After receiving the favor of God, those black pharaohs developed powerful ambitions.

Foolishly thinking that relying on a little knowledge gained from God can transcend godliness,

Trying to occupy God's throne, crowd out God's place in people's hearts, and become the God of the new world!

As their strength grows, their hearts begin to swell. Overconfidence and arrogance will eventually become the last sharp blade that tears them apart!

Onkan's final scene in memory as Pharaoh Khafre,

What he saw was a starry sky that lost consciousness and seemed like its soul was about to sink.

Due to sudden awakening,

He didn't know what happened in the end.

But actually,

God has been watching them all the time, completely seeing their stupid, clown-like behavior.

Divine punishment will come one day,

‘I hope no one will make a stupid choice this time. ’ Nyarlathotep thought with a smile.

In addition,

In the mouth of Nyarlathotep,

Canaan is just a reference, and it does not really mean to take these refugees to the holy land of the ancient Hebrews.

And Alpolis and the others also have their own pure land waiting for them.

…Just when Alpolis started to get busy,

Nyarlathotep began to transform those synthetic monsters...

Let’s first accommodate some fragments of angular space and time.


Using the principles of the mirror world and combining the principles of time and space,

You can try to create an isolated island in this world for the hounds of Tindalos to live.

The material world cannot reach the dimensional world of Tao.

This feeling of DIYing monsters with your own hands is quite interesting.

It reminded him of some of the monster-raising mobile games that ‘Noumenon’ once played.


It seems to be called Pocket Girl, and Sylvie, a Slave Girl? (cross out——)

Ahem, it should be Pokémon and Digimon.

That's right - well,

Convinced! ! He is the majestic black pharaoh, evil god, and the ruler of the old days.

How come you are playing something...——Girl development?

He is just giving welfare and warmth to those helpless girls!

at the same time,

On the other side, after the synthetic monsters were transformed,

Marcius, the alien god cultist who was in the shared field of vision through the five sub-body monsters, saw darkness in front of him.

With the sudden break of the magic link,

Like the bad symptoms of a short circuit,

Marchius' brain felt as if he was suddenly hit by a mallet, and he let out a scream.


Chapter 129 Mass production of Tindalos hounds!

'Damn...! ! ! Damn, damn! ! ’

'What is in that room...! Why did the monsters lose contact as soon as they entered? ’

Marchius could not understand...

He is obviously just an ordinary refugee,

I accidentally discovered my secret,

Just send the monster spawn to kill him.

When I saw him, there were suddenly so many powerful and mysterious places around him.


Is the name of this synthetic monster called ‘Hound of Tindalos’?

Even Marchius was confused when he first heard the description of the hound.

There are many types of synthetic monsters, and he really can't recognize the names and abilities of these monsters.

I originally thought it was just a good vanguard unit.

A magical beast with some space magic,

If this hound is really as powerful as described...——!

Should it be reported to the meeting and let the leader take a look...?

Marchius hesitated.

But when I thought about it, if the authenticity of the Tindalos Hound was verified, such a powerful synthetic monster would definitely not be in my turn to continue to use it.

How can this work! !

That is a mystery that is more precious than the gods—!

With the hound of Tindalos capable of sneaking and attacking in time and space,

The most powerful assassin is none other than this one!

If such an army could be mastered,

So what if it's facing the entire continent's army?

If you want to kill a hound, you must first be able to detect the hound.

If you want to detect the hound, you have to find an angular world that is completely different from normal curved timelines and space lines.

That kind of concept——

Not to mention mortals, even gods can do nothing about it.

This was the case with the previous hero (Shadow Servant) who protected the refugees (Alpolis).

So what if he is powerful?

It’s not like I don’t have any means——


Marchius thought of the synthetic monsters that had just been disconnected from him.

Confidence is not that strong anymore...

No matter what's in that room,

That's just an exception... right?

The refugees quickly gathered together,

After hearing that not only were the monsters (the Hounds of Tindalos) eliminated, but they could finally travel to their new homeland,

Everyone's faces were filled with excitement and anticipation.

Only when it is completely stabilized and takes root on the land again can human beings feel at ease.

Soon the large group of people began to move in one direction.

After several days of trekking,

What worries Alpolis...

He found that the large army was gradually moving away from the areas where humans and even intelligent races lived, and were heading towards sparsely populated and remote areas.

Despite his trust in the noble Pharaoh, Arpolis began to worry,

Is there really an extraterrestrial pure land in such a remote location?

He even considered whether to recommend Ceylon to Nyarlathotep.

But what if this offends the gods?

God has given them blessings, but they are still picky...

Maybe there will be divine punishment for this.

At the same time, the large-scale movement of refugees began to attract the attention of alien god cultists.

Their leader opened a meeting again,

Mentioned this matter...

What should we do if someone robs them?

Some believers suggest patience.

They haven't fully recovered their strength yet,

It is not advisable to make enemies everywhere.

Anyway, there are still so many refugees, so there is no shortage of people.

And some believers said that as long as the leader is killed, won't the refugees have no choice but to return to the shelter of their Church of the Alien God without protection?

Synthesizing the explosive mode of Warcraft requires a large amount of life essence.

Even if they are just ordinary refugees, they are not too few... Of course, the more, the better.

While the believers were arguing,

Marchius determined that the refugee was the group headed by Alpolis.

He always felt that there was a big secret in that team.

Whether it's the legend of the Hounds of Tindalos,

It was the same moment that solved the room of the Hounds of Tindalos.

So Marcius took the initiative and took the job.

Willing to send advance troops of Warcraft to test,

If the enemy is very strong, just pretend you didn't see it.

If it is weak,

Then we can take the opportunity to eliminate all these refugees and use them to hatch new monsters.

‘What does the killing of monsters have to do with us alien god believers? ! ’ This is the general idea put forward by Marchius.

Anyway, no one knows the difference between synthetic Warcraft and ordinary Warcraft.

I won't think of them either,

In the end everything can only be attributed to misfortunes and accidents.

By the time a large number of refugees were killed and injured,

Other refugees who feel a sense of crisis will surely move closer to them more spontaneously, right? !

'Only their Alien God Church has the strength to protect you...'

As long as this concept is spread throughout the continent,

A bright future seems within reach.

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