Hermitus also turned back and frowned slightly.

Flame: "That's probably a seal...

The body of the star warrior Sefalu itself is the carrier used to seal the evil god.

We broke the container that sealed his body, which also led to the early onset of trials.

What we have to face next is an even more terrifying monster!

Face that kind of violence! There is only the only thing we can do now..."

The flower magician sighed and fell silent.

'Merlin', who had always maintained that reassuring smile even when facing the white giant, actually showed such an indifferent expression.

That cold face seemed to have announced a death notice,

Both Hermitus and Mellie felt depressed.

"The only thing that can be done?" Hermitus.

"That's right... no matter how unscrupulous you are, it doesn't matter.

Because an enemy who deserves to be defeated needs no trace of justice.

Evil only desires ugliness and filth.

The desire of ‘that man’ is the basis of this situation. Then he continued to unleash violence as expected.

Fight, fight, keep fighting.

They have been waiting for the 'heroes' who will one day appear in the future recorded in the inheritance, and have been fighting for tens of millions of years.

There are strong men who can seal him, but there is no hero who can defeat him.

The struggle is repeated and I don’t know when it will end.

It still doesn’t stop to this day…

All we have to do is try our best to seal it back up.

Don't expect to defeat the evil dragon, that is absolutely impossible...

Besides, if the seal fails, then you have no choice but to resign yourself to fate and lie down waiting to die. "

"You mean the evil dragon?" Hermitos was a little confused. The man should be referring to the figure in the center of the ruins, but was the other person's true form actually a dragon?

No, the key to the problem is not this, but...

Taking a deep breath, Hermitus trembled inside.

Even Merlin believed that he was an enemy that could never be defeated...

"Don't say such terrible words!" Mei Li screamed.

"Go on, someone has sealed that monster before. All we have to do is seal it again." Even so, there was not much confidence in Melly's tone.

The seal requires a container, right?

Although I don’t know how the strong men in the past sealed each other,

If the container must be something like a white giant.

Wow, she was suddenly curious about how those people managed to seal such a dangerous thing into Dao Youxing Jianbing's body.

Could it be that you were prepared from the beginning to throw that kind of disaster to an alien planet, so why did you choose such a special and powerful container?

This is the legendary diversion of trouble to the east... but it's coming back again? !

Chapter 159: Punishing evil and promoting good, absolute evil beyond the redemption of good!

Who is so heartless as to seal this kind of thing among the top soldiers of Youxing...

If you can't beat it, just throw the alien up and give the alien a headache? !

Mellie did not doubt the authenticity of this information.

Compared to my newly born self...

Merlin, who has lived in this world for a longer time, knows some ancient legends.

There's just something bad about it——

Doesn't even Merlin know how to destroy the monster's true form? !

It seems that he has never witnessed such 'despair' in the era he has lived in.

"I need all the information about 'that'..." Melly said with a headache and rubbed her brow.

"I don't know much...but-" 'Merlin'.

The bright red eyes opened, and the cold breath and fierce oppression spread from the human figure.

Looking at the countless powers coming from the horizon...

The ‘man’ didn’t dodge, and the next moment—boom~! !

Amidst the torrent of light that rippled out from the strong atmosphere, a burst of dragon roar suddenly came from it.

"Is this the only level?" The ruby ​​eyes shined in the torrent of light, glaring coldly at the intruders.

The brain, which had been sealed for a long time and was dull, gradually woke up from the pain coming from the body.


Ah, I think back on it, the...'memory' attached to this body when it was born.

That was constructed by Yan based on the evil dragon he knew...

The significance of the three evil dragons being born and still living on this earth.

Before fulfilling that promise, I will never die or fall!

At the same time - on the other side, Merlin is slowly arriving, a story of an evil god.


...A long, long, long time, I don’t know how long ago it was.

That woman's tears were the beginning of everything.

As the evil mother of Zoroastrianism,

Addressing the origins of the evil side of the good-evil dualism.

The birth of that woman actually had nothing to do with Zoroastrianism. She was just born in Hakoba as a being who bears the fragments of the world.

Light and darkness, yin and yang, good and evil, creation and end, male and female.

The gods of Hakoniwa are not allowed to construct a cosmology based on monism (omniscience and omnipotence) due to the 'paradox of omnipotence'.

In contrast, the dualism of good and evil advocated by Zoroastrianism meets the minimum number of palaces required to construct a cosmology as quickly as possible, and occupies the largest "historical transition period."

In this way, the woman who was born to satisfy the lowest common multiple of the universe was promoted to the position of a god who bore the burden of everything at the dawn of the world.

Born evil...

Whether she thought about it or not, the woman who was burdened with the fate of fighting continuously for thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of millions of years couldn't bear her fate and cried countless times.


Does she feel sad and disgusted by her fate of being defined as evil?

Do you feel unfair?

When a person is born, his nature is good or evil, or pure and white... Let’s not talk about it for now.

As a human being... he should have the freedom to choose whether to do good deeds or a vicious path.

At least that's what most people thought when they first heard this story.

But what is shocking... that woman is not tired of fighting, nor is she lamenting the injustice of fate to herself...

She just cried and fought.

It penetrated the heart of the brave man who challenged him countless times, covering his face with blood-covered hands and crying countless times.

...The three-headed dragon was born to fight. At that time, she could not understand the reason why she, the creator, was crying.

If you hate fighting, just stop fighting.

She has such strength that giving up the fight and running away is not impossible.

But when he asked, the woman wasn't averse to fighting.

He asked if it was because of killing the enemy that he was sad. The woman cried and shook her head.

He asked if he was sad because of "the world's sworn enemies." The woman still shook her head.

He asked anxiously, why was he sad? She answered quietly.


Close your ruby ​​eyes. Even now, after countless years, I will never forget it.

The reason why tears flowed from those jewel-like eyes.

And if I could wipe away those tears, there would be no point in risking my passionate feelings forever.

Fight, fight, fight for what feels like eternity.

The human figure was blurred in the torrent of light. I don't know if it was an illusion of the gods, but his edges and corners began to become ferocious and sharp.

It seems that it is transforming in a very terrifying direction!

"Kill, kill him!"

"Stop him!" Although they didn't know what the other party was doing, the gods who felt something bad started to attack with all their strength.

A constant storm of terrifying elements sweeps across the land.

It's as if he won't give up until the sky is driven out.

"What on earth did the Mother of Evil God say at that time?!" Melly.

Yan glanced at her a few times——

Didn't he show any surprise at the existence of Hakoba?

It seems that I used my ‘clairvoyance’ to spy on a lot of things before.

Noticing that Hermitus on the side also looked a little anxious, he replied (lamenting in the tone of the Mother of Evil Gods): "There is nothing more beautiful than human beings in the world, so I feel sad, because they The destruction is a fact that will never change—I have seen it!”

The Mother of Evil God finally said these words——

Yes, humanity will be destroyed.

If this continues, it will be destroyed no matter what.

No matter how hard you struggle, destruction is inevitable.

Although the teachings of Zoroastrianism are to encourage evil and promote good.

But the Mother of Evil God has jumped out of the original frame, and she has a deeper love for mankind.

She was supposed to destroy mankind as an evil, and to exhort mankind to do good as a 'natural disaster', but for the first time in history, she violated her inner principles.

Painful and sad for the destruction of mankind...

That was something she didn't have to think about, she just needed to destroy it.

Things like protection and redemption should be done by good people.

For an evil god, if he loves human beings and doesn't want to see them perish, while destroying human beings... the pain he needs to bear will increase exponentially.

The redemption of evil is far heavier than the redemption of good...

Just like the demon king who created the Zero Requiem in a certain world,

As long as he, as the evil in the world, gathers all the hatred and is destroyed...

Then there will be no more hatred in the world, and enemies who originally hated each other can shake hands and make peace because they jointly eliminated the bigger enemy.

What a beautiful world that would be!

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