That is a contrast even more disparate than the gap between humans and ants.

At least before becoming a god,

He didn't have the slightest courage to fight against that kind of existence.

Here, Khafre ordered the people around him to continue destroying the stone statues.

Because a high-status priest had just been executed.

The people around him were trembling and did not dare to go against Khafre's will.

But let them destroy the statue of the faceless god, and they felt endless fear,

For a moment, everyone present looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to do.

In the end, they blamed each other,

The headache fell on the craftsmen.

Everyone else is only responsible for conveying orders,

How to act is still a matter for the craftsman.

After the craftsmen heard the whole story, they looked at the faceless god.

The longer you look at it, the more frightening and creepy you feel inside.

I always feel that if I destroy this mysterious stone statue, something bad will happen.

They felt restless and unable to take action.


One craftsman thought of a compromise,

He spoke to Pharaoh Khafre,

The face of this stone could be carved into the head of a pharaoh,

To symbolize the supreme authority of the Pharaoh.

Pharaoh Khafre happily accepted this suggestion and ordered construction to begin.


When the Sphinx, which had the face of Pharaoh Khafre, stood next to the pyramid again,

The Egyptian people felt an invisible terror infiltrating their hearts.

Pharaoh Khafre was excited to see that his authority as Pharaoh had been established above God!

But - suddenly,

There seems to be a face in the endless starry sky,

The stars stared quietly in his direction!

Khafre's body suddenly stiffened,

Deep down in my soul I felt a chill and horror to my core,

The next moment——! !

Outside, Onkan suddenly woke up and came to his senses. He looked around at the scene that was still late at night.

Only then did I realize that my back was soaked in cold sweat.

And I don’t know whether the previous life was a nightmare or a sweet dream,

As the Black Pharaoh, as the Pharaoh King - and finally to the Pharaoh Khafre who wanted to replace God,

It's so real and clear in my mind.

Was that really just a dream? !

Likewise - this night, many people stayed up all night,

I had many similar dreams.

Although the identities may be different, the general history in the dreams is not the same.

This strange phenomenon,

People don’t know yet,

They just kept it in their hearts as unspeakable secrets.


Everyone couldn't help but have a frightening and shocking thought in their minds.

Is the history that the Pharaoh was a god false?

real history——

The origin of Pharaoh,

He's actually the Black Pharaoh? ! !

But what kind of existence is that faceless god?

And a pharaoh named Atum will indeed appear in the future, truly reappearing the mythical creator god of light.

Does this prove that the dream plan was successful? !

Pharaoh’s plan to create a god!


There is no better way to reshape the worldview than this.

If we talk about the God Thief, he can eventually grow to such a terrifying and great level.

Hiss~! ! What does this dream represent?

Is it possible that there is a will in the dark that encourages them to steal the person of the god?

Such shocking thoughts make people's hearts beat faster,

Especially those like Onkan who dreamed of becoming a pharaoh,

There, he almost experienced the evolution of the earliest mythological civilization in ancient Egypt!

You can even say——

The gods of other mythological regions still have all kinds of gods blooming.

So in that dream,

All gods were woven by Pharaoh,

And the Pharaoh, as the strongest god Ra...

God and king are one, coming to the world!

Such an honor, can you find another one in this world? !

Much to Ornkan's great chagrin! !

After he woke up, he couldn't remember any of the knowledge on those taboo tablets in his mind.

If he can still retain the memory of that knowledge and return to reality——...!

Chapter 127 I am Pharaoh Khafre, give money to Wo, and I will repay you!

I am Pharaoh Khafre. Now my memory is sealed. I need a little bit of gold to unblock it.

If you are willing to put two hundred gold coins on my magic crystal,

When I unblock my memory and regain my strength, I will definitely come back and repay you!

...So it was just a dream after all,

Or a real experience.

It was as if I had really experienced the life of Pharaoh.

It makes people wonder whether he still had an Egyptian identity in his previous life.

Not just Onkan;

Because there were too many people dreaming overnight,

The strangeness of one or two people may not be easily discovered in a crowd.

But when a group of people are in a trance, their expressions and behaviors become quite strange.

On the second day,

Many people have noticed something strange.

Often when someone inadvertently leaks something, it may turn into a code-like situation in the end——

"This is Pierce, the great priest of ancient Egypt!" he said tentatively.

"Woc, you are the black-skinned priest?!!" exclaimed, and then the man suddenly realized that he had let the cat out of the bag.

Since it was exposed, he might as well go all out. The man also said directly with some embarrassment:

"Nice to meet you, nice to meet you, priest...! I am xxx priest...! Do you have any impression of me?"

After a conversation, the two refugees who were originally strangers,

they looked at each other in an instant and became 'familiar'.

There is nothing better than a glance for a thousand years——!

Although they did not know the man in front of them, they knew the other identity of the other party in their dreams!

"You are the black-skinned one! Your whole family is black-skinned! Huh? Wait a minute, puff~!! Who did you say you were just now?!

xxx priest, wasn't that the unlucky guy who was executed by Pharaoh Khafra?"

A bunch of people talked about their dreams, both surprised and horrified. Such things happened everywhere in the refugee concentration camp,

and it was not uncommon...

In the end, they all found that they and others had the same dream.

In the same era, experiencing the same story,

they just played different roles in it.

And those who could become priests and priests, who belonged to the privileged class in ancient Egypt, were a minority after all.

…For most ordinary people, they just dreamed of becoming ordinary Egyptians.

For them, it was just an absurd and weird dream.

Only those who had become black pharaohs in their dreams,

felt a sense of loss in their hearts at this time.

Since everyone dreamed of the same picture,

could it be that——!! Everything experienced in the dream was real? !

If they were born differently and in different environments,

the same soul, with a choice, went to another path,

whether they could shine in the world and show their true talents!

Regarding such a hypothesis——

no one had ever seriously thought about it in the past.

Not everyone can have or prove such extraordinary experiences.

But they did rely on their boldness, decisiveness, and witty judgment,

and once shone in another world!

Recalling the high and mighty black Pharaoh in the dream,

and thinking about my identity as a refugee in reality,


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