In fact, we have already seen the true face and don't want to see it again.

What I don’t understand is the reason.

Why would he... no, why would they think of such a purpose.

I can't figure this out anyway.

That's why I've been silent until now, but there's no need to worry anymore. "


People have already understood and understood it.

But even if they could tell everyone in Chaldea at this time,

I don’t necessarily believe it.

It's really because I can't stand it, and I want to eliminate the countless sorrows and build a new world that is eternal and pain-free.

For this was created for the relief of all mankind and to destroy all mankind.

It's almost like——

The day the Mother Goddess of Creation died.

Human evil… is also human love.

But Solomon is clearly the crown relative to human evil.

The next moment,

Everyone heard Roman smile and say,

Just look for me directly and ask for the answer.

Through the gap in time and space——

Arrive at the center of the temple - the Amyrlin Seat of the man known as the High King.

Roman: "This is your last communication with Chaldea...

No, it should be the last conversation too.


I ask questions that have never been asked before.

Matthew. Do you have any regrets?

Is this ending really good? "

The doctor suddenly asked solemnly and solemnly,

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned and turned their attention to Matthew.


No hesitation, no confusion,

Now after passing through seven singular points,

Now that I have stepped into the Temple of Crowned Time, and with the help of the heroic spirits, I have traveled all the way——

People saw her growth,

Matthew: "Of course, doctor.

I'm glad I was able to make my own choices until the last second. "

...Matthew! !

Everyone knew about Ma Xiu's physical condition.

No one will force Tao, forcing the girl whose fate has been so unfair and miserable to set foot on the battlefield again.

But now she is standing here completely relying on her own will...

Together with the Master, we will fight against all difficulties and regain the future of mankind.

Seeing these people, a fire seemed to be sparked in their hearts.

Even such a thin little girl has gradually grown into a reliable warrior who can be trusted to support her.

This is the moment when the brilliance of humanity shines.

This ray of light is enough to defeat all the darkness before. People are so convinced and moved...

They will surely see the dawn after the darkness.

Roman: "...Is that so.

Then let Solomon see how powerful you are."

Then the doctor looked at another figure, "Good luck, Master Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The enemy is Magic King Solomon——

Use all the power you have cultivated so far to defeat this singularity!"

Emotions were mobilized, and with the light that passed through the last fault,

which was like the transfer of spirit particles, everyone was completely ignited and cheered: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!

Chapter 40 Demon God Catalog Goetia!


It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like just a moment.

In that time fault,

Chaldea made the final communication with Guda and others,

and encouraged...!

Everyone seemed to be completely immersed in this grand and long story.

Everyone had only one firm belief in their hearts,

It will definitely work...

It will definitely not lose...

Now, they (she) are already in the strongest position.

The future of mankind will be taken back by mankind.

...Hula, hula, a familiar cold wind blew past.

When Guda and others made the final leap——

Everyone saw the perspective of that sad world again.

There was a voice, a familiar voice sounded again——

It sounded and emerged in the heart,

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