The people of the royal capital, who had been having heated debates after the end of the seventh volume of King Arthur, were all shocked.

Those rowdy crowds.

Whether you are a true King Arthur fan or a cloud fan.

Some believe that "Tristan did nothing wrong, he is a true knight" and are blind admirers of chivalry.

There are also young and sensitive young people and girls who believe that "Tristan's betrayal of love is just a cocoon of his own and is not worthy of sympathy."

When they heard the "Silver Knight"'s remarks, they were all stunned.


Is there any other way to say this?

"Knight's Declaration" - they all know it.

That was the declaration when the news of the mercenaries' victory was conveyed back from the front line of the war.

It is rumored that the scattered mercenaries have understood the spirit of chivalry pioneered by the King of Knights, and they have been unstoppable along the way, exerting a powerful force that the other two elite human armies cannot match. In one fell swoop, he became the first army to break through the capital of Casas.

The high-spirited, firm and powerful words of the oath that inspired and shocked people's hearts were recognized by many civilians when they were just sent back to the royal capital.

The noble young men were even more ecstatic. They drew their swords every day and couldn't help but make a few declarations.

This is a declaration that promotes various virtues and makes people yearn for it.

If it weren't for King Arthur, the knight-king, people couldn't think of anyone who could say such pleasing and convincing words.

The hurried appearance of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, disguised by flames, deepened people's inner affirmation.

In addition, the leader of the mercenary army is also said to be named "Lancelot".

Most knight fans in the capital believe in the authenticity of this "Knight Declaration"!

So now comes the problem!

Since they chose to believe the Knights' Manifesto, the "Silver Knights" statement got people thinking.


The knight's declaration states that he will remain loyal to the one he loves until death, but doesn't Tristan's behavior conflict with this?

Not to mention that this sad knight later married Isolde.

Thinking of this, a group of elders felt a little contemptuous in their hearts.

Some of them originally supported Tristan just because he was a knight fan of the Knights of the Round Table. They no longer argued fiercely with others, and their tone became much weaker.

In this case, if you continue to argue, you will be messing around, and you will be slapping yourself in the face.

Whether Tristan's view of love is correct or not was temporarily suppressed due to the appearance of the "Silver Knight" and his speech.

Before being able to discuss clearly the conflict between chivalry and the statement of "willing to love until death" in the knight's declaration, many people rationally gave up on continuing to debate this topic.

In this case, no one can convince anyone.

So, because one topic decreased, the discussion of another topic began to increase.

Regarding the question of how two women, the knight Lancelot and Princess Yilan, could have children.

When this was mentioned, not to mention the adults, even the children in the royal capital lit up with excitement and curiosity.

Can women and women also have children?

This is definitely the first time they have heard of it.

It opens up a new path for countless girls in other worlds who are still in platonic love and have lily tendencies!

This is definitely the most eye-catching topic at the moment.

The depth of its impact——

Because of the seventh volume of King Arthur, many girls now receive strange looks from people around them if they act too intimately outside.

Those pretty girls, especially aristocratic girls with good upbringings, who are thin-skinned and prone to blushing, do not dare to appear on the streets of the royal capital in this atmosphere.

There is also Galahad, who is predicted to be able to hold the Holy Grail in the future, which also adds a lot of mystery in people's eyes.

Before Lancelot's trip, the monk in the book had a prophecy about the knight in the Danger Seat who had not yet been born and would hold the Holy Grail in the future.

As a result, when people were still speculating on what kind of knight the new dangerous seat would be, they later discovered that he was the child of Lancelot and Princess Elayne.

Now Lancelot is even more topical.

As a result, throughout the next week, discussions about Lancelot, Princess Yilan, and Galahad continued in the royal capital.

People are looking forward to the subsequent stories of these three characters.

Chapter 209: How does it feel when someone recommends your work?

"Without the following plot, I'm going to die...ah!" Claire sighed and shouted while lying on the bed, holding up the seventh volume of King Arthur with her hands raised for who knows how many times.

This feeling is like a modern Internet-addicted teenager on Earth.

He was originally a good boy in the eyes of others, but after his first taste of the colorful and wonderful charm of the online world, he was suddenly disconnected from the Internet and suffered a withdrawal reaction.

Claire can never go back to what she was before.

"I'm so angry! Sure enough, Cui Sitong wants to curse several times after watching it. Qili and Wan'er are so pitiful. And the vicious Morgan has been driven out of King Arthur's dynasty, and she can still be seen. But Princess Yilan ...Woo.”

"Although my sexual orientation is normal, this supports me!" Claire said softly.

She opened her eyes wide and thought about taking on the perspective of Princess Yilan while reading.

In the five most desperate years of my life, I experienced a long dark night, and the dim world with only scorching heat was redeemed by that brave and beautiful figure.

Handsome... heroic female knight, noble white lily flower - Lancelot of the Lake.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Claire suddenly screamed with a nympho laugh.

No, no! Lancelot is too handsome! If it is such a female knight, she is willing to change her preferences!

How can he be so handsome!

As handsome as my number one dream lover, the perfect prince - Arthur!

Wow! It seems that I know whether the two will be together in the future! And Galahad! I also want to read Galahad's story!

Without the next volume of King Arthur, she can only rely on her own fantasy to guess the plot in the future.

Not only Claire, this has become what many readers in the capital like to do in the future.


When the next volume really comes out, people think about what they are doing now, and they really want to die.

Still having illusions about the pen name "Andersen" may be the biggest mistake these readers have made in their lives!

They have been gradually completely confused by the unprecedented prosperity of Arthur's British dynasty, and the wonderful plot of Dark Soul has distracted a lot of their attention. Everyone has almost forgotten the prophecy that Arthur saw when he drew his sword.

As the kingdom becomes more and more powerful, no one would have guessed that this seemingly prosperous and peaceful country has begun to be riddled with holes.


Border, Conjurer clan.

Compared with the noisy and enthusiastic discussion of Arthur's biography in the capital, this village is as quiet as ever.

Yan, who just brought a reading feast to the residents of the capital, is now enjoying the long-lost quiet time in the afternoon.

Restia has returned home, and now Yan and Ji Zelu are in the courtyard of Clovis and his wife's house, preparing for a good family gathering.

Yan was lying on the lawn in the courtyard basking in the sun, while Ji Zelu was sitting on a small chair on the side, eating sweet candies with her cheeks puffed up, and her eyes narrowed into a crescent shape with joy.

"Eating too much candies will cause tooth decay!" Clovis suddenly came from behind, half of his body exposed, looking at Ji Zelu and said with a smile.

"Ah!" Ji Zelu's face suddenly turned red, and she immediately hid in Yan's arms, burying her little head directly in Yan's collar.

"No... I didn't eat candies." Because Lord Gege and Restia have always behaved very maturely.

Children have the habit of pretending to be adults. When they encounter situations such as eating milk candies and not being weaned, Ji Zelu will also blush and deny it.

But that soft and sticky voice, and the body that was trembling with nervousness and shyness.


Subconsciously hugging the little one in his arms, Yan showed a gentle smile on his face.

"Yan...please take care of Ji Zelu. The candies that Master Xidi gave her last time are all with her. Don't let her eat them all at once."

"No problem." Yan replied with a chuckle.

When it comes to eating candies, almost all children can't resist the temptation of sweetness.

Sugar has the greatest stimulation on taste buds. Sweetness can be transmitted to the brain through nerves. The brain will release a substance called dopamine, which can make children feel happy.

But excessive intake of sugar will have an impact on the body.

"Gege——?!" The little head in his arms suddenly raised his head, and his watery eyes widened in disbelief.

Master Gege, you won't listen to your father!

You can't eat candies casually. This kind of thing is too terrible for her!

" have to listen to your uncle."

"Gege...bad guy!" A slight warm breath hit Yan's face, and Ji Zelu's timid voice was a little aggrieved.

Ji Zelu is very smart. Although she is still young, she has become more mature after spending a long time with Yan and Restia, two eternal 18-year-olds.

In addition, she is a very well-behaved person. In the end, she could only look at the candy in her pocket and gave up the idea of ​​waiting for her father to leave.

"Although candy is delicious, you can't eat it every day. I will supervise you on behalf of Uncle Clovis in the future. By the way... Especially before going to bed at night, you are not allowed to eat candy! It will cause tooth decay." Yan said with a gentle smile like an older brother, which seemed like devilish words to Ji Zelu.

At night, can't eat, usually, supervise...

Ji Zelu suddenly widened her innocent eyes.

"By the way, does Xidijiang send candy to the children in the village every year?" Yan suddenly asked.

"Ah, it's that day every year." Clovis, who was watching Yan and his daughter interacting with a smile, said.

"......? Is it a special holiday?"

Is it the Children's Day in another world? Yan couldn't help thinking.

Thinking of how Hitti had treated him like a child and fed him a mouthful of candy, Yan felt...

It was too embarrassing.

"No. That day was not a special festival, nor was it a custom in the village." Clovis paused, then continued.

"But for the children and her, it was a special day."

"Have you heard of witches, Yan?" Clovis, who had some things on hand, was also opened up at this time and stopped to ask.

"Witch?" Yan.

"That's right. Don't you know? ... Well, it's like Morgan, the witch in the heroic story of King Arthur." Clovis scratched his head, thought for a while and finally figured out how to explain the definition of "witch" to Yan.

Although it's just a small village at the edge of the kingdom, it's not really isolated from the world.

They also know some popular things.

Obviously, Andersen's story is a must-read.

Clovis didn't notice that Yan's face opposite him suddenly became extremely weird and exciting.

Well, he seemed to...

He didn't tell the Clovis couple that the "Biography of King Arthur" was written by himself.


"Why, haven't you read it? If you haven't read it, you must go and learn about it. It's the most popular heroic biography in the capital now." Seeing Yan's lack of response, Clovis spoke again.

Chapter 210 Why does the world become dark on the first day of November?

Sometimes children's stories are more bizarre than those read by adults.

In fairy tales full of fantasy, the story of witches has always been a classic villain image in children's ears.

In the deep and dark forest, there lives a witch that no one has ever seen.

One day in the future, she will swallow up the light of the whole world and let the earth fall into a dark fear.

- A witch who brings darkness to the world.

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