They forged all kinds of magical, exquisite treasures and powerful weapons, even weapons comparable to the divine spear of the god king Odin Gungnir.

They were famous for giving these treasures powers and curses.

This made these tools not only have the magical power that people desired, but also the curse that people feared.

And the more powerful the treasure, the more terrifying the curse power contained.

If the tools were forged with materials that already carried extremely strong curses, even the gods would be cursed.

(Here we will add some background of the ring, inherit the Norse mythology, and pave the way for some tragedies of Phineas and even Sigurd later)

The source of everything started with one of the Nibelungen dwarves and the fairies on the Rhine.

Chapter 220 Quotations from the ancient god of fire Loki! Remember it!

On this day, Alberich, a dwarf of the Nibelungen clan, walked in a dark cave.

He hadn't been to the world on land for a long time.

Even though the dwarves prefer to hide in their caves to forge, they are not completely ignorant of appreciating the beauty of this world.

...Alberich came to the outside world to breathe some fresh air.

When he walked out of the cave and came to the Rhine River, this dwarf who lived alone underground all year round saw the fairies of the Rhine River.

The Land of Mist - Niflheim.

Perhaps for the dwarves who have lived here all their lives, the misty world that is much more spacious than the closed caves is enough to be called beautiful.

However, Alberich was lucky enough to see the fairies playing and bathing in the Rhine River under such circumstances.

The snow-white skin is as smooth as milk, so dazzling that it is impossible to look directly at it.

The pairs of legs on the water are slender and slender.

In such a situation, even heroes dare not say that they will not be moved when they see it.

Alberich fell in love.

It can be said that he was greedy for the bodies of the fairies, or that he was crazy about them.

Then he started a crazy pursuit of the fairies.

But his love was rejected again and again, and he could only wander around the Rhine River like a licking dog.

The fairies were very disdainful of Alberich and looked down on him as an ugly and short dwarf.

After a long period of crazy pursuit without any response, the dwarf accidentally discovered the real reason why the fairies guarded the Rhine River in anger.

"Ahem!" Rhine's face was a little red, Rhine River? Why is the name of this river exactly the same as his own!

Moreover, although 'Lord Andersen' has described the dwarf's undisguised disgusting thoughts in the book very euphemistically, Rhine still felt a little disgusted.

Is that love? You just look at the fairy sister because she is beautiful!

"Rhine River, what are the fairies guarding?"

Ignoring the dwarf Alberich directly, Rhine looked at the back of the plot.

The treasure buried in the Rhine River... The fairies have been guarding the gold that has existed here since the creation of the world.

It is called "Rhine Gold" and is also a piece of magic gold.

It has a powerful magic power that comes from the world itself, but it is materialized in the form of gold. It is essentially something completely different from gold.

Once this gold is used to make a treasure, various incredible powers will be generated.

It is rumored that if it is made into a ring, it can obtain the supreme power in the world.

"Such precious gold should be well guarded!" The girl who saw this was shocked that the gold had such a great origin, and on the other hand, she couldn't help thinking so.

But looking back, Rhine soon showed a look of astonishment.

The fairies didn't pay much attention to the guarding of gold.

The reason is that if you want to take away Rhine's gold, you must meet a very harsh condition. In their opinion, few people in the world can do it.

——It must be exchanged with precious love as a price and sacrifice.

No thief would do that for a piece of magic gold, right?

"Wait, is it!" Rhine thought of something instantly. Originally, after seeing this condition, she had the same idea as the fairies.

That's love!

A person's most precious emotion. How could anyone be so stupid as to trade love for something as illusory as power.

But she suddenly thought of the dwarf Alberich before.

This sensitive thought soon became a reality.

Alberich in the book hated the fairies of Rhine because he could not get them!

After he learned the news, a fire of desire for power ignited in his heart.

This emotion, coupled with the hatred for the fairies, gradually overwhelmed the dwarf's admiration for the fairies.

He chose to give up the qualification to love others and be loved, and embraced the supreme power at the cost of completely sacrificing his dead love!

Just like what Loki, another fire god in Northern Europe, also known as the evil god, said.

For men, love (beauty), power, and money are all very important things.

They enjoy the beauty brought by these things.

But any emotion pales in comparison to power.

There is no man who does not love power.

When only one of the two can be chosen, men will abandon love for power without hesitation.

"No!!" When Rhine saw this, flames instantly ignited in her chest. She gritted her teeth and subconsciously wanted to refute.

But the book began to list the deeds of kings, dukes, or archbishops in the past.

These are men in history who were greedy for power and even sacrificed everything around them.

This time, Yan specially chose things that happened in the other world, not deeds on Earth.

All of them are real historical events he found in the library.

True and false, false and true, this half-true and half-false description makes the story of "Nibelungenlied" and the words of the fire god Loki in it more authentic.

Loki's words are equivalent to - "Men will definitely abandon love for their careers before love and careers."

Although it is very decisive, it makes the God of Alchemy amazed.

At this moment, the God of Alchemy is also reading "Nibelungenlied".

As a god, the God of Alchemy has witnessed many human life experiences in the past.

When he saw the words of the fire god Loki in the book, he was completely unable to refute it.

It is because you have witnessed it with your own eyes that you will understand how real and naked this is.

The dwarf Alberich brought the magic gold back to the Land of Mist, and then found his younger brother Mime to help.

Together, the two forged the magic gold into two treasures.

One of them is the legendary Ring of the Nibelungen, and the other is a helmet that can make people invisible.

Then, just when the two brothers were ecstatic because they successfully forged these two artifacts.

The two brothers fought and robbed because of the distribution of artifacts.

Faced with the legendary ring that can gain supreme power, both of them were confused by the ring and became greedy.

Both brothers wanted to be the one who wore the ring.

In the end, Alberich was more skilled and defeated his younger brother Mime, and directly took both the invisible helmet and the ring for himself.

On the other side, when the Ring of the Nibelung was forged, the Aesir God Realm (Norse Gods) in the Nine Worlds also built a majestic Valhalla Hall of Heroes.

Built by the giants, it has 540 huge and majestic gates and can accommodate countless dead warriors.

Its creation marks the eternal glory and splendor of the Aesir.

"A temple that accommodates... the dead warriors?!" When the God of Alchemy saw this.

His face showed unprecedented astonishment and surprise, and then his eyes were full of spirit.

A new door seemed to open in front of him again.

Chapter 221 The endless echoing curse magic sound! The forbidden cycle of watching and being watched!

It's better to say it's a temple-it's better to say it's Valhalla!

The souls of the ancient heroes after death are sublimated into warriors fighting for God.

The God of Alchemy quickly analyzed this result from a few words in the book.

He opened his mouth wide.

——The Valhalla Temple for the Heroic Spirits to live in.

Why? ! Why didn't the new generation of gods think of such a good idea! Hiss!

Warriors who continue to fight for God after death - Heroic Spirits.

The incarnation of heroes, eternal glory! One word after another burst out of his mind, and the God of Alchemy was a little obsessed for a while.

Oh my God! !

Foolish, how many good opportunities have we missed in the long years before we gods!

Whenever I witnessed the end of those heroes and sighed for them...why have I never thought of building a temple for them where the dead can live, so that the souls of heroes can be sublimated into Heroic Spirits after death!

Turn those heroes into your own warriors, continue to write epics, and sing new chapters! Such an interesting thing, why did he think of it now!

Valhalla, Valhalla!! Ah! This kind of building is really too incredible!

The Norse pantheon... the Norse gods, what a powerful and creative kingdom of gods.

The God of Alchemy was trembling all over.

He felt a sense of awe and admiration for Odin, the God King who led all the gods.

Now think about it...

This God King is indeed the well-deserved ruler of the gods and the King of the Gods.

In order to obtain the Fountain of Wisdom, he had sacrificed one of his eyes and even hung himself upside down on the World Tree.

Such noble moral integrity, among the gods he had seen, no god could match it.

He suppressed his excitement and continued to read the following plot in the book.

The completion of the Valhalla Temple not only made Odin look forward to it, but also made his wife, the Queen of Heaven Frigga, feel relieved.

After the temple was built, Odin, as the God King, would stay in the temple for a long time, so that Odin could only accompany Frigga, and it also prevented him from messing around outside. (Although in the Sigurd version, Odin still gave birth to Siegmund and his sister, who later gave birth to Sigurd.)

The giants who were responsible for building the temple took away Freya, the goddess of love and beauty, after the temple was completed.

Odin had promised to let the giants build this magnificent Valhalla Hall of Valhalla for him in exchange for Freya.

Therefore, he just watched Freya being taken away, but he did nothing.

When Rhine and other girls saw this, they felt a little uncomfortable.

The mood of the God of Alchemy, on the contrary, did not change.

Gods are high above, and even more ruthless to mortals. In the eyes of the God of Alchemy, Odin, as the king of gods (the one in power), probably looks at the gods in the same way as he looks at humans.

Even the God of Alchemy, who often goes deep into the human world, has never valued the existence of humans from the bottom of his heart.

They are really interested in only a small number of heroes among humans.

The rest of humans are just tools to maintain their beliefs and to kill time in their daily boredom.


In fact, heroes are not a higher-level tool for them.

After Freya was captured, Queen Frigga asked Odin to rescue Freya.

It is a small matter to have a goddess captured, but they, the gods, cannot lose control of the "power of love and beauty" in the world.

After Odin pondered, he agreed with his wife's words.

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