“Witnessed a lot of sadness.”

The voice sounded so quietly,

The part of the perspective on the relief that is aligned at this time,

It was the figure of a thin, poor human being lying on the ground, wrapped in a cloak and hood, as if he could never get up again.

“Witnessed a lot of sadness.”

The voice sounded again.

On the relief, the perspective changes,

It is an extremely painful scene of a soldier holding the body of his comrade who died in battle and watching the arrows being blocked behind him.

“Witnessed a lot of sadness.”

It is the silent cry of a mother crying and holding her child...

“Even if Solomon doesn’t feel anything.

I, no, we can't stand this treatment either. "

The relief shows a man who committed suicide and hanged himself in despair.

They are people who pray to God with tears... Scenes of those still struggling humans are printed in everyone's eyes,

Coupled with the inner voice that was still ringing in my mind, it seemed particularly shocking.

at last--

The voice seemed to be questioning, shouting in my heart!

"Can't you feel anything?

Are you not going to correct this tragedy? "

And suddenly——

Finally it was no longer that monotonous sound.

Another very familiar voice sounded,

The man suspected of being King Solomon said this:

【No. Because God is the being who advises people,

The king is only responsible for organizing human existence. 】

【Others’ sadness does not bring loss to me.

Human beings are creatures that judge in this way. 】

Indifference, ruthlessness...

This does not contain any malice, but it seems to be the most ironic and unacceptable chill!

Let people, even those who don’t know much about that king’s past,

I also feel uncomfortable for a while...


They heard it,

That voice! Angry voice! It rang again~!

Blood dyed the entire field of vision red, dyed the world red!

at last--

“How can you endure this kind of doctrine. (Words)

How can such a system be allowed? (rule)

We negotiate.

We are determined.

——Farewell to everything.

This intellectual entity even gets the definition of God wrong. "

Is this the Solomon and... demon gods of the past?

People thought in a daze.

Compare it one by one with the doctor’s previous speculations,

The concept of King Solomon being nothing seems to have deepened.

But Solomon still made a wish at the end,

As a nothing, what is the wish he still has after obtaining the Holy Grail... what is it?

People can't help but guess,

And at the same time——

As Guda and others gradually opened their eyes,

The picture in front of people has also changed.

It was the familiar sight of the Amyrlin Hall again.

Matthew: "

——Visual field returned to normal.

here it is--"

Guda: "The Magic King's Amyrlin"

Fufu: "Fufu!"

Matthew: "Fufu, when did you come!?

I obviously left you in Chaldea this time! ?”

Fufu: “Fufu. Fufu.

——Woo! "

Solomon: “The Eastern Observatory, the Ordnance House, and the Court of Life are silent.

The Western Intelligence Room, the Control Tower, and the Peeping Star are silent.

The heroic spirits are more capable than expected.

Even if we don’t disappear,

But it is really unexpected that we can fail repeatedly. "

Matthew: "!

It is confirmed that there is a figure on the Amyrlin... It is the Magic King, Solomon! "

Solomon: "Exactly. Have we met before?"

Welcome, Master of Chaldea.

It is a king's joy to entertain guests from afar,

But sadly, I hate humans. "

The figure of the Magic King appeared before people's eyes,

He said with a smile on his lips.

"I have no reward for your long journey,

I won't show any mercy to you.

Some are just anger named ‘why’.

Why come to such a distant place?

Why not just wait a few more minutes?

Why can't we wait for the hypothetical first Noble Phantasm we created?

The activation calculation of [Light Belt Convergence Ring] is completed. "

"ArsNova...?" Guda.

Matthew: “It’s the grimoire discovered in the 19th century, ‘King Solomon’s Little Key’…

The name of one of them.

The book is divided into five parts, the most famous of which is

It’s the Demon God Catalog Goetia,”

Demon God Catalog... Goetia!

Everyone's hearts trembled,

It sounds like the name of a demon god, but there is no one among the seventy-two demon gods.

It happened to be the name of a directory before.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always think that name sounds a bit... like a devil.

People continue to look behind,

Matthew: “But ArsNova is the final summary——

It represents the abandonment of ancient new techniques. "

Solomon: "That's right. I have three Noble Phantasms.

Next, you only need to wait for the maturity of this imaginary No. 1 Noble Phantasm in a few minutes.

The second Noble Phantasm is the space itself.

[The time has come to wear a crown to inspire all things]

That is my inherent barrier, Solomon, the Temple of Time.

A workshop located in the imaginary space outside the universe and isolated from time. "

No covering or hiding at all,

Solomon showed his trump card openly,

This is something people didn’t expect!

For a moment, everyone looked at each other in astonishment.

Is this - confident?! Do you think you have already won and it doesn't matter if you expose your information?

Damn, he pretended.

People are a little unhappy...

They can't wait to see Mashu and the others beat Solomon.

On the other side, Mashu: "...The second treasure is this field itself...

Then the third treasure you are talking about is that light belt.

According to Chaldea's measurement,

there is no energy on this planet that exceeds that light belt.

It is the one that burned the entire earth, ended humanity,

and executed the burning of human nature-"

Solomon: "How is it possible.

Is the commander of Chaldea so blind?

But with my light belt,

I can indeed burn the surface of this planet.

But even if I do that, what benefit can I get.

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