Homura, as the leader, should have been responsible for various resource allocation and negotiation issues after the war, but the master left all the work to himself and ran away.

How irresponsible!

Now she just wants to take a nice bath, take off the sweaty armor she has worn for several days, and then go to the bookstore to read all the latest "Andersen" books!

——That must be the most wonderful enjoyment in the world!

Also following Lain back was Yuye, the beast-eared girl.

Although she helped a lot in the war, as an orc, her military exploits did not seem to be recognized by the empire, and Yuzuha herself didn't care much. She was satisfied with being able to kill Wonir and avenge her motherland.

The kingdom has long been destroyed and Yuzuha, who has no place to return to, seems to have become accustomed to running errands for Homura.

In the end, he took his mother and came back with Yuzuha's knights.

She would not admit that it was because she missed the stories of 'Andersen' that she came to settle in the capital of mankind. Well, I just miss Homura a little bit.

Originally, Yuzuha planned to shamelessly go to Homura directly to see if the other party was willing to take her in.

However, when I heard that Rhine was going to the bookstore, my furry ears stood up instantly, and the two of them went to the bookstore together.

Because of the emergence of 'Andersen', an unprecedented best-selling bard, the bookstore industry in the royal capital seems to have been boosted, with the number at least half greater than before.

However, the two still like to come to Violet Bookstore.

As the largest bookstore in the capital, it is not only large, spacious and bright, but they are also used to this bookstore.

When Lai Yin and Yu Ye arrived at Violet Bookstore.

"Wow... Okay, there are so many people, meow!" Yuzu was so shocked by the scene in front of her that she screamed out her native language.

At this time, the door of Violet Bookstore was crowded with a dark crowd, including men, women, old and young.

They had seen such a grand occasion before the war, when "Knight Baling" was written to death.

"That sign—Mr. Andersen has published a new book?!" Rhine also opened her mouth slightly. Just as she was about to say something, she saw the largest banner sign posted on the top of the bookstore.

It was a woman kneeling on the ground singing, and in front of her was a white-haired knight kneeling on the ground with a spear pierced through his back.

Women in the wilderness sang sad songs, as if they were crying or praying, singing about the passing of heroes.

With just one picture, she subconsciously felt a sad emotion coming over her, and a trace of confusion appeared on the girl's face.

‘Why do you think you are singing a sad song? ’ Rhine couldn’t help but think about it, and then it suddenly dawned on him.

Because the "hero" fell, the "hero"... died?

Naturally, he regarded the white-haired man who had his back penetrated through his heart as a hero.

will appear on the banner, it must be the protagonist of the story!

"'Niebo...Song of Dragon Roots'?" Rhine slowly read out the large characters written on it.

Wait, why is the sky in this wilderness "black"?

It was at this moment that his vision shifted and doubts were born.

Looking carefully at the bottom of the banner, the girl suddenly discovered the background! wrong!

That's not the sky -

The deep, pitch-black scales have a pair of ferocious, ferocious, cold eyes staring straight out.

dragon! It's actually a dragon!

"The new story... is it about a dragon? Could it be -" Rhine's beautiful eyes widened for a moment.

"Dragon Slayer" - this term suddenly popped into my mind.

Thinking of the dragon blood in his body, as well as the dragon factor in Yan and his father.

Taking a deep breath, Rhine inexplicably felt that his whole body was excited and trembling.

Are you happy? Like, a little bit.

Mr. Andersen actually wrote the story of "The Dragon" this time.

At this time, a murmur interrupted Rhine's thoughts, "For nine nights, I hung on a tree swayed by the wind, stabbed by a spear; I was regarded as a sacrifice to Odin, sacrificed to myself, and no one knew about it. There was no bread to satisfy my hunger, and no water to quench my thirst. I looked down and picked up the words of Runas, which fell from the tree while I was picking them up.

The owner of the voice is a girl. It is very clear and quiet, just like the voice of a nun praying in a church, which makes people feel peaceful from the bottom of their hearts.

"Oh! Can you tell me what you just read? This lady." Just when Rhine wanted to ask something, someone couldn't help but talk to her.

It was a middle-aged business man who looked very ordinary. He was staring with curiosity and interest at the owner who had made the sound before - a beautiful girl with silver hair and purple eyes wearing a decent black dress.

...a girl who is very temperamental, like a duchess from a certain country, or a princess from a country with good upbringing.

Rhine was surprised to find that she actually knew the middle-aged man who was talking to him.

It was the human businessman who came to the royal capital with his knights before.

"This is the opening fragment of Hans Christian Andersen's new book "The Song of the Nibelungs". It tells about Odin, the king of gods in Norse mythology, who in order to obtain the fountain of wisdom, sacrificed the loss of one eye forever. The process of understanding the wisdom of Runes."

The silver-haired girl smiled gently and calmly explained to the man in front of her: "God King Odin sacrificed himself and hung himself upside down on the world tree in exchange for knowledge. He discovered the mysterious word "Runes" to replace the secrets of Runes. He created the magical Rune magic, allowing the three goddesses of fate to record fate with this word and engraved it on the golden shield."

"God King?!" The man paused, took a deep breath, and showed a real and moving expression.

However, neither the silver-haired girl nor Rhine felt how strange the man's behavior was.

The first time they heard about the legendary god, who was actually a god king in the ancient pantheon that could no longer be traced back, anyone would be surprised and horrified!

They took the man's behavior as the real situation.

Although - it seems that the expression changes are a bit exaggerated, and it seems that he has been stimulated a lot.

More than "stimulation", this clone of the God of Alchemy is now so scared that his consciousness is almost dissipated, and he almost returns to his original body directly.

After spending a few days in the Royal Capital Bookstore, he could not find any works as good as those written by Andersen. The God of Alchemy had begun to consider tracking down Andersen himself.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise when he came to the bookstore today.

... Andersen suddenly published a new work!

And what did this human girl tell him just now?

A God King appeared in the pen of that bard?

What is the World Tree? What is the Fountain of Wisdom? That God King was actually hung on the tree? The message in the words of the silver-haired girl made the God of Alchemy almost crazy!

Chapter 219 The gods are frightened, the twilight of the gods? Everything starts with the prophecy!

"The God King Odin ruled the entire world of the Norse mythology with great strength and boundless wisdom, but until one day, he predicted the 'Twilight of the Gods'."

"I don't know the specific content of the prophecy. The story behind the "Nibelungenlied" seems to be related to this prophecy. I only read the beginning, but because the God King's segment was too shocking, I couldn't help but read it again." The silver-haired girl smiled.

"If you want to know what happened later, why don't you buy a copy of "Nibelungenlied" and read it yourself?" The silver-haired girl winked playfully.

The God of Alchemy was stunned.

It was not because of the girl's cute and playful side, but because he heard more shocking words.

Unlike these ordinary people, as a god, he knows more about the gods' usual appearance. When he heard Odin's story, the God of Alchemy's sense of reality and mental shock were much greater than ordinary people.

On the contrary, Rhine and the silver-haired girl have never seen the gods of other worlds, and they imagine the appearance of gods based on fantasy. They are probably more curious than shocked.

So this is what "gods" look like? Did the king of gods in Norse mythology actually go through such hardships?

In order to gain knowledge, he did not hesitate to exchange his eyes for it, and created runes to record the prophecy of fate - and the twilight of the gods.

In a trance, a grand ancient mythological world appeared in front of the women.

However, as a god, the God of Alchemy was even more frightened.

Hiss~! If the gods' breath can make the world warmer, the average temperature of the other world may really rise.


Twilight of the gods? !

This term is extremely unfriendly to gods.

Dusk refers to sunset, the meaning of everything ending, the end, always reminds people of a dark and deep world.

In a world without light and no future, isn't it the same as the description of the Overlord Wolnir falling into the depths of the abyss?

The eyelids of the God of Alchemy twitched rapidly.

Even gods will lose the bright world and the prophecy of tomorrow - the twilight of the gods, does it mean the end of the gods! ?

The God of Alchemy was in a trance and had a shocking guess.

In the last century, the gods of the past were not destroyed because of this prophecy!

Gods are immortal and immortal.

Unless they are defeated by strong people of the same level, there has never been a case of natural death.

In the past, the gods of the new generation had suspected that the gods had fought an unprecedented war and finally all fell.


"...Gu..." The God of Alchemy swallowed his saliva, and he subconsciously pulled down his arc hat to cover the horror in his eyes.

He felt that he might have accidentally discovered the truth of the world this time? ! The buried past of the ancient gods!

At this moment, he had a strong impulse to read "The Song of the Nibelungs".

After a few casual remarks, the God of Alchemy smiled apologetically, said goodbye to the silver-haired girl, and rushed into the bookstore.

He was eager to find an answer from the Nibelungenlied, so he stopped pretending to be a mortal and exercised some of his power as a god.


The people who were blocking the way of the God of Alchemy seemed to be affected by a magical power and unconsciously made way for him.

The God of Alchemy squeezed into the crowded crowd and disappeared.

"He is actually a magician?" Rhine couldn't help but speak when he saw this scene.

The pedestrians' behavior of giving way just now was obviously wrong.

The girl could only think of magic.

"Magician?" The silver-haired girl whispered to herself when she heard Rhine's voice.

‘That doesn’t look like magic…’

Forget it, it has nothing to do with her anyway. I’d better continue reading.

Although it’s not her favorite knight’s story, well——I can’t tell!

What if it’s about a dragon-slaying knight?

When the silver-haired girl came, she also saw the banner on the bookstore and guessed that this was a story about a “dragon slayer”.

As a knight-loving book fan, she even called herself “Silver Knight” and had guest-starred as a senior book reviewer a few days ago. She is very obsessed with every work of Andersen.

Even if it’s not a story about knights, it doesn’t matter. Of course——

For her, the best thing is still a biography about knights.

After waiting in line for a while, Rhine and Yuzu finally bought the books they wanted.

Well——not only the Arthur series and Dark Souls series that they missed before, but also the newly released "Song of the Nibelungs".

Yuzu couldn’t help but start reading the story of King Arthur.

But when Rhine was about to pick up the King Arthur book, she hesitated for a moment, and finally she couldn’t help but reach out for "Song of the Nibelungs".

‘God King Odin… and the Ragnarok of the Gods, and the legend of dragon slayers and heroes who slay dragons like my father.’

The previous conversation between the silver-haired girl and the middle-aged man seemed to be still vivid in her mind.

Like Pandora’s box, the endless desire to explore encouraged her to open this new epic chapter.

——In the ancient country of Burgundy, there was a gorgeous and noble princess named Klinghild.

And this story will slowly unfold around this beautiful princess and the legendary dragon slayer Siegfried.

Continue to read on, the beginning of the story is the legend of the Nordic God King Odin that the silver-haired girl told before.

It also made a detailed regional division of the gods.

Rhine was shocked and kept seeing the prophecy about "Ragnarok of the Gods".

The prophecy did not explain in detail what would cause the Ragnarok of the Gods, but only roughly explained that it would be a terrible disaster that would involve the future and fate of the gods.

The book then introduces the world ruled by the Norse gods. In the foggy country of Niflheim, there lives the Nibelungen dwarves.

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