Rather than being a temporary king,

The hallucinations that flash through Liandao’s mind from time to time——

God is born out of man's prayers.

In that case——

Let the people believe in themselves,

Seeing himself as a god, will he really become a god with endless lifespan one day?

He wanted to study the art of resurrection from the dead, and he also wanted to try the method of immortality and becoming a god.


Under the leadership of Onkan,

The black pharaohs began to guide the people,

The pharaohs deified themselves and ruled the people in place of gods.

Scattered ancient stone tablets began to be collected by the pharaohs to enhance their wisdom.

And in this process, for the ancient faceless god,

That indescribable existence,

They no longer have any fear.

Or rather——

The concept of God, the knowledge of God, the vision of God that they thought they fully understood...

When the unknown becomes known, it is no longer mysterious and scary.

They have completely forgotten the glory of the faceless god.

The legend of Ra, the incarnation of the sun god, and the son of the sun god began to spread freely on the earth.


Under the erosion of time and the rule of the Pharaohs,

Fewer and fewer people still remember the faceless god.

And those believers who still remembered the faceless god did not dare to raise any objections because they did not dare to resist the power of the pharaohs.

Until another thousand years have passed,

Ornkan has studied the reincarnation of the soul. While retaining his memory, he can pass through the underworld and grow back into a new era pharaoh.

The Black Pharaohs of his time began to die one by one.

These people who initially received divine favor ended up forgetting their God;

But it still cannot withstand the erosion of time...

Oenkan, who deeply feels the fragility and insignificance of life,

And I feel extremely proud and arrogant that I can still exist in this era.

Only the self who has transcended life and death is the real Pharaoh, the real Ra and the Sun God!

The rest are all false gods.

Now the divine power and the royal power are in our hands,

All things are shrouded in Yu's radiance!

The world longs for his return to rule!

Finally, he could start completely and change the world as he wished.

In this life, Onkan’s name is Khafre,

Pharaoh Khafre!

However, he has gained power, wealth, beauty, food,

Even the admiration of all people——

Nothing is missing anymore.

Is there anything else that can be modified?

At this time, he no longer calls himself the Black Pharaoh;

But Pharaoh - the only Pharaoh, Pharaoh!

This is intended to completely separate from the faceless god, and also from the original group of black pharaohs.

However, in the process of inspecting his future tomb as Pharaoh Khafre,

He once again saw the huge stone statue of the faceless god in front of the tomb.

He finally thought about what else needed to be done.

The great faceless stone statue,

The light just stands there,

They all seemed like the greatest irony to him, the god, and the son of god.

He tampered with history,

Let the people believe that they are the incarnation of God and rule the world on behalf of God.

But as long as the stone statue still exists,

When someone asked about the meaning of the stone statue,

Maybe the existence of the faceless god will return to people's sight.

This was unacceptable to him.


As Pharaoh Khafre, he mastered countless forbidden knowledge and became arrogant.

On the grounds that the stone statues hinder the majesty of the pyramids and the majesty of the pharaoh,

Ordered the stone statues to be disposed of.

The king's priests were horrified and tried to dissuade him: "The great Pharaoh Khafre, this is a great idol that existed long ago in history.

It was a magnificent miracle that did not disappear even with the legendary flood that destroyed the world.

Has Pharaoh forgotten the glory of the God we respect? ? "

After hearing this, Pharaoh Khafre became furious.

Pharaoh, who claims to be a god,

His plan for hundreds of years was to make the glory of the faceless god fade from people's sight.

Now that it has been completed,

Nowadays, no one dares to resist his own majesty.

Is there anyone who still cares about and knows about the existence of the faceless god? !

This is an insult to him, the incarnation of God and the son of the Sun God!

This world was created by the sun god Ra,

Everything in this country was given by Ra;

It has nothing to do with the faceless Sphinx!

Onkan—or ‘Khafra’s’ gaze became dangerous.

Chapter 126 God-making plan, give Naia a face!

Having read the taboo slate, he knew very clearly——

What exactly are the so-called gods, and what kind of existence they are.

Countless great and ancient beings are mostly sleeping in endless dreams,

The more you understand their existence, the more you feel your own insignificance.

The same thing is endless unwillingness!

Let everyone believe in themselves and follow the path of praying to become gods,

It was his only way to transcend those ancient and great beings.

So some things have to be done,

Even if it’s bold and dangerous——

Besides, those beings will not wake up easily.

This is the fundamental reason why Khafre dares to act according to his own ideas.

He already sees himself as the ruler of the human world, like those ancient, great beings and true gods,

So Khafre shouted loudly: "The god we believe in is the sun god - La!

All things are under the rays of the sun. How can you, who believe in an unknown evil god, bathe in the sacred sunshine with such a filthy body?

Come on, pull this priest down and execute him! "

Khafre looked coldly at the priest in front of him.

Regardless of whether the other party is loyal or not,

As long as you still believe in the faceless god,

He will be labeled as someone who believes in evil gods.

In a sense, Khafre got it right.

That is really an evil god.

In fact, it doesn’t care at all whether humans believe in themselves or not.

Or this ugly, sinful side in front of you,

It must be exactly what the evil god hiding in the darkness loves and is happy to see.

The priest who was ordered to be executed kept begging for mercy, but could not see the slightest hope of survival.

The desperate priest let out a dying cry: "Arrogant Pharaoh!! You consider yourself a god, and what awaits you will be the wrath of God and the endless abyss of pain.

Just wait, that terrifying despair will eventually come! ! "

Like the hymn of the Old Ones,

He will return sooner or later!

Bringing doomsday, bringing destruction... everything will have a day of reckoning.

The only difference is the length of time.

And Khafre looked coldly at the direction where the priest was dragged away, and sneered...

Waiting for those ancient and supreme beings to wake up,

At that time, I was no longer in this world, or had become a truly great existence.

After I die, I won't care about the flood.

Just like Onkan, he never regretted his bold peek into God's knowledge and became the original beneficiary.

Everything he has achieved so far,

Courage is also a very critical and important step.

You ask him if he has the courage to blaspheme?

Don't say it's just a stone statue.

Even if the true form of the god really came to him, he would still...

……cough……! Of course he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy! !

Khafre, who knew how powerful those gods were, said,

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