Amazing heat came from the pool, which was more terrifying and hotter than the floor of this room.

The girl had bright eyes and white teeth, and her expression was even more pitiful. She was really a beautiful woman who had never seen a beautiful woman before.

"Excuse me!"

Although they were both women, this scene was like suddenly breaking into the other person's bath, which was a rude behavior.

However, ordinary people could not enjoy the treatment of bathing in boiling water.

After being amazed, Lancelot blushed slightly.

Then she stretched out her hand without hesitation.

Looking at the only helping hand that could be extended to her after five years, the girl trembled all over, slowly opened her eyes, and there was a new brilliance in her eyes after the confusion dissipated.

This was the first time that in this room, it was not a violent reaction of the body caused by pain.

She stretched out her hand... to me? What... what does it mean?

Panic? Or unbelievable? At this time, the girl could no longer distinguish her own thoughts.

Strong grievances and unstoppable joy and expectations all came together.

In the five years of great suffering, no one could help her get rid of it.

So, do you want to believe in the knight in front of you now?

Chapter 207 Gods also have desires!

Feeling the kindness and favor from the knight in front of her, the girl was panicked, worried, timid, expectant, eager... all kinds of emotions surged in her heart.

Raised her hand, paused, retreated... and then slowly stretched out again.

Finally, she finally mustered up all her courage and raised her hand to the knight's palm to respond.

She wanted to believe it again.

The knight will save the princess!

The legend that the destined knight will really appear this time!

'This is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen except Queen Guinevere. No one can compare to her beauty. 'Looking at the eyes with all kinds of complex emotions, and finally reaching out to put her hand in his palm, there is a heavy expectation contained in it.

Lancelot showed a firm expression.

The knight's declaration with the king is still vivid in her mind. She swore that she would lend a helping hand to any woman who needed her rescue!

There are quite a few women friends in the round table.

Except for Agrawen, who is not interested in women, Lancelot, Tristan, and Gawain all like to save fallen girls.

At this point in the story, it seems that Lancelot has once again acted bravely, and the distressed girl was finally rescued, and everyone is happy.


Claire and others have a more and more weird feeling.

The more they look at it, the more wrong it is!

Lancelot took the girl out of the room, and the princess who was held by the hand seemed to be no longer affected by the curse and left the tower.

Then they went to the church together for worship, and the girl witnessed Lancelot continue to help the residents of the city kill a fire dragon hidden in the cemetery.

At this time, King Boles finally came and found the two.

Then the girl became a princess again, she was Princess Yilan.

After being trapped for five years without seeing the sun, the strong attachment generated by Lancelot's rescue made this feeling extreme and deep-rooted.

She must get Lancelot. Now she is inseparable from Lancelot every day and has become addicted to the feeling of being at his side.

When King Boles knew his daughter's idea, he did not think it was absurd. Instead, after thinking about it, he chose to support her idea.

Someone once predicted to King Boles that if his offspring could combine with Lancelot, a most noble knight would be born, and that noble knight would bring back the legendary miracle - the Holy Grail!

King Boles has always believed in this.

So they deceived Lancelot and lied that Guinevere had come to their city and was now preparing to summon her.

They also cast magic to make the girl disguised as Guinevere, and let Lancelot drink the special wine to get her drunk.

(For details, please refer to Morgan's calculations on Dai Mao)

After that, Princess Yilan had Lancelot's offspring.

The book did not explain how Yilan became pregnant with a child with some Lancelot blood that night.

People did not understand DNA collection, and had never seen the cloned Xiaomo with aloof hair.

But everyone was still shocked by what happened in the story.

They began to imagine what happened that night.

What Claire felt was wrong before, finally became a reality.

This, this is the real lily blooming!!!

Two girls actually had children again? Even the God of Alchemy, as a god, had never seen such a thing.

When people saw this, their brains were like a bell ringing, and suddenly they went blank.

After the end of the seventh volume of King Arthur, the whole capital began to spread and discuss this matter!

It is definitely the most shocking thing in history to the three views of people in the other world.

Even if it was placed on Earth, it would be enough.

——Actually, there is such a magical thing!

When the God of Alchemy saw this part of the story, he was also stunned.

Then he couldn't suppress his excitement and surprise. Oh oh oh!

What is that, magic? Or what is the principle! ?

Like a child who has discovered a very new toy, his eyes suddenly shone with an unprecedented intensity!

If! Ah, with the help of magic, such a thing can be easily achieved——!

His scalp trembled.

This will definitely cause a sensation in the entire magic world and have a major impact.

There should be some restrictions, right?

No, there must be some restrictions! Otherwise...

The God of Alchemy thought of dragons, chimeras, and three-headed hellhounds, which are rare legendary fantasy creatures.

Among the fantasy species that are particularly lacking in males, if this method can be used to continue the offspring.

Thinking of the huge groups of dragons appearing in the sky, the powerful momentum and power, even the gods have to retreat.

'That should be impossible! 'Shaking his head, the God of Alchemy felt that he was thinking too much and was too excited;

Even in ancient times, when the dragons were the most numerous and the most powerful, they could not last long.

In the final analysis, it is not just a problem of unequal ratios between males and females. The blood of these fantasy creatures is too strong, and it is difficult to give birth to new offspring.

Such a problem is definitely not something that can be solved by magic.


The God of Alchemy looked at the prophecy in the book that Princess Yilan was pregnant with a child.

——That will be the knight who can hold the "Holy Grail".

"Holy Grail", the cup in the biography of King Arthur that drinks the blood of God and can fulfill any wish.

A strong palpitation rose from the heart.

The God of Alchemy took a deep look at the prophecy, with some doubt in his eyes, and became a little cautious.

That is definitely not an ordinary god.

Fulfill any wish? !

Such a crazy statement, is it the self-guessing and lies of the demon spirit Meili, or can it really fulfill anything!

If everything can really be fulfilled, when the main body gets the Holy Grail, it can't just make a wish casually and sleep with any goddess it wants? !

Smiling with interest, the God of Alchemy sighed.

"It should be that it can only fulfill the wishes of ordinary people. I hope that there is really a Holy Grail in this world that can fulfill even the wishes of gods!"

And the story of Lancelot and Ilan has come to an end.

Lancelot left angrily when he found out that Princess Ilan and the others had deceived him and that Queen Guinevere did not exist here.

At this time, the name of the prophesied knight finally appeared in the book.

King Boles had already named him "Galahad".

Knight - Galahad.

The story of King Arthur Volume 7 ends here.

However, Tristan's "tragic love story of black sails and white sails" and the shocking "adventure story" of Lancelot, the knight on the lake, have just begun to ferment in the capital.

"White Isolde, Golden Isolde; Princess Elan, Galahad, Morgan." These names have become the most talked about topics.

Chapter 208 King Arthur Volume 7 ends the controversy!

King Arthur always brings people one bizarre story after another.

In the distant land of Britain that only exists in people's imagination, there is a love story that is worth singing and a loyalty that never changes until death...

A knight as perfect as Tristan is also trapped in the code of chivalry, but he gives up on his own initiative when facing his love.

Many people feel heavy and uncomfortable after reading King Arthur Volume 7 this time.

Rational people no longer blindly worship the spirit of chivalry.

Apart from those fanatical knight fans, more people saw the drawbacks of the knight code in this story.

Tristan was poisoned and blinded and died tragically.

And Qixiu.Wan'er did not get a good result and went to the underworld.

The last song "Death of Love" not only made their love more beautiful and miserable, but also made many people explode.

They felt sorry for Qixiu.Wan'er, and some even felt that it was not worth it. They almost cursed!

The man who asked for himself, but gave himself to an old man - Tristan, the son of sorrow.

From Qixiu.Wan'er's perspective...

Any man with blood could not accept this, and could not accept Tristan's behavior.

If it were not for the final "Story of Black Sails and White Sails" that added a lot of color to this love story, Tristan would have been completely defined as a scumbag.

Abandoning love for loyalty -

That is not something most humans can do.

Who can be absolutely rational.

The knight code can be used to regulate one's own behavior and principles, but when necessary, it should be changed according to one's actual situation.

So, not long after...

On the second day after the release of the seventh volume of King Arthur.

A certain King Arthur fan who called himself "Silver Knight" stood up and began to promote a rational "Knight's Declaration" in the capital.

The "Silver Knight" claimed that the true spirit of chivalry should never be the rigid and disgusting thing of abandoning love to achieve loyalty.

This "Silver Knight" also pointed out that if everyone observes carefully, they will find...

The last statement in the Knight's Declaration has such a declaration-"I swear that I will be loyal to my love until death!"

If in order to achieve loyalty to the monarch, you must abandon your beloved and hand him over to the monarch, isn't this a betrayal of this Knight's Declaration?

Since the two are in love, Tristan's uncle should be the third party from outside.

When the Knight's Declaration and Knight's loyalty are considered equally, shouldn't we first consider who the princess really loves? !

When the words of this mysterious "Silver Knight" spread in the capital.

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