The leader of the Alien God Church agreed with Marcius’ proposal.

It even said that resources would be further tilted towards it.

The army of Warcraft must be formed as soon as possible...

It’s not just the refugees who need peace of mind;

They alien god believers also need it.

Only my subordinates have a powerful force,

They no longer have to live this kind of life of hiding here and there.

Then it will be the day for them to take revenge for the alien god they believe in!

And after Marchius returned,

Due to the tilt of church resources,

Many refugees disappeared quietly for various reasons and were finally sent to him.

Used to cultivate the mother body of Warcraft.

Soon, countless individual small and fast sub-body monsters were born.

Feeling more and more ‘Hounds of Tindalos’,

Marchius was so excited that his whole body trembled!

Oh oh oh oh...!

Eat, eat, keep dividing!

My babies!

By the time he had an army of Tindalos hounds,

Even the position of leader is not impossible to consider.

Even the gods they believed in were dead,

The leader originally appointed by the gods is not completely irreplaceable, right?

As long as your strength (chips) is strong enough,

Other leaders in the church will also support me.

Thinking of this——

Marchius was so eager that he immediately devoured the refugee team in Alpolis, splitting into more and more hounds of Tindalos.


After a certain number of explosions,

Marchius, who could no longer bear it,

While using detection magic, he continued to pay attention to where the refugee team had gone.

Marcius said while saying: "Go!! Tear them all into pieces and bring them back!! My babies!"

The next moment,

In the laboratory built by the House of Flesh and Blood, hundreds of black shadows shuttled through the ripples of space, making strange and harsh screams, and started to act one after another.

A storm is coming!

Chapter 130: Caster really uses the staff! !

Even though he is the owner of that mysterious room,

It's impossible to deal with so many Tindalos hounds in one go.

If you can test the opponent's method of dealing with the hounds of Tindalos, and take precautions against it in the future——

Then his monster army will truly become an invincible army.

Alpolis had a dream,

An extremely familiar yet strange dream,

He had only heard hearsay stories.

The epic poem called 'Exodus' by the Pharaoh.

In the dream, he became Moses, the holy man who was inspired by God to lead the Hebrews to the pure land of Canaan.

What a similar scene, what a familiar experience...

He could clearly realize that he was dreaming.

Precisely because the scene in front of me is a miracle (absurd) that is absolutely impossible to happen to me!

...Even in reality, he is leading countless people to search for the pure land of Canaan.

What Moses was doing was exactly what he was about to do.

But different from that,

Alpolis believed that Pharaoh Nyarlathotep was the saint who had received revelation from God and was the same person as Moses.

And he is nothing more than a tool man at best.

Speaking of which——

Nyarlathotep, this name always felt familiar to him from the first time he heard it, but he couldn't think of where he had heard this name before.

This sense of familiarity,

Maybe it's just a conjecture.

Those who are close to God,

That was a completely different existence from the one he had in the past, with a huge disparity in status.

As the pharaoh, the other party can personally hear the voice and will of God.

And he can only exercise it on his behalf...

But even if you just participate in this process,

In this vast and epic journey, the future must be something that I am very proud of.

Thinking like this...

So comforting...

But he was also curious,

As a legendary person who has truly received revelation from God,

What is his perspective!


A scene that made Alpolis tremble appeared!

God appeared before his eyes!

‘Him? ’

Alpolis didn't know how to describe the glow he saw.

In other words, it was a scene that words cannot describe.

Even he himself cannot see the face of God clearly,

But he could somehow understand that God was right in front of him and that He had indeed appeared.

And talking to people——

A familiar tone came,

The voice spoke majestically: "You cannot see my face, because no one can live after seeing my face."

Then he spoke to himself (Moses) and said: "Go down and tell the people not to come in front of me to watch, lest many of them die."

Alpolis didn't even react before his body started acting on its own.

(Moses) went down and gave instructions to the people according to the will of God.

But Alpolis's consciousness was highly active at this moment,

He blankly recalled the scene just now,

Will you die just by looking at it?

But now it’s just a dream. What if you see God in a dream?

Will it still happen...——

Such thoughts, such irresistible curiosity, it seems that if you don't look at it, you will die of thirst immediately,

He kept encouraging him, as if a little devil was whispering in his ears.


Alpolis looked back and said,

Not Moses——

But his own consciousness glanced back.

Suddenly, he saw something extremely terrifying,

He couldn't control himself and said in panic: "I said, what a disaster, I am destroyed."

For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and because my eyes have seen the Lord of hosts, the King of hosts.

No, that’s not right, that’s——! ’

The black sun reappeared in the consciousness, shining the world as if it was the end of the world.

When his consciousness was about to collapse and he kept crying, and his body began to make strange murmurs, as if every piece of it was coming to life,

Under the shining of the black sun, the changes in his consciousness stopped and he was pulled back...

And the body in the outside world suddenly woke up.

'Is it just a dream? ’ Alpolis touched his body in horror,

Still human...! ! So, so good!

He just breathed a sigh of relief, but found something wrong.

There are all kinds of cries, screams, and screams in my ears,

The torch fell to the ground and countless luggage was burned without anyone taking care of it. In the fire,

There were countless vague and strange figures moving around, constantly preying on and knocking down one refugee after another.

"Monster!!! The monster is coming! Run!"

"It's a monster!!"

"Don't eat me, don't eat me!! Ooooh, my meat is not delicious at all... Don't come here!"

The firelight soaring into the sky illuminated the terrifying faces of those people extremely clearly.

The appearance of those monsters also caught Doalpolis's eyes.

That vague but extremely familiar feeling,

Alpolis couldn't help but lost his voice: "The Hound of Tindalos...~!"

But this amount——

How is that possible? ! !

Looking at the army of 'Tindalos Hounds' everywhere, it was impossible to count how many there were at a glance.

Alpolis felt scared and frightened...!

This number,

Even if you are a true hero, there is nothing you can do.

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